real life
lienna took her suitcase out of the trunk and tipped the cab driver a twenty, matthew grabbed the handle of the luggage and started to carry it up the stairs.
"thanks for letting me stay at your apartment, i really appreciate it" lienna said.
"oh it's really nothing. anything for you, lienna" he smiled down at her.
matt unlocked the door and held it open for her, she pushed it open and took a quick glance around. the room gives away his bachelorhood. he had modern looking prints of the wall and a small photo of his folks on a side table. he never decorated, that's for sure, but then who paints a rental place? lienna certainly never has.
he turns, smiling shyly, not a look she's seen on his face before. lienna can't help but smile back, he just told her all she needs to know. he doesn't bring people back here often, perhaps he isn't a bachelor after all.
"here let me show you the guest room, it's straight across from mine so if you ever need anything don't be afraid to knock." matt said.
he set her luggage by the bed and left her alone in the room. lienna sat on the bed and decided to go through her phone.
8:27 pm
she had too many notifications to read but kept an eye out if there were any from sebastian. oh how she missed him, her hand instinctively went up the the ring on her necklace and took it off from around her neck. a promise ring.
the rain would not let up and sebastian was beginning to get soaked. he waited for lienna outside of the studio, he wanted to surprise her.
he looked up and recognized her bright red umbrella exiting from the side door. sebastian called out her name twice and ran up behind her.
"hey baby" he kissed her quickly and wrapped his arms around her figure.
"seb! you were supposed to be gone another two weeks!" she squealed excitedly. sebastian often surprised lienna, her schedule was always very busy so he found a way to make light of it.
"did you think i would miss our anniversary? nothing could keep me away from you" sebastian smiled down on her. he looked at her like she put the stars in the sky, she really was the love of his life.
sebastian was lienna's soulmate as well, she had never loved someone as much as she does him. he understands, supports, and loves her so much. lienna knew that he was the man she was going to marry.
"i was hoping you would come tonight, but i never know when you arrive. c'mon, let's go home and eat dinner" lienna said as she grabbed his hand and started walking towards her car.
"actually..." sebastian began, " i made us reservations for the restaurant down by the plaza. you know, Javu."
"hey lienna, i'm gonna head out for a couple hours. are you good here by yourself?" matthew popped his head into the room, she nodded and waved goodbye to him.
all this thinking of sebastian can lead to no good. lienna spoke her mind and now she has to stand by it, but a small look at his texts wouldn't do any harm.
Sebastian : lienna can we please talk?
Sebastian : it's not what you think just give me a chance to explain myself
Sebastian : i was jealous of how much time you were spending with liam, i didn't mean to snap at you like that
Sebastian : oh god, please respond to me lienna. i wish we had never gone on that stupid break
lienna turned off her phone and set it on the nightstand beside the bed. she laid her head back on the red sheets and stared up at the wall. she wanted to go to sleep but there was an unsettling quietness that gave her an eerie feeling.
"would you like to take a look at our dessert menu tonight?" the waiter asked. lienna was so full she didn't want anything else so she shook her head.
"could we have the boysenberry cake please?" sebastian answered. she honestly wasn't surprised that he was still hungry, that man had quite an appetite. the waiter took their menus and went off to place the order.
"even though i'm not very hungry i'm still going to have some of the cake since you know boysenberry is my favorite" lienna whispered to him. he gave her a kiss on the cheek while he wrapped his hand around hers. after what seemed like only a couple of seconds the cake had arrived. the waiter placed it between them and gave lienna and big smile, she returned it with a question look.
"wonder what that was about" lienna laughed, she grabbed the fork and immediately dove into the cake. she closed her eyes and took in the sweetness of the boysenberry sauce along with the richness of the chocolate cake.
"i know this your cake but i think i just might it the entire thing" she said.
"no worries, babe, what's mine is yours" sebastian looked at her lovingly, this night was so perfect, she didn't want it to end.
lienna was almost done with the cake when she felt the fork hit something metal, she was very confused and at first she thought it was just the plate. her bewilderment was immense when she lifted the fork up and saw a silver ring in between the prongs. she gasped and dropped the fork on the table, processing the event that had just occurred.
sebastian chuckled and grabbed the ring from the fork, he quickly wiped the chocolate off and bent down onto one knee. lienna brought her hand to her mouth and felt the tears threatening to spill from her eyes. she wasn't sad, she was far from it... lienna could imagine a life with sebastian.
"lienna, ever since i met you i knew that you were the one. from our very first date i had no doubt in my mind where you belong. i love you like you're the last of my kind. it is as if you speak the same language as i, yet no other is able. to be around you is like finally not being alone - as if all my life i've been isolated, in a windowless room, in a doorless room... and then suddenly you walk in as if strolling over a summer meadow. how is that you are so much more than sunshine? how is it you breathe life when no other can? why is it you are my medicine? who could love me more than you? so, my love, know this - while i breathe i am yours in mind, body and soul. lienna, will you make me the happiest person alive and marry me?"
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