•First Day•
"hurry up. Give it all you've got" he said lazily and impatient the Baku-Blondie starts to stretch his arms he looked pretty pissed off to me
"I wonder how far he'll throw it"
"DIE...!" The ball flew away leaving a smoky trail
"die?" I ask "angst teen much.." I mumbled but uraraka laughed at my ''joke'' she nodded apparently agreeing with me
"know your own maximum first. That is the most rational way to form the foundation of a hero." He lifted up his phone to show
"750 meters? Seriously?" The guy with yellow hair asked
"what this looks fun!" The pinky said
"we can use our quirk as much as we want!! As expected from the hero course!" The guy with black hair said
"looks fun huh" Aizawa said harshly "you we three years to become a hero will you have an attitude the whole time? All right whoever comes in last place in all eight tests will be judged to have no potential and will be punished with expulsion."
"HUH" the whole Class yelled I look at Uraraka "good luck" I said Cheerfully 'were screwed' I thought but it was the truth
She smiled back "were free to do what we want about the circuit our students welcome to U.A's hero course" he said smiling creepy 'creep homeless man... I think that's going to be my new inside joke with my self..... I really am lonely aren't I?... i wonder what his house looks like? Or dose he live in the sleeping bag' Before I continue my ever so changing train of thought uraraka spoke
"Last place will be expelled? But it's the first day of school! No, even if it wasn't the first day of school,this is too unfair" Uraraka said "unfair" I muttered I don't know why but it left a sour taste in my mouth 'life is unfair you will just be expelled here but in the real world if your not ready your dead I mean as a hero you fight every day so you could die every day....' I got lost in thought till uraraka poked my shoulder "come on tama-chan" I nodded
~Test 1: 50-meter dash~
~Test 2: Grip strength~
~Test 3: Standing long jump~
Almost over the sand
~Test 4: Repeated side steps~
~Test 5: Ball throw~
~Test 6: Sit-up~
~Test 7: seated toe-touch~
I touched my toes
~Test 8: Long-distance run~
6th place
I look at the scores hoping I wasn't last "10 uraraka...11 Tamashī" 'yes! I can't wait to tell kmai-kun and hikrau' I looked around and Broccoli boy looked hella sad I frown 'he must have came last.'
"By the way I was lying about the being expelled it was rational deception to draw oit the upper limits of your quirks."
"WHAT?!" we all yell including me but I couldn't help it "of course that was a lie it should've been obvious if you just thought it through"
'I didn't notice' but it was a good trick to make people try there best'
"that was a little nerve-wracking, huh?"
"I'll take up the challenge anytime!" Every one started to talk among them selfs "with that, were done here. There are handouts with the curriculum and such in the classroom so when you get back, look over them" aizawa said 'I wonder if any other classes are going on?' "Hey do. you want to walk to class together Tama-chan?" A familiar voice said "yeah sure uraraka" on the way there we talked about little things like the test and about our quirks and some other stuff I open the door and I grabbed my bag and started walking outside with uraraka "hey! You two! Going to the station wait for me!" Uraraka yelled she grabbed my hand and started running over to the Broccoli and blueberry I didn't care to learn there names plus I would probably forget them "your the gravity girl and" the blueberry looked at me
"I'm Ochaco Uraraka"
"I'm ai Tamashī"
"your tenya lida and you're deku midoriya right?" they Started to talk and I looked around not really wanted to join the conversation 'half and half!' I saw him walk by I take a quick look around 'kmai-kun isn't here soo' I look back at half and half and run to him he gave off a bad vibe and made me uncomfortable but I was to curious "hey" I grabbed his hand "hey!" he turn to me "are you todoroki?" he looked at me his face didn't change
"yes. Why we're you visiting my mother" he said with no emotions.. I guess Curiosity really did kill the cat... I felt hate and cold in his voice "...she was a friend of my mom" I looked back to see his face he wanted answers I could tell 'why did I ask' I walk away from him and bumped into some I look up "holy shit I have never been so happy to see you" I said looking at kami-kun he laughed a little and patted my head "ready to go" I nodded happily
I knocked on the door I stood alone kami had to run to the store for something I frown"hello? Hikrau" no answer I lean against the door I hear two man voices one was hikrau but I didn't know the other
"come on haruhi is here"
"ohh so you haven't told her yet? Hikrau?" he ask mid way in his sentence he voice turn to a girl voice instead of a guys I was confused but I hear foot steps coming closer so I back off as the door opened
"Hi....umm who are you" I ask there was a girl she had dark brown hair tied into two loose pigtails her eyes were a bright yellow she had a green hoodie with light blue shorts
"umm h-hikrau" she called
"yeah Kyūtī....oh hey! haruhi!...come on in" he laughed nervously something was up I walk in and sit on one of the bar chairs 'there definitely boyfriend and girlfriend' I let out a sigh "so how long have you guys been together?" I ask the girl who is named Kyūtī blushed like there was no tomorrow "umm" she looked at hikrau for help but he just smiled like the idiot he is
"for a couple of months I wanted to show her to you guys sooner but she was to shy and she got something for you" he elbowed her "oh! Right here" she reached into her pocket and got out a white squirrel with red eyes and a knife? Plushy "huh sorry sorry so see my quirk is that I can make stuff and transform but I can't Control the stuff I make very well sorry!" She said I take the squirrel "Simon" I said she looked at me funny "Simon?"
