Chapter Five : Angry Sushi People
This has nothing to do with the story. I just wanted to tell you all about my other fanfiction I released not too long ago, The Adventures Of Dead Girl And Stupid Boy. It's a naruto fanfiction and I hope you check it out and like it just as much as Blue Wolf!
Love you all! - bluelion2
(Yuki's pov)
I'm eating sushi with my dad at the sushi bar called nopakos.
Dad looks worried.
I look worried.
I guess he would be though, after what I've put him through.
"Dad, do you think it'll ever get better? " I ask.
"What are you talking about? "
"All this crazy stuff that happens. Do you think, one day, it'll stop?"
He thought about it for a while.
"No, it will never get better. Crazy things are always going to happen. People are always going to get hurt. Wars will always be fought. But, think about it, how would you feel if crazy things stopped happening? Wouldn't you get bored after a while? "
"Yeah, I guess so. "
I heard the door chime and saw who came in.
It was mom.
Oh no.
She can't see me.
I duck under the table and hold my breath.
Her feet slowly come over to our table then stop.
She starts talking to dad and puts her little greenman on the ground to explore.
Oh no.
It sees me.
It starts walking towards me, with a smile on its face, looking for a hug.
"No, no, no. Don't come over here. " I whisper.
It keeps walking.
"Please, stop. Stay away. "
It still keeps walking.
Okay, enough of this already.
I send a small flame towards it and set its but on fire.
It runs back over to mom.
I sigh.
Thank goodness.
Then mom pulls up the table cloth.
"Yuki? " she says suprized.
"Hi, mom. What's up? " I said neverously.
"Get out from under there. "
"Okay. "
I slowly inch my way out from the table, bumping into it several times until I make it too my seat.
She sits down next to dad, who pretty much has the same expression on his face as mine.
We're screwed.
"Does anyone care to explain what's going on here? "
"See, what had happened was..." I said.
"Yuki never died. " dad said.
"She did. We buried her in the ground.....there was a tombstone... A funeral... " mom trailed off.
"A funeral! " I yelled.
This is bad.
This is very bad.
Everyone thinks I'm dead.
"She was only in a different realm, waiting for someone to save her. " dad finished.
"Who saved her? " mom said.
"Mephisto's old flame, Meia. "
"Mephisto has an old flame? I thought he was g-"
"That's who that chick was?!?!" I screamed.
Everyone in the sushi bar looked at me.
"Oops. Sorry guys. I'll shut up now. " I said sinking into my seat.
"But she's not dead. " dad said.
"This is alot at once, wow, Umm.... Yuki how are you going to tell this to everyone else? " mom said.
"Well, I was hoping that dad could tell everyone seeing as that I have no idea. "
"Okay, I will. " dad said.
"Thank you so much. You're too kind. " I told dad smiling like an idiot.
"Just stop smiling like that, OK? "
I stopped smiling.
"Okay. " I said and put on a frown.
Dad just sighed.
"You're the one who wanted me back. " I said.
"Come on." mom said.
"Let's go tell the others. "
"Do we have to? " I whined.
"Yes. We have to. " dad said.
"Nooooo! MY LIFE IS OVER!!! "
Everyone in the room looked at me again, this time, with glares that could kill.
"Yeah, we need to go or my life will be literally over. " I said running out of nopakos.
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