Chapter Three : The Story Of Meia Pt.2
(Mephisto's pov)
When I came to I was still lying down on the floor of my house.
Where's Meia?
Oh no.
I gotta find her.
I focused very hard trying to see if I could locate her but I couldn't.
Must be those damn seers.
Where would they have taken her?
Wait. A seers lodge.
There's only one around here.
The demon hunter group.
They're probably the ones who took her.
I will kill them.
I stood up and ran out the door almost breaking the hinges off.
Just wait , Meia.
--- back to now ---
"What happened!" rin shouted.
Mephisto stared darkly at the ground.
"Why do you even want to know?" Mephisto said.
"It will help me save Yuki!" rin confessed.
"Yuki?" Mephisto said.
"Yes, Yuki. She came to me in my dreams and told me to find a girl named Meia and she'll save her!"
"Rin are you okay? "
"Look, I know it sounds crazy. I sound freaking insane. But you have to believe me. I mean it's not too crazy, if you think about what has happened in the past year or so. Yuki is my daughter and my friend and the only way I can save her from that, limbo or whatever it is, is by firguring out what happened to Meia.
So tell me now." rin said.
Mephisto thought for a second to himself then sighed.
"That little speech of yours made you look even more crazy you know." Mephisto said.
"Yeah, so? "
"One is always considered crazy when one discovers something that others cannot grasp. "
Rin grinned widely.
"So, then I arrived at the seers lodge. I was a little rash back then.... " Mephisto said.
--- back to past ---
I slammed through the door and fell to ground.
Okay now, that might've been a little rash...
I got up and searched around the strange circular room for Meia.
She was in one of the corners crying.
Two men were guarding her and many others were ready to attack me and were about to until-
"Hello." a voice said from behind me.
I turned around to be met with a scythe at my throat.
I looked slowly up to see who it's owner was.
She was middle aged looking with long braided blonde hair and dark black eyes that pierced the soul.
She smiled grimly and tapped the scythe gently against my neck nicking it slightly.
I hissed in pain.
It's the same metal that those men stabbed me with.
Demon repelling.
"I hate you. " the woman said devilishly.
"Why do you hate me? " I said.
"No creature of hell like you deserves my daughter. You've defiled her purity you filthy animal. Now you will both receive the appropriate punishment. "
This woman is her mother?!?
She looked at one of the men and gestured to Meia.
He went over to her and picked her up and dropped her at the woman's feet.
Meia's mother glared at her.
"Such a disappointment. " she said then turned her head to me.
"You two have broken three sacred rules. One, a demon and a seer are enemies, not husband and wife, two, seers mustn't try to change fate, three, seers must never accept death no matter how welcoming. " she said.
Accept death? Meia what did you do?
Meia looked at me sadly.
"I knew what would happen if I did this, I knew that I would die. I accepted my fate and still fought against it. I'm so sorry. " Meia said.
Meia's mother slapped her.
"Don't apologize to him. Apologize to me. I saved you. Your sister will have to be mother seer one day, for it seems you will never be able to accept that postion. Goodbye dear child. "
The woman walked away.
"Mom!" Meia shouted.
"Make it painful. " Meia's mom said happily and pranced away.
The men threw me up against the wall and strapped me down with that awful metal. They did the same to Meia except with regular restraints.
"Meia! " I shouted.
Then one of the men punched me shutting me up.
Meia looked at me and smiled.
How can she be smiling at a time like this?
Then a man stabbed her in the heart.
"Meia... "
Then I could speak no more.
My first reason to live in so long, gone.
I couldn't even say goodbye.
She looked at me and strained out her last words, "This is not the end. This is just the beginning. Until another day, my love. "
Then she was completely gone.
--- back to now ---
Rin stared at the ground.
"I'm so sorry. " he said quietly.
"Don't be. It happened long ago. "
"I just wonder why would Yuki tell me to find a dead girl? "
"Maybe it was a dream? "
"Maybe. But it felt so real... "
There was a long silence then.
Silence to think.
Silence to mourn.
Silence to remember.
It was broken by the sound of an opening door.
Then a girl walked in.
She smiled and looked at the two.
One of them greeted her politely but the other just stared.
"I told you didn't I? Death is just the beginning to a whole different story. " she said.
Mephisto just kept staring.
"Meia? "
"The one an only."
"How? "
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