Chapter Eight
"Are you freaking insane!" Pidge yelled. Even the galra were more than slightly confused at his request. "Who willingly gives themselves up to a supreme alien race!"
"Pidge, trust me, I know what I'm doing," he lowered his head.
"Lance, you had your hands grasped around his forearm. "Don't do this, I'm not worth it." He looked towards you with a sparkle in his eye.
"Don't say that, I have a plan, just trust that I know what I'm doing," he lightly slid his thumb across your cheek, both of you holding his sweater with the other hand.
"There's a reason they want me," you whimpered. "It's because-" he pressed his finger over your lip.
"I don't need to know," he smirked. You heard the mischievous laugh of the wretched alien.
"You foolish humans, you believe that your beloved warrior is innocent?" Sendak growled. "She's done nothing but lie to you all since she's been here."
"We don't care what you say, and you need to leave, no one is going anywhere!" Shiro exclaimed.
"If that's what you'd like to believe, that's great, but what I say goes," he suddenly raised his fist like a hammer, and forced it forward. You suddenly saw Lance grab for his neck.
"Lance?" You inhaled, before his body slammed to the floor. You quickly fell to the floor with him. "Lance!" He continued holding onto his throat, gasping for air.
"Stop!" Hunk begged as he fell to the floor to help his best friend. "He doesn't deserve this!" You could hear the crack in his voice.
"Of course he does!" The galra yelled, clenching his fist, clearly causing more force to the paladin's airway. "Only an idiot would surrender themselves for a girl."
"You're black magic won't work, just stop!" You screaming, angry tears began to flow down your cheeks. He rolled his eyes and released his grip. Lance's eyes widened as he gasped, gripping Hunk's arm hard enough to leave a mark. Hunk quickly grabbed Lance, hugging him, and helping him gain his breath.
"You weak fool, I dare call you family?" Sendak smiled. Your eyes widened as your breath quickened.
"Family?" Keith queried as he held his bayard.
"What does he mean (Y/N)?" Shiro huffed as he stepped towards you as you kneeled on the ground.
"Oh, has she not told you all?" The alien groaned. You couldn't hold it back any longer.
"You shut up you dirty-mouthed bafoon!" You screamed as you threw your dagger as close to his heart as you could. It could've been the anger, or passion, or the fact that he had almost killed your newly found best friend, but the dagger you threw was the most accurate throw you'd ever thrown. He groaned as it pierced his skin, causing him to seeth.
"I've given up with you!" He threw his fist and began choking you. You scrambled for air as you fell on all fours on the ground. "She's hidden a secret from you for as long as she's been here!"
"S-scr-rew y-ou" you managed to cough out. Everyone seemed to be frozen, they didn't know whether to help, or listen, or even if they were to breath.
"(Y/N) (L/N), the woman you thought you knew so well, hasn't faced her father in years!" He scanned the paladin's confused faces. You reached for him, knowing you wouldn't get anywhere. "The woman you all thought you knew so well, can't even face her problems!"
"You're telling lies!" Pidge cried.
"Am I, or is she?" He pointed towards your fallen body as you continued to struggle for breath.
"She's hidden her family from you, and she's hidden me, her father."
(A/N: Hey guys! I've been gone for a while with some super bad writers block, so hopefully you guys enjoyed this, I won't be talking anymore breaks soon, so look forward to the weekly updates coming back! Love you all and see you next week!)
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