chapter nine
· 愛 ▍˚ ༘♡ 𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄 𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐘 ❪ 009. ❫
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN ELENA'S MOTHER'S HERE?" Lyanna shouted, the Original rushed down the stairs following after Damon and Stefan. "The Bitch that tried to kill you two?" she said with distaste.
She already hates her with every fiber in her body. The nerve at that woman who dared to show up caused havoc to erupt at the Gilbert house. Aunt Jenna finally knows about Isobel being alive. Lyanna couldn't imagine the pain she's going through. Nobody especially gets away from killing her best friends. Damon saw the look on her face, "Now, now, Ari. No need to go all protective mode."
"When it comes to you two I'm always protective." she smiled. Damon smirked and slung his arm around his sisterly figure's shoulder. Lyanna may be older than him but seeing as she's stuck as an eighteen-year-old made him take on the role of being the 'protective brotherly' figure
"I don't know, she just showed up at their front doorstep," Stefan said referring to how Jenna got to meet Alaric's technically 'dead' wife. The trio has no idea why Isobel of all people started showing up in Mystic Falls.
The raven hair Salvatore turned his attention to Stefan. "What's she doing here?" he asked, not liking the thought of Isobel's arrival here in Mystic Falls. Lyanna couldn't blame him. Isobel did try to kill him and his brother. Who knows what she's up too.
"I don't know. That's what I'm gonna go find out." Stefan replied. Lyanna made her way to sneak out of the problem but Stefan quickly grabbed her shoulder, preventing her from making another step. "And Ari over here is coming with me."
Before Lyanna could object, her old friend came to join in on the conversation. Katherine walked into the room wearing a v neck tank top that fits well with her skin tone and some dark skinny jeans. "I don't think you should tell her that I'm here." she said, standing in front of us.
"What why?" Stefan questioned dumbly. Lyanna had to refrain from smacking Stefan upside the head. "It's better if she and John not know that I stayed in town after I got out of the tomb," Katherine said, eyeing the two.
"You're the one in cahoots with them. You made a deal with John that almost got me killed," he said with remembrance. "I did what I had to to get out of the tomb." Kat defended. "Now I'm reconsidering my alliance seeing as lovely Temis is here." Katherine winked, before turning around to walk away. Stefan sighed and gave in, "What do you know?" The vampire Doppelgänger stopped walking.
"I know that I want Kaus dead. Which puts me squarely on the team you." she pointed out. "Besides, if you two ever need me to swap placed with Elena again, the less people know that I'm here. The better." Katherine clasped her hands together and ended her whole 'speech'. "Oh come on think about it, Stefan. Come on. Be smart." Stefan only shook his head and tilted it to the side.
Lyanna decided to step in, "Tell you what. Two uh... call Alaric and let him know that his bitchy two-timing wife is back and just showed up on his girlfriend's doorstep." she said the last part hesitantly. Seeing that the whole situation turned out to be more awkward. "Second thought I'll stay here and make sure this 'baboon' behaves." pointing at Damon and Katherine.
Katherine chuckled at Damon who's rolled his eyes. "I don't need someone to babysit me. She does." he pointed to a smug looking Katherine, busy to pay attention as she stared at her manicured nails.
"Damon you have a mind of a two-year-old who knows what will happen?" she retorted. Stefan snickered at this. Katherine looked at Damon amusingly. "She's not wrong, you know. You're really dense." she coughed to hide her fits of laughter.
The older Petrova looked at Lyanna with fondness. Most people would change after being turned after some time. But she found it hard to believe her 'Tia' was still the same lively girl who tried to make everyone smile. She always managed to make Klaus smile wholeheartedly. Brung the humanity out of him. Looking at her now you can say she did change. She became strong and confident.
"Alright, I'm leaving." he kissed Lyanna' cheek and left.
The two female vampires were hanging out in Lyanna' room, seeing as Katherine pissed off Damon someway. It's no surprise really. Kat always had the gift to 'piss' people off. It's in her nature to rile people up. "Rumor has it that you and Witchy are together," Katherine smirked like a Cheshire cat.
