Sports festival 2
Passing the holes things was easy but when and I was taking my time people were catching up I sigh "come on got to do this for them" I said after getting across I melt my ice making some people fall "sorry I guess I hope your not hurt" I said quickly before running onto the mine Field voiding the clear holes in the ground soon blonde and broccoli passed me I glare slight "no way am I letting people who I don't even know pass me" I grumble I saw shoto use ice as a path and decide to do the same
But sadly I only got forth place but I guess I did good after all I'm not last and apparently broccoli got first I walked up to him and gave him a high five "good job broccoli" I said happily he nodded "you to tamashi" he said back surprisingly not stuttering
Soon everyone was done and it was time for the second round I stood next to the pinky who was by kiri and uraraka I liked pinky "hey" she turned to me with her honesty kinda baby raccoon eyes she smiled "hey sleepy head" I smiled back at her I think she is one of the nicest in the class plus her vibe is amazing to I wanted to try to talk a little bit more but midnight interrupted us "The second round of the U.A sport festival first-year stage is.." once again the random randomizer popped up behind her then stoped in bold letters
'cavalry battle'
"A cavalry battle waits the top 42 from the qualifier!" The crown gasped at midnights words while I look around 'now I regret not making any friends or remember there names'
"Those at the top will suffer more. You'll hear this many times as you attend U.A this is what plus ultra means! Izuku Midoriya, who placed first in the qualifier, is worth ten million points!" She shouted everybody including me stared at him 'i don't want to be on his team that's for sure' after everyone was done glaring at broccoli midnight talked again
"Now then, I will explain the rules of the cavalry battle. The time limit is fifteen minutes each team is worth the total of its members points and the riders will wear headbands with that number on their foreheads. Teams will try to grab each other headbands until time runs out and try to keep as many points as they can. Stolen headbands must be worn from the neck up the more you steal the harder it will be to manage them! And the most important thing is that even if your head gets stolen or if your team falls your not out!" Midnight yelled then pinky started to talk "one strategy could be to let someone take your points first so you'll be more free" she said "yeah but what happens if you cants get the points back" I said then the frog girl added "it's hard to say without seeing how all the points end up getting split up, Mina " pinky nodded 'OOOHH her name is Mina okay I might still call her pinky tho I like it..' before I could think of my own strategy midnight started to talk AGAIN "during the game, it'll be a cruel fight where you can use your quirks but it is still a cavalry battle. You'll get a red card for attacks that are trying to make people fall on purpose you'll be removed immediately! Now you have fifteen minutes to build your teams start!"
Everybody wanted to be with bakugo but no thank you sir I looked around I hear todoroki already picked his team honestly I wanted to go with some from a different class just out of Curiosity of how it would work out "heyo" I said walking up the the purple hair guy that threatened our class I wasn't there for it but he seemed pretty cool "let's be a team, I call being a horse" I said trying my best to be friendly he glared at me I just smiled "my quirk is ice and fire what's yours and your name" we stood there in quiet for a little bit "monkey man?" I asked out loud as monkey comes walking to us "do you not remember my name tamashi?" He asked I laugh dryly "sorry I just really suck at names.." "shinso." The purple hair male said I noddded and smile apparently his quirk is mind control he didn't say it but I had a idea spirkles tried to not face us at all but end joining our team after shinso said it was a good idea or spirkles had no where to go both work Shinso told me about his strategy
When we got in formation I was in the front while shinso sat on top of us chilling and other joined his name is shoda I honestly don't know what he does President mic started yelling stuff that ended in "Now let's go!!! Counting down to the brutal battle royal!!" He yelled then started to count down starting with three I smirked "go we getting first place or what?" I ask smirking I felt like the other smiled/smirked with me then midnight yelled start
We started running everyone was after broccolis team we ran by Baku-blondie team his head band was ripped off and another kid form class B was talking about how he was a victim and that made me pissed I wasn't a friend of bakugo I only talked to him once but he wasn't a victim he was a Survivor I look up at shinso quickly then I heard about the plan I froze the ground around the blond it wasn't a lot and but it would burn there feet which after a while hopefully would slow them down while Baku-blondie was about to explode I wasn't going to put a lot of ic because I know he will blow off my face if he never found out I tryed to help him soon the finale count down started bakugo finale got his points back and headed to broccoli while we stole a couple more then time was up
President mic yelled the top 4 teams the third being us after he yelled out team shinso said thank you and walked away while everyone else on the team was heavily confused "you good monkey? Sparkles?" I asked looking at my two classmates "I felt like I just got brain washed" he said not even commenting on the nick name she nodded it was finally a break I saw Mina on my way for some food "hey you did amazing pinky" I said she looked a little down "well, bakugo just let me join to use against todoroki ice so I don't know if it reflects my abilities" she said scratching the back of her neck "well we have some more rounds I bet you can show of your quirk then" I said while we walk out of the arena "hey do you want to get something to eat with me?" I ask Mina shrugged "sure tamashi?" She said questioning not knowing if it was my name or not I chuckle "you can stick with random nicknames that's how I remember people" Mina smirked "what's Midoriyas and his friend group?"
