Chigiri x Reader Oneshot
WARNINGS: None :))
STATUS: Repost from my Tumblr
NOTES: I don't want to make this too long but I have a lot to say! First of all, thank you so so much for 1k reads! This fic that I'm reposting is a very special oneshot to me, this is probably the work I'm most proud of and it would mean so much to me if you enjoy it as much I did writing it. I was saving this fic for something big and I think 1k is a major enough point for me to repost this. I also really want to apologize for not having updated this in a while. I've been trying to balance normal requests with school, extracurriculars, ficmas and my Kirishima fic which is quite a lot on my plate! I'm so sorry I'll try to figure things out and hopefully have more updates for you soon!
𝕃𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝕗𝕠𝕣, 𝕟𝕠, 𝔽𝕣𝕠𝕞 ℕ𝕖𝕩𝕥 𝔻𝕠𝕠𝕣
Your alarm rang and you jolted awake from your sleep. A soft sigh left your mouth as your eyes started to open and you hit your alarm to stop. After a minute or two, you were fully awake and another sigh left your lips.
Drowsily, you got out of bed and forced your legs to walk all the way to the kitchen. Although it was a tiny unit in an apartment complex, sometimes you wished it was smaller because you were the only one living there anyway.
Toast is way more than enough, you thought and slowly made a buttered toast. After you ate, you decided to check your mail. Two letters started to appear as you opened the little compartment they slid your mail into. One was your water bill (which you rolled your eyes at) and the other one was a doctor's note. You checked the address and sure enough, your name wasn't the one written on it.
The mail was for the person that previously lived in that unit. He recently moved out and you moved in soon after, it's only been a few months since you've lived here. He still lived in the same apartment, heck, he was still on the same floor, he just decided to move a few doors over to a much larger unit. You let out a sigh for this happened often. All you had to do was walk a few meters down but it was the opposite direction from the elevator so it started to get a little annoying when it became a daily thing.
You quickly got ready, grabbed his mail and left for work. You walked over a few units and carefully slid it into his mailbox. As you went to work, it came to you that you had never seen him, not even once and suddenly you were so curious. You wanted to see him but at the same time you didn't, it was such a weirdly satisfying moment and a smile formed on your lips.
For many days after that, you'd get mail coming from him as well as your own mail and you'd make sure to drop off all his mail into his mailbox. Slowly, it became a routine for you to check if you had any mail for him.
Most of the mail that comes to you are either flyers, 'thank you's from charities that he's donated to and medical notes most likely regarding scan results. It came to the point where the first thing you would do when you wake up was checking the mail to see if there were any medical notes lying around. When there were some medical notes for him, even if you were still in your pyjamas you would throw on a coat to go put it in his mailbox. Those letters from the hospital worried you so much and you hadn't even seen him once.
Standing right in front of his door, you slowly lifted your hand into a fist. Should I knock? Should I find out what he looks like? You weren't mentally prepared. He could look like anything. You hadn't talked to him once, you didn't even know how old he was. What if he's a geezer in his late 40s? What would I do then?
You shook your head to try to get rid of that thought but failed miserably. You were scared but after all, you still wanted to see him.
A few more days went by and you continued to bring him his mail until Saturday, there was a knock on your door. You quickly yelled "Coming!", changed into something that wasn't your pyjamas and opened the door to reveal a fairly tall man-- lady...? But his physic was very slender and much like a girl. He was gorgeous, you had never seen someone so pretty and his hair flew beautifully in the wind. Even a normal hoodie and sweatpants looked good on him.
"I'm from 1710," he said and but you were still in awe from his beauty. "Um, I'm Chigiri Hyouma, the one that you always drop off the mail...? Sorry, I came to say thank you for that."
"Oh! Chigiri-san!" you said.
"Do you like tea?" he asked carefully.
"Then, this is something very little but.," he said and handed you a box of tea leaves.
"You didn't have to! Your units only a couple of blocks away," you said as you took the tea. "Could I make you some?"
"Would you mind...?"
"Of course not! I'm sorry it's quite cluttered," you said as you shoved some boxes around. You caught him looking at the walls and you smiled a little. "Is this unit nostalgic?"
He snapped out of his thoughts and laughed a little. His laugh was so sweet, it spilled out of his lips with such delicacy and you couldn't help but blush a little. "Yeah, it's a little," you heard him say.
You quickly made some tea and brought the pot over to pour some into two cups. "Here you are," you said and handed him a cup. "I hope I made it right..."
The two of you took a sip and the warmth and flavour of the tea ran through you. "This is so good," you said in surprise. "That must've been super expensive, you didn't have to!"