The Heretic rolled her eyes. She couldn't stop the smile that's crept on her face. Bonnie Bennett was her are officially dating. Dating. After the whole heart to heart confession at the Grill yesterday, Caroline and Elena couldn't stop asking questions. Jenna couldn't stop smirking, the older Sommers' knew that she was bisexual of course and eventually found out about her little crush on the Bonnie.
"I've never been in love before Kat, and for the first time in a long time I actually want to live." Katherine looked at her sadly, recalling her days of depression after her family disowned her. She knew this because she decided to stay for a while to help her old friend return back to her old self. She at least owed her that much after she saved her life.
"I want to live a life with her because I am in love with her. I won't let anyone take her away from me. Not even that asshole can stop me." Lyanna spat, yet determination showed in her eyes. Katherine stared at her in awe and smiled proudly at her close friend.
Lyanna was in her room laughing her ass off at what Alaric did "Wait a minute you actually sucker punched that asshole in the face? Ric good for you!" Stefan's name popped on her phone. Must be something important. "Hey Ric I'll call you back." she hung up on Alaric and answered Stefan's call. "Stefan, hey what's going on?"
The Heretic got a chance to meet John once when she came over yesterday. Once his big snotty mouth opened she hated him just as much as she hated Isobel. Elena's biological father is truly the very definition of an asshole.
"John invited Isobel in," Stefan said, Lyanna shot up from her head. "THAT MAN DID WHAT?" she yelled furiously. "I'm coming." In a flash Lyanna was at the Gilbert house, knocking on the door. Elena opened the door and sighed in relief. "Thank god."
The three of them stood across Isobel with John off to the side. "Alright right, what do you know?" Stefan asked with a tone of forcefulness.
A few moments later the Heretic walked in the room with a mug full of coffee. The atmosphere of the room practically felt cold with tension. She could think of a million places that she would rather be right now. The only she thought of was with new girlfriend Bonnie. After all, this is over she'll take her on an actual date. The woman Lyanna saw in front of her was Isobel. Elena's biological mother. "Since I was last here, I've been doing everything possible to find Klaus. We knew our best chance was to find him before he could find you."
Stefan's features placed in confusion. "Best chance at what?" he questioned. John, who was sitting on the table "On keeping Elena safe." Lyanna snorted, keeping her amused chuckles to herself. Elena snapped and turned her head to face John.
"You don't get to talk okay. Not after everything you have done." John sat there silently not saying anything else. Stefan puts his hands on his waist, narrowing his green eyes down at Isobel who sat on the chair. "Were you able to find Klaus?"
"Nobody knows where he is. But there are these rumors that are flying around. That a doppelgänger exists. Which means any vampire that wants to get in favor with Klaus, will be lining up to capture you." John said. His wrinkled eyes landed on Lyanna casually drinking coffee. "Not to mention that the lost Mikealson princess has finally revealed herself back in the supernatural world." Lyanna stared at him wide-eyed.
"Klaus has been wanting you back for the past 500 years. The only person that has equal power to him. Nothing like the Originals. Never killed an innocent human. Except for supernatural creatures and vampire hunters who hurt the people you care about."
Lyanna clenched onto her necklace. One of her mother's necklaces she had growing up. Esther gave it to her. The necklace had magical properties of a powerful cloaking spell. Of course, Lyanna enhanced it more so nobody was able to track down the Heretic. Stefan stared at her worriedly. Elena gasped quietly but said nothing. Of course, she knew that he was hunting her. The man she considered her savior a long time ago when they were human. However, Lyanna was always a step forward before he could capture her.
Elena took ahold of her best friend's arm giving her a reassuring squeeze of comfort. "We're not buying any of this. "The last time that you were here, You made it clear you didn't give a damn about me. Now all of a sudden I'm supposed to believe you want to help?" Lyanna knew she hated Isobel. But she witnessing her this furious made her step back a little.
"Isobel's been helping all along," John said. Lyanna shot him a look of 'shut the fuck up' but ignored it. "Klaus has been obsessed with finding Katherine for centuries. With Lyanna as well. All it would take was any one of those 1864 tomb vampires to spread the word around that Katherine was still alive and it would bring him straight here to Mystic Falls. Where you were bound to be discovered. So we killed them." John finally said.
