•Run Away•
A girl that looks around the age of five stare at a glass door it was dark out only lit up by the stars and street lights her dark blue eyes duly stared at the stars and touched a rather large burn mark that ran down her face
"onii-chan" She struggle to get the words out her cheeks turn red her eyes puffy as she started to teared up they streamed down her pale skin that was the day she couldn't stay anymore not without him she needed him
"Come on, its time to go to bed."
Her older sister said her voice filled with sorrow looking at the frail girl her eyes going straight to her burn mark
The door cracked and squeaked as she opens it she had a black shirt with a matching skirt with a small but useful book bag she took a deep breath and ran
As fast as humanly possible she just wanted to get away no longer be in the presents of that house of the people inside she just wanted to
"You think she's alive!?"
"OoOoOooO000! You killed her!"
"Shh I don't think she's dead, she my be asleep?"
Her eyes slowly open to three boys looking over her all of them about the same age as her she was about to talk but a salmon colored boy interrupted her
He screamed he the white hair one put his hand over the other mouth to make him shut up
"Shh!- but anyway Hi!"
The one with pink hair that's spiked up Accompanied by chocolate brown eyes The one who screamed looked almost the same but with yellow eyes and salmon hair which looked close to pink
"G-guys I think s-she wants to say something"
"Out with it!"
"Uh well where are we-"
The one with yellow eyes covers her mouth Her eyes widen and she tried to get him off of her but failed the three boys started whispering when they were done they let go of her and the white hair boy with a eye patch on his right eye only showing his blue eye grabbed her hand then smiled at her then the pink hair ones jumped up on a fake pirate ship
"Ok! You have to play with us!"
"It's a order from me,kaoru and my brother hikaru!"
The white hair boy looked over at her with an apologetic look while the other two laugh she was confused but decided to play along They ran around a park playing pirates
"Kami! That's not what happens! Next she gets pushed off the plank!"
Kaoru yelled "It's just a game... what's your name" I say trying to calm down the one with a blue eye went first "my name is shi shikashi but you can call me kami" he said with a sweet smile still holding my hand but She didn't mind "ok kami-kun" I said giving him a smile in return "well I'm hikaru Tamashī call me hikaru" he said with a big grin with his eyes closed "who are you?" kami-kun asked "oh sorry my name is haruhi todoroki"
"Can you answer my other question now?" I ask politely "we saw you outside you looked hurt so we thought we will take you to the park!" hikaru said I shake my head 'that makes sense!' I thought I look around there where giant toys everywhere I guess it was obvious to him that I have never been to a park before "have you ever been to a park before" kami-kun asks "n-no" I say shyly slightly embarrassed "what you never been! Come on" hikaru yelled and grabbed my wrist and started running while kami-kun still holding my hand and kaoru behind us we ran over to a big thing it looked like they were three big seats made of wood "what's this?" It's a swing" hikaru said he sat on one and patted the over showing me to sit by him I walk over and sit by him and kami-kun came and sat by me and started holding my hand again we started slowly swing because I was scared but hikaru went really fast then tired to jump off but just hurt himself we all laughed and talked then kaoru walks up to us who have left to play with monkey bars earlier "our parents are coming" he said his face covers in dirt and bandages "hikaru, kaoru" "shi" two voices called out it was two mom's one had Beautiful pink hair tied up in a bun her golden eyes shined she was wearing a white t shirt with a blue skirt hikaru got off "MOM!" he yelled happily and hugged her the other woman had white hair that was loose and untamed her red eyes looked dangerous yet caring looking she was wearing a black t-shirt with a light blue jacket and ripped jeans she looked more like a teenager then a mother "hi mom" kami-kun said not moving she smiled at him "who's your friend" she ask "I'm haruhi" I say "nice to meet you where are your parents" I blink then frowned "there going to pick me up soon I hope" I said even though I ran away I hope they would care enough I try and find me "if not you could stay at my house right mom" hikaru and kaoru said looking at there mom hopefully "umm..I don't see why not" hikaru's mom said "looks like my kid got game!" kami-kun mom said braggingly as she nudged the other mother arm as they look at me and kami-kun they let out a small laugh I was confused though but laughed along
"Come on hikaru haruhi" I let go of kami-kun "bye kami-kun" I say as I follow hikaru and kaoru
--next day--