He laughed again and smiled, "don't worry it's just a little thank you." The two of you continued to talk and talk but it was as if the time had stopped. He had explained how most of his mail got redirected over to his new address but there were some that fly out anyway. By the time you had noticed the time, it was already 1 pm.
"Oh I'm sorry for barging in on a Saturday," he said. "I was only supposed to say thank you."
"No, no, it's not like I had anything to do anyway," you said. Ask him to say for lunch, ask him to stay, ask him to say, you thought to yourself but you didn't have any courage to until he left the unit.
"Um, if you're free, would you like to stay for some lunch?" you asked him and his eyes widened.
"Do you mind if I do?"
Your face brightened as he accepted your offer. "Not at all," you said and he walked back into your unit.
You quickly made some pasta and the two of you even watched a movie while you ate.
"Hey, this is super good," he said and covered his mouth a little as he ate.
"Ahaha, thank you!" you said and the two of you continued to watch.
Late in the afternoon the two of you finally noticed the time and he stood up to leave. "I'm sorry for barging in and staying for so long, I was supposed to say thank you but I ended up ruining your Saturday, didn't I?" he said.
"No, no, I'm sorry for making you stay if anything, you didn't have anything to do today, I hope?"
"Nothing today. Thank you so much for the food it was delicious," he said and opened the door.
"W-will you stop by again?" you asked him and he smiled again.
"If you don't mind, I'd love to," he said and left for the day.
And he did stop by a few days after that. Then another day. And another yet again, until it became somewhat of a routine; dinners were at your place, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays while every weekend was movie night to the point where he picked up his own mail instead. Slowly but surely, you were starting to fall in love with him. Dinners in which he was there had become something special and movies weren't as fun when he wasn't by your side.
He explained the letters from the hospital and about his knee. He decided to become a sports trainer to properly guide players so that they can take care of their bodies. He has weekly checkups just to make sure that he's still okay because he does still play in a small team.
Weeks went by as the two of you continued to spend more time together. One morning, when you checked the mail again, there was a handwritten letter directed to him. From the handwriting on the envelope, it was most likely a girl that had sent him the letter. Wait, it says Chigiri? The thought came upon you as you looked at who the letter was sent from.
Was he married? Why didn't I ask until now? I hadn't even asked if he's in a relationship! Your heart sank and you felt everything in you start to crumble. Tears slipped down your face and your eyes widened but soon you laughed to yourself a little.
"Did I like him that much?" you said to yourself and a knock resounds from your door. Oh no, today's a Sunday, you needed to stop crying first. "C-coming..!" you tried to say like you normally do but the choke in your voice from crying was apparent.
"(L/n)? Are you crying?" he asked from the other side of the door. "Hey, open up."
"No, no I just coughed a little," you tried to hide it.
"(L/n), please open the door," he said and you slowly opened it.
He saw tears running down your face and then the letter you were holding and he blushed a little.
"Hey, were you talking about me just now?" he asked you. You stopped crying for a second and looked at him questioningly.
"Just now...?" you asked.
"'Did I like him that much?'" he repeated you and you blushed.
"Y-you heard me?" you asked surprised.
"S-sorry," he said and turned away from you, the blush still faintly tainting his cheeks.
You looked at him intently for a second and looked down. You gripped the letter you hand a little stronger. 'Yes. I was talking about you.' "Oh, no, no, that was someone else, ahaha..." you said sadly. No. No, no, no. You've got to rethink your morals if you're about to confess to someone that's already married. His eyes widened a little and fell down to the ground.
"Sorry, that was impudent of me," he said sadly and you looked up at him. Your heart sank even more and you quickly handed him the letter.
"Here," you said. "Uh... from your wife,"
"Ahaha, sorry I knew you had confused it for something else, that's just my sister," he said and sighed. "I've told her multiple times that I've moved already."
"Y-your sister??" you said in surprise. "I didn't know that you had a sister!"
"Oh, didn't I tell you already?"
"No!" you said.
"Ahaha, yeah, I don't think I have," he said. "Well, uh, I'll get going for today I guess."
"Wait, you're not going to stay for some breakfast today?" you asked him.
"Er, yeah, I think I'll pass for today," he said a little awkwardly. "See you."
You opened your mouth to say something but no words came out, you could only watch him leave your unit.
I shouldn't have told him that it was someone else! Ugh and am I stupid? That was only his sister! You started to panic a little but you calmed down a bit. It's okay, tomorrow's a Monday. He'll be here for dinner. I'll talk to him then.