Lyanna glared at him, "And almost killed my best friends in the process!" John thought for a moment before replying a soft 'yeah'. All she wanted to do was wipe that smirk off his face. Isobel stood up to Elena and her.
'Isabitch' stood up suddenly, "I have a safe house that I can take you both too." Lyanna found it surprising that she would offer her safety. "The deed is in Elena's name. No vampires can get in without your permission. Not even me. Let me help you."
"Excuse me, Isabitch but do you really think I'm going to trust you after you tried to barbeque my best friends," Lyanna shouts, enraged by this dense woman. Elena seemed to agree along with me as her angry brown eyes landed on Isobel.
"You want to help? then get the hell out of my house!"
After the whole Isobel situation, she got a call from Bonnie. The thought of seeing her girlfriend made her heart skip. Damon, Bonnie, and Lyanna walk inside the Martins apartment. Lyanna grimaced at the burns on Luka's face. Pity washed over her completely. They didn't ask for this. They didn't ask for this at all. The Martins just wanted their daughter back. Damon just had to open his big mouth. "Yep. Everyone dead."
Bonnie dragged Lyanna before she could lecture Damon. "We should pack up the grimoires. They spent years collecting them. I want to make sure they're safe." Bonnie added, shooting a look at the eldest Salvatore. Damon leaned over to Bonnie. "You know, we could just get another match and cremate 'em."
"Don't be disrespectful. Not to him." the Bennett witch deadpanned. Lyanna shot Damon a smug look and placed an arm around Bonnie. "Yeah, Damon don't be disrespectful." she defended her girlfriend. "Fine I'll bury him." he grabbed the sheet off the floor to cover the body.
Lyanna looked back at Bonnie to find her looking at all the grimoires in awe. The look on her face made her smile. "So what exactly are we looking for?" she asked. "According to Luka's dad, one of these contains a spell that'll let me harness the energy that's left behind when a witch died violently."
"I didn't know you and father Witch were so close," Damon commented, looking up from the dead; now covered corpse.
"We weren't. But when he gave me my powers back he gave me a message." Bonnie said, picking up the grimoires off the ground and stood up. "If I can find the spot in town where the old Salem witches burned, I can harness their energy to use when I need it." Bonnie trailed off as she looked at the bookshelf.
"Great. We'll have to put that on our list of things to do today. Harness ancient dead witch power." Damon sarcastically said. Lyanna smacked him upside the head making Damon groan. "Be nice." Lyanna scolded. Bonnie turned around from the row of books. "You know where the Witches are burned!" Damon squinted thoughtfully. "Did I forget to mention that?"
"I'm guessing we're not going to read all of these to find the right spell?" Lyanna asked curiously. She looked at the detailed grimoire's pages admiringly. The thousand-year-old Original would never get tired of reading all these grimoires. Magic runs through her veins to the hands of her fingertips.
"Not exactly babe." Bonnie winked. Lyanna cheeks tinted pink. Bonnie stood in front of the bookshelf that's across the room and placed her hands out. She silently whispered a spell causing all the books to fall down except one that opened to show very small detailed writing. "So I'm guessing it's that one?"
"Great. Grab the rest." Damon said, standing up. "Let's go." he grew tired of this place already wanting to leave.
Damon, Lyanna, and Bonnie all trudged through the grass. The girls were both holding hands as they made their way to where the Witches were buried. "Is this the spot where Emily Bennett was killed?" Lyanna asked her best friend.
"The founders found that it was poetic burning her where the other witches burned." he said interested by this whole 'Witchy power stuff' but when it came to saving Elena; of course, this could be the chance to defeat Klaus.
Bonnie decided to speak up next, "How do you know where the witches were burned?" she questioned the older Salvatore. "'Cause I tried to save her." Lyanna rose a brow in confusion, telling him to explain.
"Emily was just my key to getting Katherine back before I knew what a nasty little bitch she was." he spat, recalling what happened in 1864 when he was compelled to love her along with Stefan. It all resulted to turn into the creatures of the night. Lyanna threw her head back and laughed, "That's Katherine alright."
They finally came to the view of a white building. "I'm guessing this is the place." Lyanna sounding a bit doubtful however she noticed magical power radicating. This was definitely the place. "Nevermind," she muttered. Damon said nothing as he walked forward. Bonnie and Lyanna look at each other before catching up with Damon.
