Chapter Two-Secrets
Chapter Two
"Loki! You scared me half to death!" I whisper-yell while he holds my close to him by my waist. After I scramble free from his embrace I spin around and look at his confused face. His eyes instantly go to my red cheek while I calm the panic in my chest. "Not right now, Loki."
"Who struck you?" He thunders and that's the pebble that breaks the dam. I bite down hard on my lip as tears start to fall from my eyes. "Oh, darling. Come with me." He beckons and guides me away with an arm around my waist. Loki walks me to another pair of doors, then stops just on the other side once they're closed. "Speak with me, angel. What occurred?"
"An old, abusive ex showed up, okay? I'm fine. I just...I'm done with the party tonight." I tell him and my tears dry as frustration takes the hurt's place. Just glancing into Loki's eyes lets me see his thoughts racing within that complicated head, so I just start walking back to my room.
"May I accompany you?" He asks, catching up with me easily with his long legs. I shrug, rubbing under my eyes and checking my fingers for mascara.
"I won't stop you. I am changing clothes before heading to the kitchen, though." I warn.
"I wouldn't mind tagging along for that." He comments and I shove his shoulder, but there's something comforting about the teasing. It doesn't take long to get to my room and I happily shut the door in Loki's face before heading to my dresser. After washing off the heaps of make-up I have on, I change into sophie shorts and a baggy T. Then, I let my hair down from its prim and proper place. Sighing with relief that I can breathe, I head out and bump right into Loki.
"Fuck, Loki. What-?" I stop when I realize he's holding a tv tray with a plate of grilled cheeses on it, a glass of juice, and a flower.
"I thought perhaps you'd appreciate eating in your room. Your...cheek is swelling." My hand instinctively grazes the injury and I flinch.
"Are you saying I'm to ugly too eat in the kitchen like a normal person?" I ask, stepping aside to let him in. He scoffs, but steps in anyways.
"Ugly is never a word I'd use to describe you." He tells me while I shut the door. When I turn back around he's already set the tray on my bed and is sitting on the end of it.
"Thank you, by the way. This is kind of you." I tell him in a surprised tone.
"I learned from the best, did I not?" He compliments me again and moves forward, laying a hand on my hurt cheek. My eyes shut without thinking about it.
"Mmm. That feels good." I whisper, leaning into his frigid hand. My hand lifts and presses it harder against my cheek, sighing at the pure relief it provides. My eyes open and my mouth turns into a little o when I realize I'm snuggling with Loki's hand. Blushing profusely, I remove my hand from his.
"I'd be happy to hold my hand here whenever you like. Or other places..." He teases and it relieves most of my nerves. Gently, he runs a thumb over my bottom lip, then lets his hand fall. My eyes watch him with confusion.
"Loki, what are you..." I stop when he puts a gentle hand over my mouth, then rescinds it.
"Not now. For now, I am your servant. Do you require anything else?" He asks thoughtfully and I'm too shocked to answer. "Here." He summons an ice pack from thin air and presses it to my cheek, then lays my hand over it. "I'll be outside your door if needed." He tells me and leaves before I can say a word.
"What the absolute fuck?" I murmur and think about going after him. Just then my stomach growls and I relax back on the bed. "Food first." I nod and slowly eat the sandwiches he made, my mind nearly smoking as I think about his recent actions. Loki has never acted like this with me. Lately he's been strangely soft with me, but I thought he was just improving! It couldn't be anything else...right? Once I'm finished, I get up and set the tray at the end of my bed. After that I walk to the door and open it, laughing when I find a cobra waiting for me. "Really, Loki? A cobra?" I question and step back as he slithers in, then transforms back into his charming self.
"I thought it best to deter others. Are you in need of something?" He asks, straightening the lapels of his jacket.
"Loki, I'm not understanding what's going on." I tell him and shut the door for privacy. He nods once with an amused smile on his face.
"Oh, I thought my intentions were fairly obvious. I'm wooing you." I blink in shock.
"You're what-ing me?" I repeat in absolute bewilderment. Loki chuckles slightly.
"Pursuing you, darling. I, want you, to be mine." He explains while gently gesticulating with his hands. I shake my head.
"Loki, I'm flattered. I truly am, but you're my charge. I can't-" He holds up a hand and cuts me off.
