Chapter Twenty : The Second Chance That No One Gave
"No! " I screamed as Satan lurched towards them.
I ran towards him and jumped on him holding him down.
"Go away!" I shouted at them.
Dad looked at me with a smile.
"That's Yuki right there." he said.
"You still care about us." izumo said.
"Of course I care you idiots! Everything I did was to save you!"
Mom was in tears.
"What?" she said.
I stood up and looked at her.
"I know you don't see me as a daughter but I see you as a mother. All those years ago, you saved me. You're stronger than you think. You made me go on. Thank you. Thank you for saving me in the future."
She hugged me.
I hugged back.
"I love you, Yuki." she said.
"I love you too mom."
Then I broke away and looked at Satan.
I hugged him.
"Are you okay?"
"No. "
I pulled back.
"What is it?"
"You still love them? They hurt you!"
"No they didn't, I hurt them. "
"So different."
He backed away from me.
"I will kill him." dad said from behind me.
"No! " I shouted.
"What are you saying Yuki! That's Satan!"
"That is my grandfather!"
"Yuki he's evil! "
"No he's not!"
"Are you crazy!"
"Yes I am! If I am crazy for believing in second chances, then hell yeah I am!"
"Yuki move! "
"No. "
"Move. "
"No. "
"Move! "
"No. "
"Yuki -"
"Shut up dad! You wanna do what's best for me right? Then stop with your stupid freaking grudge!"
"He killed my real father, my real father was father fujimoto!"
"Well he killed my real father too, if you remember."
He froze.
"He kills you alright! Maybe if you can just put your grudges aside you can stop that from happening and save one girl's childhood! You can be a father to that little girl."
I turned to mom.
"You can be a mother. Teach her how to summon a greenman or read her a stupid kids book to get her to go to sleep."
I laughed.
"Maybe that girl will grow up. Maybe she'll change the world. Maybe, if someone gave her the chance."
"Maybe if someone gave her a second chance, she wouldn't have to do this! " I screamed.
Then Satan ran towards dad.
Dad saw and ran towards him.
I tried.
I tried real hard you know.
But no one wants to give that little girl a second chance.
I remembered her.
So innocent. She doesn't deserve the future she was given.
She deserves more.
I believe in her.
I believe in me.
And I believe in second chances.
I toke one step towards them.
I am Yuki okumura. I can do anything.
I toke a second step.
I kick ass. Got that?
I started running.
I had my future taken from me in one horrible bloody red night.
I was almost there.
I was to young to do anything then but go on.
Now I'm older. I'm older, stronger, and angry. I deserve a second chance!
I deserve a future.
And there is no way in hell that I'm giving up my second chance.
I'm here.
And I hurt. Like alot.
I looked around.
Everyone's faces were in horror.
I looked at me.
A sword is in my chest and fangs are in my back.
"Yuki..." dad and Satan said.
"Stay alive you assholes. You have way too much to do to die yet."
I choked up blood.
I remembered all the good times. The memories.
Everything that meant anything.
I'm dying now?
Man, I forgot to watch doctor who again.
That's a bummer.
Then everything went black.
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