Chapter Two : The Story Of Meia Pt.1
(rin pov)
I walked down the road to school, thinking about that dream last night.
Wait, not a dream, a message.
I have to find this girl named Meia and she'll help us.
Well, I hope so.
I took a detour off my normal route and walked towards the headmasters office. Maybe Mephisto knows about this Meia.
I walked through the doors and saw Mephisto talking to a green hamster spinning on a wheel.
"And that's why girls generation is better than them!" Mephisto screamed at the hamster.
I stopped in my tracks.
Mephisto looked up to see me at the door and grinned.
"Come in." he said blushing a little.
I walked in an sat down at one of the chairs in front of his desk.
He smiled a werid smile and just went back to playing with the hamster.
"Mephisto, do you know anything about a girl named Meia?"
He froze and dropped his smile.
"Where did you hear that name?"
"Do you know anything about her?"
"Where did you hear that name?"
"I just heard it in a... Dream. "
"She was a person I used to know, a long time ago... " he trailed off looking into space.
I waved my hand in front of his face.
"Hey, Mephisto?"
He snapped back to reality and looked at me grimly.
"She was a seer. A very good seer. I could predict all of time and space when I wanted to but, she saw everything. And that's what made her so dangerous."
"Mephisto, where is she? "
"Dead. She's been dead for at least 100 years."
Why would Yuki and Mom want me to find a dead girl?
"Are you sure? "
"I am positive."
"Could you tell me more about her?"
"You really want to know more?"
"Yes. "
"Alright then, think 100 years ago...."
(Mephisto's pov (100 years ago))
I walked down the old park trail waiting for her. I checked my pocket watch quickly. Still 8 o'clock.
I sat down at the bench in the dated park and sighed.
Is she always late?
Then I heard her.
She walked towards me and sat down beside me.
I looked at her, taking a mental photograph of her in this moment.
She was dressed in a simple white dress that had frills at the bottom. She wore a red pendant and several rings and, of course, that smile.
Her chocolate colored eyes shined in the moonlight and her pale white blonde hair sparkled as it moved.
She looked at me and that smile burst into a grin.
"You're late." I teased.
"You would've waited all night."
"I would've."
She edged closer to me.
"So... When were you going to tell me?" she said.
"Tell you what?"
"That you're a demon."
I jumped back.
I hadn't predicted this.
"I know, you didn't predict this, but... " she said.
"How did you find out?"
"I knew from the moment I met you."
"What? "
"I've been hiding a secret too. "
"What kind of secret?"
"I'm a seer. The mother seer actually."
"The mother seer! "
I had not predicted this in the slightest.
"I know I should've told you from the beginning but, I also thought you should've told me your secret from the very beginning as well."
"If they find out, Meia-"
"They won't, I'll change the future, I'll change all the rules. They won't keep you from me just because of some ignorant people decided you were less than human."
She hugged me.
"To me, you'll always just be you."
I hugged her back.
"You make me feel human." I said.
"Mephisto, do you love me?" she said after the longest silence.
Do I love her?
She's a human, a seer, and to top it off, the mother of seers. She was going to be the leader one day.
But, putting that all aside, do I love her?
"Yes. " I said.
She smiled.
"I love you too."
Then I kissed her.
---4 months later---
I saw Meia run to me smiling that smile of hers and she jumped up and hugged me.
I kissed her on the cheek and she jumped off me and held my hand.
"You know what I would like to do today?" she said.
"What? "
"I want to go see a musical!" she said excitly.
"But there's no musicals in town." I said.
She stopped smiling and sulked a bit.
"Well, we could always go to the lake." I said.
She smiled again and shook her head yes.
"Yes, let's go." she said.
After a short walk to the lake by the park we sat down at the dock and looked at the water.
Now's the time.
"Meia, you know all this time we've spent together has been amazing and -"
"Yes! " she said jumping up and hugging me.
"What? " I said confused.
"You were going to ask for my hand in marriage, I knew it, I just couldn't wait anymore!"
"I should've known, I can't keep anything from you." I said.
I pulled out the ring and put it on her finger and she smiled.
"I love you." she said.
"Me too."
Then time stopped.
(Back to now)
"Wait what happened after that!" rin shouted at Mephisto.
"I really don't want to go on." Mephisto said truthfully.
"Please?" rin said.
"Alright. Then after I had proposed to her, everything was going good for us, until about 2 weeks afterwards..."
(Back to past)
I walked to my room and picked up the box and brought it into the sitting room and handed to her.
"What's this? " she said knowingly.
"You know what it is."
She opened the box and gasped at it.
It was a small purple bracelet with green snakes woven between the purple fabric.
"Mephisto it's even more beautiful than it was in my head. " she said.
"I just thought it would be nice to get my future wife a little something." I said.
"Thank you." she said.
Then the door burst open to reveal three men dressed in ancient seer uniform.
"There she is!" one of the men yelled.
They ran towards her picking her up over one of their shoulders.
I ran towards them and summoned the three great swords of Abarot, throwing them at the men.
They quickly dodged them and one of the men took out a dagger and threw it at me stabbing my wrist.
Pain filled my body and mind.
I screamed and fell down hitting the ground harshly.
"Demon repelling metal." one of the men taunted.
"What are you going to do to her! " I screamed at them.
"Punish her. " one of the men said darkly.
Then I blacked out.
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