"I don't think you understand." Loki tells me and gently backs me up against the metal door, the chill from the door and from his cold body making me shiver. My eyes are affixed to his eyes, occasionally flitting to his lips then back. His eyes, however, search my face with a hunger I've never seen before. It makes me feel like an animal is burrowing in my stomach, wanting out. Loki's hand once again rests on my cheek and lets his thumb graze my lips. "I want you." He whispers, his sweet, cold breath washing over my face dangerously. I can't feel this way with him. "I want your lips moaning my name and when they aren't I want them against mine. I want to learn every curve and plain of your body with my eyes, then my hands, then my tongue. I want to know what your body feels like when it's covered in sweat and rubbing against mine. And..." His blue eyes burn into mine and I find myself unable to turn away, not that I want to. "I want your love, perhaps most of all." Loki finishes in a softer voice and my heart aches at his words. I know Loki the best, perhaps short of Thor. This is huge for him. Still, this can't happen.
"Lo-" I have to clear my throat so I can speak. "Loki, we can't be together. If we started dating, they'd transfer me. They'd assign you another handler and we'd most likely never see one another again." I tell him the facts and his delicate lips turn down a bit at the edges.
"Darling, I'd never allow that. I'd raze half the universe before you were taken from me." He laughs amusedly when my expression turns disapproving. "Most maidens would take that as a compliment, but you are not like most, are you? Perhaps that's why I find you so...enticing." He breathes and my stomach clenches from the desire in his voice.
"That's part of the reason this can't work. Not all relationships work out, so if we didn't and you got angry, the result would be disastrous." I try to continue explaining, but Loki just keeps smiling at me.
"You don't know much about my culture, Midgardian." To his credit, for once he doesn't say Midgardian like it disgusts him. "When an Asgardian falls in love it is forever." My eyes widen at this revelation and confession rolled into one. "I must say, your obliviousness to my feelings have only quickened the emotions growth. You thought my teasing and lingering touches were only the playful ticks of the god of mischief instead of small messages attempting to reveal my love." His other hand lands on my waist and squeezes slightly, nearly making my eyes shut from the simple pleasure. It's been a long time since someone has touched me so tenderly.
"Loki...we can't." I tell him half-heartedly, my voice quiet and weak next to his confident and firm one. Slowly, his hand drops and wraps around my neck, his thumb hovering over my pulse.
"In all your protests, I have never once heard you say no to me. Nor the idea of being mine." Loki observes, but my mind is swimming trying to comprehend all this. He leans in and almost brushes his lips across mine, but stops just short. "I feel your pulse fluttering against your skin, my dear. You desire me, at the very least." He whispers and the words feel good as they press against my skin. "If I can do this to you with just my words, imagine what my hands are capable of...even better; my lips." Loki teases and my eyes shut from the pure desire running through my veins. When I open them and meet his again, I'm close to breaking. Just then, someone pounds on the door and I jump in fright. The sharp movement dislodges Loki's grip and I quickly slip away from him and back a couple feet. Sighing irately, he opens the door to reveal a worried Tony. When he sees me the worry spikes.
"Christ, I just heard what happened. Are you alright?" He walks in and examines my cheek as he speaks quickly.
"I'm fine, Tony. The swelling will be gone by tomorrow." I try to calm him and myself.
"You'll have a nasty bruise though. Sorry, sweetie." He apologizes to which I instantly shake my head.
"Not your fault, Tony. I was just about to head to bed. Talk tomorrow?" I ask rhetorically, Loki's steady gaze still making my heart race.
"Sure. I'm putting in more security measures in tonight anyways. See you tomorrow." He pecks my cheek and sends Loki a pointed look. "You behave too, reindeer games." He teases and walks out, swinging the door shut behind him. Loki and I sigh at the same time, then look up at one another.
"Well then, shall I put you to bed, dear one?" He asks softly, eyes holding a softer flame than earlier.
"You don't need to do that, Loki." I tell him in an equally soft voice, but he marches to my bed anyways. He puts the food tray on the chest at the end of my bed before neatly folding down the corner of my comforter. I pad over and slip under the covers, snuggling deeper after he drapes it over my shoulders.
"Are you comfortable?" He asks and I find I'm nervous with him so close to me in my bed. A nervous laugh falls out of my lips before I answer.
"Well, normally I'm naked, so..." I trail off, blushing all the way to the roots of my hair when I realize what I just said. Loki's eyes shut and he groans quietly.
"I suggest you not tempt me like that, darling." He tells me and my eyes widen when I notice his voice is strained. I had no idea I affected him this way.
"Sorry." I whisper as he sits down on the bed next to me. An affectionate smile appears on his thin lips and it looks good on him.
"Sleep well, my love." He bids me and kisses my head tenderly. I watch him walk out and shut the door behind him. Silence engulfs the room for a few moments before I groan and pull the covers over my head.
"What the hell is happening?" I ask the covers, but when they don't answer I pull them back down. Staying in my comfy spot in bed, I shimmy off my shorts and slip my shirt off as well. After dropping them on the floor, I turn over and shut my eyes. Maybe tomorrow the world will be less topsy-turvy.
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