"Smile a little more. Brie could you - yeah move over a little. Get closer to Nikki. Tilt your head a bit. There ya go."
My eyes sting from the bright camera lights hitting my eyes. We have a WWE photo shoot today.
Like usual, James is our photographer. Nikki and I are comfortable enough with him and we get along just fine.
Today he seems a bit upset with me and I don't blame him. I'm ruining all of the shots. It's not because of him or anything I'm just still very upset over the Nikki thing.
I try to tell myself to get over it but it keeps bugging me. It's like a tiny thorn that keeps stabbing me.
It's just there.
"Brie could you ... okay." He sighs putting his camera down. "Let's just take five. Let them retouch your makeup okay?"
"Is something wrong?" Nikki asks as James starts looking through the photos he's taken.
"Brie, you've been acting weird with me these past few days. Did I do something to upset you?"
My sisters concern only makes me feel regret. How can I take it out on her when it's not even her fault?
It's not her fault Seth laid eyes on her. It's not her fault she's breathtakingly beautiful. It's not her fault she's perfect.
"I'm sorry. It's just ... my period is coming up and it makes my hormones all crazy. Sorry."
Nikki smiles sympathetically. "I know. Periods suck. I understand. I'm glad you're not angry with me."
"No. Why would I?"
She shrugs and a lady calls her over to retouch her makeup. I stand there looking at her walk away.
"Brie is something wrong?" James asks.
Why's everyone asking? Is it that obvious?
"You seem off today. If you keep that up we won't get the photo shoot done."
"I know. Sorry. I'll get my head in the game."
"Okay alright."
He looks at me for a long time and then I start to wonder if I have something on my face. "Is there something on my face?" I ask touching my cheeks.
"No. I'm just admiring your beauty. You're beautiful you know."
"Oh. Thank you."
"Your sister and you are literally almost identical. With the exceptions of a few things of course. Tell me have you ever thought of enlarging your breasts?"
I look down at my plain chest and feel the heat rising to my face. "No." I reply defensively. It's not the first time I've gotten told that.
"No, no, sorry. I didn't mean for it to come out that way. You're gorgeous the way you are and you know it. I'm just saying because you know your sister and you are wrestlers and you're always on tv and stuff. If you did enlarge your breasts you'd look almost the same. It could help with your image."
"Yeah well you see even if I did make my boobs bigger what about my behind? Mine won't ever be as voluptuous as hers not even if I do a million squats." I try to laugh it off but his comment did hurt my feeling.
"I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings." He adds. I shrug and walk to the lady so she can retouch my makeup.
Lately, everyone's been hurting my feelings.
"Why do you think Mark wants to speak with us?" I mumble to Nikki as we wait outside of his office.
Getting called to his office can either be a blessing or a tragedy. We could either be getting a new story line or we might get cut from live events.
It could be so many things and the waiting makes me anxious. "I don't know." Nikki mumbles back as she nervously bites her bottoms lip.
I'm about to say something when Mark opens his door. "Ladies, please come in." He says letting us in.
We take a seat in front of his desk and wait for him to speak. "So as you know your storyline right now consists of you two being against each other. More like Nikki being the heel and you Brie being the face. So we're thinking of expanding this storyline and involving two more people."
Nikki and I look at each other and then back at him. "Who?" Nikki asks. "Well who recently turned on two of his teammates and is known as the WWE Champion?"
"Seth." I breathe. Mark grins, "Correct. He's currently in a rivalry with Roman who is the face in this case. What were thinking about is having Seth and Nikki pair up against Brie and Roman. Nikki is the dominate heel of the divas division and she's the Woman's Champion. Who else could be a better partner? And Brie and Roman are the faces, the ones that are getting stepped on and they're willing to finally step up and fight. We think this would work out perfectly because we don't see a lot of male and female wrestlers pairing up. We think it's a nice plot twist to this storyline."
Nikki glances at me and I know she's hesitate to agree because of the Seth. "You don't have to answer right now but I've already talked to Seth and Roman. They both agreed to do it but the last word is yours. I'll give you until next Monday to give me a response so we can start figuring out when and where we're going to start this."
"Okay. Thanks for thinking of us and for giving us the chance. We will have a response by Monday." Nikki says. I simply nod because I'm still surprised by all of this.
I can't even imagine seeing Nikki and Seth paired up. Even if it's just for a storyline. I don't want to seem selfish because this is a great opportunity for both of us but having them paired up makes me eeky.
After saying bye to Mark we head outside. We stay silent for a few seconds. "So what do you think?"
"Nicole! Brie!" Paige screams. "Hey Paige." Nikki says and I reply by giving her a hug. "Nicole, dude, could you help me with something real quick? You don't mind if I borrow your sister for a few seconds do you?"
"No. Go ahead."
"We'll talk later." Nikki whispers before she's dragged away by Paige.
I start heading the opposite way when I bump into Seth. He stiffens and clears his throat. "H-hey Brie."
I stay quiet and just give him a look. "Hey uh, could I talk to you?"
"I'm pretty busy right now. I have to get my makeup done."
"Oh okay. Well could I talk to you afterwards?"
"Nope. Then I have to get ready for the show."
"After the show."
He keeps staring deeply into my eyes and it intimidates me. "Please." He adds.
I wish he wouldn't have said that and I wish he wouldn't have looked me in the eyes like that. Because now I feel pressured to agree.
He smiles, "Great. I'll see you after. Thank you."
He walks by me and I inhale sharply.
What did I just do?
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