The next day, you waited and waited but he never came. Your heart dropped and you didn't understand why. Was he that offended when I mistook his sister as his wife? Or could he have felt bad for coming over for dinner when I said that I liked someone else?
There was so much to worry about for something that seemed so little, but to you, it wasn't little. It meant so much, you couldn't even understand it yourself. You snuck into your bed with a heart filled with worries, you closed your eyes to sleep.
You woke up the next morning a little more positive and believe that he'll be there for sure tomorrow, but yet again he didn't drop by on Wednesday. Your heart continued to ache but by the time you went to bed that night, you gave up a little.
The next day, you found a letter from the hospital and you frowned at it. You picked it up and slowly crept up to his unit and put it in his mailbox ever so carefully so that he wouldn't notice. Quietly, you tip-toed back to your unit and closed the door.
You went through all the other mail that you had gotten; flyers, a letter from the bank, electricity bill (which you sighed at) and another hand written letter. This one was directed to you, your name written in beautiful handwriting but that was the only thing there. No address, nothing on the top left corner to tell you who it was from.
You carefully opened the envelope and started to take out the letter. The touch of the paper felt a little rough against your fingers as you unfolded the letter, a little terrified, but as soon as your eyes widened as soon as they met the page.
10 words.
Only 10 words, but by far the most important 10 words you'd probably see for the rest of your life.
Dear (L/n) (Y/n),
But I love you.
Chigiri Hyouma
You were about to cry but you had no time for that. You should've checked your other mail before you went to drop off his letter. You ran to your table and carefully but very quickly wrote another 10 words.
Then please come over. I have something to tell you.
You ran over to his place and slid it in his mailbox. The letter from the hospital was still there and relief washed over you. You weren't too late.
You had to head off to work but for the whole day you felt restless. You wanted to get home, you wanted to check your mailbox as soon as you could.
As soon as you finished your work you flew out of the office and got to your place faster than you thought was possible. You opened your mailbox and you found a letter with your name handwritten on the envelope. You picked it up and your eyes widened a little. It was heavy, there was something inside the envelope.
You opened it and found a key inside with a little note.
Come visit me this time.
You dropped everything but the key and the note and ran over to his unit. You stood in front of his door for a few good seconds staring at the key and then back at the door again and again.
Finally, you decided that you should knock, since it was your first time. You could hear footsteps that were walking towards the door and your heart thumped like crazy.
"I thought I gave you a key," he said while he opened the door and he blushed a little when he saw the blush on your face. "Uh, come on in, I guess."
He opened the door and motioned for you to come in but you were too restless to do anything. You knew that you should wait but the words you wanted to say for the past few days were about to spill out of your lips. It came out as a loud whisper but you didn't care as long as you got it out of you, as long as he heard you.
"Yes, I was talking about you," and without another word, he dipped down to kiss you. The warmth of the kiss lingered on your lips long after he had removed his. A soft sigh left your lips as you whispered once more, "I love you."
You blushed for a few seconds, then a laugh left your lips but those were soon followed by tears, most likely happy tears, that resulted in some more giggles.
You looked up at Chigiri to-- to see him I guess, you missed him. But when your eyes met his, he had on the softest and sweetest smile you had ever seen. He pulled you into a hug. "I missed you, (Y/n)."
"H-Hyouma!" you said and he smiled even more. The sound of your voice saying his first name was music to his ears.
The two of you talked and ate and watched a movie (while you cuddled this time) but it was... quiet. Neither of you said much of anything but smiles were all the two of you needed. As the sun started to sink you left his unit and told him that you'd come over again soon.
You took a quick shower and snuck into your bed but you were way too happy to sleep, so you got up to write a letter.
Hmm... what should I write?
The pen tapped the page as you thought of what to write.
I saw a cat that reminded me of you today.
You smiled and wrote 'Hyouma' on an envelope to put the letter inside. You slid the letter into his mailbox and you walked back to your place.
You woke up the next day to find a letter in your mailbox.
Hmm... is that a compliment? Oh, are you a cat person?
The two of you simply walk over a few units if you wanted to see the other or had something to say. A lot of the time he'd find you lying down or sleeping on his couch by the time he got home and other times you'd be cooking him a meal.
He had the key to your room as well so you'd find him making some toast for the two of you by the time you woke up from time to time and other times he'd simply come in to check up on you.
And although the two of you lived 3 units away, the letters never stopped. There was something special about waking up one morning to a letter in your mailbox and a message in your mailbox before you sleep.
So every single day you write him a letter, hoping to get a letter for next door.
Sorry! Ignore that, I meant to say from next door.
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