I wake up to feel someone pushing me "do you think she dead mom" I heard hikaru I slowly open my eyes to see hikaru "good morning haruhi" a sweet voice said "come on there is food" hikaru grabbed my arm and ran to the kitchen there was food on a little table it was eggs and bacon with mash potatoes and Hashbrowns my eyes widen kauro sat down beside me "go on eat you three" the mom said "me?" I ask "but I normally get the scraps?" I say confused she looked worryingly at me "what kind of family is that! A real family shares a meal and eats together!" hikaru yell mad then he grabbed some food and shoved it in my mouth "eat." he said "hikaru! That's not how you should treat our sister! Be nicer about it!... but come on eat" I felt a happy that I could eat with them real food not the scraps "t-thank you" I say with a mouth full
--after eating--
"Want to go play with shi?" Hikaru asked as we sit outside "yeah" I replied he grab a stick out of nowhere and started walking to shi's house I followed soon we reached a big house that was a cream color like the others in the neighborhood the door was made out of glass I started walking up to the door but hikaru stoped me "nope we go this way" he said and started pulling me to the side of the house "SHI!" he yelled a window opened and a rope came out hikaru smiled and started climbing I look around to check if anybody was there no one was so I started climbing at the top was a room it was a dark purple with a blue bed in the corner the walls were cover with pictures and posters there was also a laptop to "hey shi" I go in "hi hikaru" I look over at kami-kun "hi!" I said "hello" hikaru ran up to the laptop that was placed in the cornered his room on the ground "can we can we" he ask "can we?" I ask kami-kun he turned to me "he wants to Watch a video and yeah let me turn it on" he walked over I take a good look at him he was wearing a oversized black sweater with light blue pants his eye patch was gone it was a beautiful golden eye some of his white hair was pulled up and he had little freckles and hikaru had a normal cat t-shirt with black shorts his pink hair was very spiked unlike kami-kuns soft hair "come on haruhi" hikaru said "coming!" I walk over and set by kami-kun and hikaru on the laptop showed a man "is he a bunny" I ask "NO his all might" hikaru yelled I give him a questioning look and kami-kun covered his mouth "shh my mom might hear you!" Then the door slammed open it was kami-kun mom and what I assumed was his dad had blue eyes and black hair he was wearing a costume it was skin tight it was fully black with green lines on the sides "what is hikaru doing here" the dad said a little mad "umm" kami-kun looked nervous "me and hikaru were walking over here to see if kami-kun wanted to play he said yes but hikaru wanted to come in for a bit so now we're here" I explained hikaru and kami-kun looked at me in of mix of 'are you dumb there going to kill us' and 'good idea!' Looks "but-" hikaru stated but kmai-kun elbowed him knowing he will say something stupid
"hmm do you guys want a Snack before playing" the mom asked smiling at ya "YES" hikaru yelled and ran out leaving me and kami-kun "let's go" he said and grabbed my hand and showed me the way to the kitchen"here" he said handing me a cookie that was chocolate chip I take it "thank you kami-kun" I say biting into the cookie he smiled "hey we're is mine cookie" hikaru asks/yells "umm here" he hands him a cookie after he had our snack we went to the park again we start playing on a seesaw It was only two at a time so we took turns it was hikaru and kami-kuns turn so I sat on the ground watching them then I saw a boy with red and white hair he was my brother " I will be right back" I say as I run over to him"brother, dad" I say happily brother looks at me and looks away putting his finger on his lip showing her to shut up "dad..... brother?" I ask to my self confused "I told you they weren't real family" hikaru said putting his hand on my shoulder "yea..... you will be more happy with us" kami-kun said I weakly smile at them "I-I guess y-y-your right guys" I say a felt a cold year go down my face kami-kun wipe it away though "you shouldn't cry because of them" kami-kun said I shake my head
--two years later-- (haruhi around 10/11ish shi is 11 and hikaru is 13 kauro is 14 in a half)
"kami-kun hikaru look at this" I yell over to them they turn and look at what i was "it's bunny man" i smlie pointing to the tv "you never change" kami-kun said and patted my head a habit he pick up on since he got taller than me I glared at him playfully "quit your romance stuff all might is on tv" me and Kmai-kun blush "hey!-" I tired to yell "wait-" kami said "shhhhh" Hikaru said staring at the tv till it turned off "ok we can go now you lovers" he said even though we are a little to young for at hikaru still teases us we started walking home "hey want to make a detour" I ask pointing at the park they smile "yeah" they both say "this is were we became friends huh"
"yep you guys basically kidnapped me"
"h-hey!" kmai-kun said I just laugh hikaru join in "she right you know" he said laughing a little "and you wouldn't let go of her hand if I remember correctly" kami-kuns face went bright bright red as he blushed "n-no!" Hikaru laugh at his blushing face I walk over to the swings and set in the middle one I look over at Hikaru and kmai-kun fighting I smile at them "I'm so happy I chose them" I smile at myself and look up at the sky.
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