Chapter Two
"Stay?" You reiterated.
"Yeah," Hunk grinned.
"As in, stay here?" You still couldn't wrap your head around the question.
"Where else would we be asking you to stay dear," Coran said with a bit of sarcasm in his voice.
"Why do you want me?" You shrugged.
"We need more help in fighting Zarkon, and based on your files, it seems like you'd be a good asset to our team," Pidge explained.
"What exactly does my file say about me?"
"Nothing, just that you're like, the coolest battle ninja of the twenty-first century!" Lance gawked as he stooped down on a knee next to Pidge.
"He means that you're really good in combat, and could become a really vital part of our team," Shiro groaned as he smacked Lance upside his temple.
"Wait, I think we should reconsider the offer," the princess winced.
"And why would that be?" Keith raised an eyebrow. You crossed your arms as you waited for a reply.
"I-I just mean that-" she cut herself off as she began mumbling.
"So, I guess if it's not a problem with anyone else, the choice is up to you," Hunk offered. "(Y/N), would you like to stay with us, and help us fight?"
"I mean, if it keeps me from running, then yeah, let's do it," you decided. You gave Hunk's hand a strong handshake to make your decision final.
"You know what we should do to celebrate this?" Pidge gave a sly look towards Hunk.
"Food goo," the ends of his lips curved upwards.
"Food goo," she nodded. They both began racing to what you assumed to be the kitchen, and everyone else followed along, except for you and Lance.
"Hey," you said as he walked next to you.
"Hey," he responded.
"So, why exactly did you guys save me, if you don't mind me asking?"
"Why would we save you?" He seemed confused, and almost offended by the question.
"I mean, you could've just left me there, but you didn't. Why'd you do that?"
"Is saying that it's my job, and that it's the right thing to do enough?"
"I feel like there was something more to it than that," you huffed.
"Without getting too deep, not trying to ruin the mood and all, but, you looked horri-" he stopped walking as he quickly paused. "I mean, you don't look horrible, not at all! You're actually pretty gorgeous, not that I have a crush on you or anything, that would just be weird, I was just saying that you looked bad, but look really pretty right now and-" you covered his mouth quickly with your palm.
"I would just stop right there," you laughed at the pure embarrassment he showed.
"Wow, we just barely met, and I'm already embarrassing myself in front of you," he gave a nervous chuckle as he rubbed his neck.
"Don't worry, with me around, I will probably top every one of your embarrassing moments," you shrugged.
"Well, thanks for that," he smiled.
"Can we get back to the original question at hand?" You asked.
"Oh yeah, well, when we came into the cruiser, our main mission was to get out majority of the prisoners, just like what you did, but we came later on. We were getting the aliens out, when we saw what appeared to be a human."
"Are you guys not used to seeing humans in alien prisoners, I thought it would be pretty common," you sarcastically remarked.
"Well, as common as you might think, Shiro and I were pretty suprised by this, so we went to investigate, and saw that you were on the verge of death, so we decided to bring you back, heal you, and that was that. But once we found out you were freaking awesome, that's when we decided to ask you to stay," he was so genuine and kind, there were few genuinely kind people in the world, and he was definitely one of them.
"Well," you took him by suprise by pulling him into a hug. It was slightly awkward seeing that you had to stand on your toes to reach your arms around his shoulders. "Thank you."
"Well, thank you, it's nice having someone see my value," his smile shone bright.
"Guys, hurry up!" Pidge yelled from the kitchen. You look at each other and laughed as you rushed towards the kitchen.
You stepped in with the blue paladin and instantly felt a smile ride upon your face. You'd earned your first friend, one that was a definite keeper.
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