Chapter Eleven : A Date, A Demon, A Promise
Dedicated to neko10001!
The next morning I woke up to the most annoying alarm clock in the world.
Kuro singing in my head.
"So wake me up when it's all over, when I'm wiser and I'm older!"
"Kuro shut up! I'm awake!"
I sat up and put my uniform on and headed downstairs.
There I saw saw uncle yukio, dad, and mom.
"Mom! " I gave her a huge hug, nearly suffocating her.
Today she's dressed in the same uniform as me.
"Yuki, today after school, I need you to go to cram school." dad said.
"How? "
He handed me a key.
"Use this to get there, just open any door with it and you'll be there."
"Thanks dad. "
"Also you'll be starting out as an exwire, because of your control over your flames. " uncle yukio said.
"Wouldn't that be harder?" I said twisting my hair around my finger.
"Yes, but I think you can do it."
"Now let's go to school!" mom said.
Mom walked with me all the way to the school doors and then went off.
Then Renzo popped up behind me.
"Hi Yuki!" he screamed in my ear.
I slapped him.
"Ouch! What was that for!"
"For scaring me!"
I relized I was probably blushing red as a tomato right now though and turned back around.
"So Yuki, Umm... You doing anything tonight?"
"No. "
Is he doing what I think he's doing?
"You wanna go on a.... "
"Date? "
"Yeah. "
"Okay. " I said quickly.
He smiled.
"Alright. Pick you up at eight!" then he ran away.
What did I just agree too?
I went to my classroom and sat down at my desk in front of paku.
"Hey, paku."
She looked up from her textbook.
"Hey, Yuki."
I spent the rest of school zoning out.
I really hated school.
I knew I was probably failing every class too.
Most of thoughts today were about Renzo.
I just can't get the gorgeous idiot out of my mind.
I slammed my head down on the desk in the middle of class.
"Ow... "
I heard snickers around the classroom.
I raised my hand.
"Mr. Tochiro, can I be excused?"
"Yes, Yuki."
I ran out of that classroom as fast as my legs would take me.
Once I had made it to the roof of the school, I sighed.
I'm gonna be in so much trouble.
I sat down.
I just had to get out of there.
I heard the tapping noise of shoes on concrete.
I looked up to see it.
A large man with large horns and a spiny tail. He eyes were completely black and his mouth was bleeding black blood.
I stood up and grabbed the sword I always carried around, that Satan had retrieved for me from my dad's house.
I pulled it out of its sheath and ran at the monster striking it in the shoulder.
"Grandchild of Satan come with me..." it said.
How does this thing know who I am!
"Who are you?"
"Call me Midamar, darling."
"I'm not your darling!"
"You will be."
He launched himself at me biting me in the arm.
I slammed my sword at him, this time slicing his neck.
He fell to the ground and I put one foot on his chest holding him down.
"How do you know who I am?"
"The master told me about you. He said you might come willingly."
"Come willingly?"
"To Ghenna. Satan wants you. He knows you're here. "
I stabbed him in the heart.
"Well, he's not gonna get me. "
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