Chapter Four : Wow.
I landed harshly on the ground somewhere.
Where the hell am I?
I opened my eyes to see I had landed in the middle of a classroom and all the students were stareing at me.
"Umm... Hi?" I said groggily.
I tried to stand up and immediately fell on my but.
I heard a few snickers.
Wow. This is embarrassing.
I looked at my wrist and saw it was bent a little abnormal.
I must have landed on it and broke it.
I touched it gently and hissed.
Aw hell! Ain't touchin it anymore!
Then I looked up to one of the desks and I saw him.
My dad, Rin Okumura. He looks my age in this time.
My mouth hung open and I tried to stand up again and couldn't.
"Okay, could someone help me up! "
I shouted.
"I will."
I turned around to see, wait- is that my uncle Yukio!
"Oh my god! You're alive!" I yelled.
He looked stunned.
"You know me? " he said.
"Of course I know you!" My mouth kept going. "You're my uncle Yukio!"
"Uncle?" he said with an eye twitch.
I tried standing up again and fell on my wrist.
I screamed.
Uncle yukio then ran to me and picked me with one arm letting me limp my way out of the classroom.
He set me down outside and toke some bandages out of his pocket and started wrapping my wrist up.
He looked at me seriously.
"How do you know me?"
"You wouldn't believe me?"
"Really? Go for it."
"I'm from the future and in the future you are my uncle and rin is my dad. "
He looked like he was about to have a heartattack in front of me.
"Calm down!" I said.
"What's your name?"
"Yuki Okumura."
He smiled.
"Well then Yuki, if what you say is true that you can go inside that classroom and tell rin. "
"Okay, it's just... It's been so long."
He frowned.
"What do you mean?"
"I haven't seen you or my dad or my mom or really anyone for eleven years."
Then he was cut off by shouts from in the classroom.
"I'll ask you later. I've got to get back to watching my class."
"You teach!"
"Yes. "
He smiled.
"You do remind me of rin..."
I went inside the classroom with him and immediately the class died down.
"Okay everyone, it's seems we have an unexpected visitor. Please make her feel at home while she's here."
He announced to the class.
Hands shot up all around the classroom.
"Yes, Izumo?"
"Who is she?"
"Why don't you ask her yourself?"
She glared at me.
"Who are you?"
The whole class stared at me.
"My name's Yuki?"
"And what's your last name?"
The whole class suddenly started talking nonstop.
Rin looked like a deer in headlights.
Yukio smashed his chalkboard earaser on the table and everyone jumped but me.
"Class is dismissed early."
Everyone shouted yay! and got their buts out of there except for a select few students who stayed behind.
For some reason they all look familiar...
Yukio sat down in a chair and the students left gathered around.
Dad was the first to talk.
"Okumura!" he yelled.
Yukio sighed. "Can you tell them what you told me outside?"
I told them everything and their mouths were hanging open and collecting flies.
"You're my daughter?" Rin said.
"Yes. "
"Who's your mother?"
"Well mom's first name was shiemi."
Rin started choking.
"Do you know where she is!" I said excitly.
"She's at her home right now."
I moped for a second then realized who these classmates where.
These are my other aunts and uncles.
All of them.
That ritual thing really did work.
"So why did you come here? " izumo said.
I suppressed a sob. This was gonna be hard. I sat down.
"It all started eleven years ago in my time. I was four years old. Everything was going fine until then. "
"What happened?" dad said.
"Red night. "
"What's red night?" yukio asked.
"The night all of you are murdered."
Everyone gasped.
"I was the only survivor."
I felt the tears coming.
"It was horrible. I went to my parents bedroom and my dad was stabbed into the wall with his own sword and my mom was in a corner with a knife in her head. Everyone I had ever loved was dead. All of you. And I couldn't save you!" I shouted, sobbing now.
Then I felt dad hugging me.
"You don't know how long I've waited to see you again."
"It's alright." he said and just let me cry.
I let it all out.
All the pain I had been hiding for years let lose.
And when it was over I felt so much better.
"Thank you."
And then everyone gave me a hug.
I feel so loved right now.
Then everyone broke away and yukio looked at me.
"Did you inherit it? " he said seriously.
"Inherit what? "
"The flames. "
I willed my flames out and made a dress of them around me.
They all looked in awe at them.
"Your control over them is amazing!" dad shouted.
"Well I had a good teacher."
"Who taught you."
"My guardian angel." I said sweetly and exstingusied my flames.
"Who's your guardian angel?"
"My adoptive dad. He's a wolf." I said.
Yukio looked scared.
"A what?"
"A wolf. He's the wolf that saved me when I was younger and raised me."
"What does this wolf look like?"
"He's blue and has my flames."
And then my uncle yukio fainted.
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