The building may look beautiful but when they went inside, the house was dark and messy due to how old the building is. Damon walked around until he's blocked in a barrier. The two Witches looked at him weirdly. He chuckled, "Whatever Witchy prank you're playing. Don't." Lyanna gave a threatening glare. "Don't even think about laying a hand on her."
"I can't move!" he said, trying to get through. All of sudden his face starts burning. "Holy shit Damon!" Lyanna shrieked. Bonnie grimaced at his burned face. "Ah, my rings not working." he hissed in pain. "Do something."
Both Lyanna and Bonnie close their eyes. Damon cries out in pain once more as the girls opened there eyes. "I don't think the Witches like you being here." Bonnie shrugged nonchalantly. Lyanna snickered quietly. "More like they hate him. Yep. Definitely the right place." she said cheerfully.
Damon glared at her placing his hand to his heart. "You wound me, little sister. I'll go wait outside," he said awkwardly, seeing he just got his ass handed to a bunch of 'dead' Witches. Once he was out of sight, Lyanna glanced at Bonnie. "Can you hand me the grimoire?"
Bonnie nodded reassuringly. Lyanna sighed and her tensed shoulders relaxed. "Are you sure about this?" she questioned nervously. The Heretic was worried. Nope, scratch that. Beyond worried to the point where she wanted to drag Bonnie out of the house. Bonnie nodded reassuringly before tilting her head. "Are you worried about me?"
"Of course I am you're my girlfriend." she held her shoulders. Bonnie wrapped her arms around her neck and kissed her passionately. Lyanna responded immediately by holding her waist, pulling her close. The two pulled away from each other, foreheads against each other. "I'm sure."
Lyanna slowly handed her the grimoire and Bonnie stepped forward closing her eyes. Soft whispers are heard across the house. "No way..." Lyanna whispered. "The dead witches," Bonnie said quietly. Lyanna could only understand a few words but not much because of the multiple Witches talking all at different times.
Her thoughts are interrupted with faint footsteps. Bonnie walked in a different direction, leaving Lyanna to cry out her name. "Bon Bon where do you think you're going woman!" she cried out wide-eyed. It took her a minute to realize that her girlfriend wasn't beside her.
They came across a dark room. The voices start to increase. "Bonnie!" she said alarmingly. Fire erupts from the fireplace and the candles around us. Bonnie opened her eyes. "They're ready."
Soft whispers could be heard once more throughout the old house. es photestutem haxente Occidax te Occidax. "Oh god." Bonnie released a sob. It was like she was there seeing where all the Witches were executed and killed. Lyanna walked closer to Bonnie questionably. She knew what was going on but to see her in this state broke her. "Bonnie?
Bonnie let's out a grunt, ignoring her words. Lyanna quickly wrapped her arms around her waist to hold her up. It was her decision to do this. Even though she couldn't interfere because of the Witches, the Heretic held onto her hand reassuring her that she was here. That she isn't leaving her side.
Screams and cries of pain escaped the human Witch still clinging on to Lyanna. The Original attempted to shush her cries as tears brimmed her eyes. All she could do was continue to console her and try to calm her down.
The voices eventually stopped and Bonnie looked up to find her girlfriend staring down at her tearfully. It took a minute to process that she was being carried. Bonnie wrapped her arms around her neck and leaned in her neck.
"It's okay sweetheart, it's over now." Lyanna' hushed in her ear, calming her down.
Bonnie rested her head on Lyanna's shoulder as they walked on the grass. "I know what your thinking," she said quietly. The warning the Witches gave her about harnessing too much power will get her killed. Lyanna understood every word. "Say something." she pleaded
Lyanna' adjusted her coat, and faced Bonnie, "I am worried. Mad maybe but I'll be there to help you take down Klaus. My magic's pretty powerful as well. Just don't die on me okay?" The last thing she needs is her girlfriend to die. "If it's too much I want you to stop."
Bonnie grabbed the collars of her jacket and kissed her deeply, "I won't be dying anytime soon so don't jinx it, Lya." Lyanna brought her closer and the two stood in each other's arms, enjoying the feeling of warmth.
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