"Broccoli,blueberry, uraraka/mushroom" Mina giggled at me "just sounds like your hungry" she said we they continue to walk "well aren't you. I'm also super tired" I complain slightly Mina agreed "I hope they have good food" Mina said as we continue to walk to the cafeteria "I brought my lunch so if the food taste bad you can have some of mine" Mina smiled at me "thanks!"
"Mina! Come eat with us!" The invisible girl said Mina turn to me "you wanna join them?" She asked me I gave her a question look "what do you mean there your friends-" "YEAH TAMASHI IS GOING TO JOIN US TO!" She yelled the invisible girl was by momo and the music person I think her name is jiro "okay!" The girl shouted back "go with them I'm going to get my food" Mina said with a wink I nodded hesitate to talk to the girls
"Hello tamashi good job with getting 3rd place" momo said I smiled at her "yeah, you did amazing you got first place" I said complimenting her back she smiled I turn to the other girls I'm pretty sure they were on the same team "you guys did great to" I smiled trying to be as nice as I can soon Mina caught up to us "hey!"
"Now that lunch is over it's finally time to reveal the last game!But before that there good news for all of you who didn't make it to the finals!!-" President mic continued I look over to uraraka "I hate this." I mumbled while mineta and kaminari gave each other a thumbs up "Mineta! Kmainari! You tricked us, didn't you?!" Momo shouted then fell to the ground I was super mad and embarrassed "why am I always caught up in mineta schemes" momo said sad while uraraka comfort her jiro throw down her Pompoms "those guys are so dumb!" She shouted "well, there's still time before the finals and it be a pain if things got tense. It's fine! Let's do it!" Invisible girl shouted to the rest of us me and jiro looked at each other "WHAT!?" We shouted to the girl frog girl joined to saying "toru, you like this huh?" Then the crown cheered mic explained the finale it was going to be a one on one battle and kiri seemed way to happy about it "I'm going to stand on the stage that I watch every year on TV!" He said happily with stars in his eyes Mina turn to him "was it a tournament last year?" Mina asked I look to kiri thinking he would answer but tape guy did "it's different every year but there a on on one competition every year last year it was a sports Chandra match" he said 'what's a Chandra??' I thought and was about to ask but like normal midnight decided to cut me off
"Now, let's draw lots to determine the bracket. Once the bracket is determined we'll have the recreational games and then start! The sixteen finalists can choose whether or not they want to participate in the recreation I'm sure some of you want to rest or save your strength now I'm the first place-" before she could continue monkey said rises his hand "um! Excuse me. I'm withdrawing" he said every gasp and asked why "I barely remember anything from the cavalry battle until almost the end.. I think it was that guys quirk, I know that this is a great chance and foolish to waste it.."
"Ojiro.." Midoriya said quietly "everyone here competed by giving their all! I can't.. I can't be up there with everyone without knowing what really happened" he hand his hand turned into a fist I frown everyone tried to comfort him but he just put his hand on his face ashamed "I'm talking about my pride here.. I can't.. also why are you guys warring cheerleader outfits?" He asked we all look down defeated then the other guy from our team withdrawal "am I the only one to remember?" I asked I looked around for sparkles but monkey gave me an answer "yes you are." He said I look over to shinso confused "THEY'RE SO MANLY!" Kiri shouted moved to tears
"Don't worry I will go." Sparkles said placing his hand on mine and monkey shoulders I jumped slightly then midnight finally showed the brackets
That's it for today I'll hopefully make some more tomorrow or the next day
Who do you guys want haruhi to fight?
{also I'm in a rush so I'll spell check later sorry guys}
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