"Yep! That's his name anyway what's for dinner hikrau" he smiled "food." I look at him and give him are-you-serious look he just laughed I go over to the table and saw four bowls of soba "now we just got to wait for shi!" hikrau said playfully 'that might be why he is out I doubt hikaru went out plus kami stays the night a lot he basically lives here'
—->Next Day<—-
"I AM COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!!" Bunny man said I let out a little laugh the class started to talk to themselves "I teach Hero Basic Training it's a subject where you train in different ways to learn the basics of being a hero you'll take the most units of this subject let's get right into it this is what we'll do today--" he showed us a card that said BATTLE "Combat training! And to go with that are these-" boxs started to come out of the wall 'what' "-costumes made based on your quit registrations and requests you sent in before school started after you change gather in the ground beta!"
"Yes, sir" we all said I smile as I got my box thingy out and head to the changing rooms
—->time skip<—-
"They say the clothes makes the man, young man and ladies be fully aware from now on you are heroes that great everyone. You all look cool! Now shall we begin"
"oh deku"
"hey Broccoli"
"uraraka! Tamashī"
"that looks cool" uraraka said he blushed 'he looks well unique?' I ask my self "I should've written what I wanted mine ended up being a skintight bodysuit it's Embarrassing" she said kind of shyly I nodded remembering how the track suit was also tight
"the hero course is the best" I hear the perv said as he look at uraraka I kicked him away annoyed 'damn perv' "hey Broccoli boy you look like all might and a bunny combined" I stated looking back at the group he blushed and looked shocked at the same time making me laugh
"Now it's Time for combat training!"
"Sir! This is a battle center from the entrance exam,so will we be conducting urban battles again?"
"No, we're going to move ahead two steps most of the time fighting villains takes place outside but if you look at the total numbers atrocious villains appear indoors at a higher rate imprisonment, hours arrest, backroom deals- in this society filled with heroes truly intelligent villains hide in the shadows! For this class you'll be split into villains and heroes and fight 2-on-2 indoor battles"
"without basic training?" The frog asked
"this is a real battle to understand those basics however the key this time is that there's no robot you can just beat up!"
"How will wins and losses be determined?" Momo asked
"can we beat them up any ways?"
"Will the punishment be expulsion like with Mr. Aizawa?"
"How shall we be split up"
"hey there is a uneven number here" I said "I'll answer all your questions and young Tamashī there can be a group of three, now listen here the situation is that the villains have hidden a nuclear weapon somewhere in their hideout the heroes are trying to dispose of that the heroes need to catch the villains or get the nuclear weapon back in the allotted time the villains need to protect the nuclear weapon for the whole time or catch the heroes.." he lifted up a box teams and opponents will be determined by drawing lots
"team I?" I look around "invisible girl tail guy.. nice" I said as I walk over to them "the first fight will be these guys!" He pulled 'D' out of the villain one and 'A' from the hero side "Team A will be the heroes,and team D will be the villains everyone else head toward the monitor room "Yes sir!" we head for the monitor room but I could shake the feeling someone was watching me when we rech there it still stayed with me "I answered your question now answer mine"
It was half and half "what do you mean I did"
He stared at me it made me visibly uncomfortable 'someone help' i silently begged I didn't want to be here any more
"That's unmanly of you to force someone into something"
Lucky I was saved by a very spiky red head todoroki made a 'tch' sound annoyed I looked back at the bright red head his eyes were a shade of red with a scar above one he had a really cool hero costume to "hey I'm kirishima!" He said with a closed eye smile 'holy shit that's bright-'
"Hi kiri I'm tamashi your hero costume is cool!"
He laughed I guess he was happy I just smile
I was inside the building with my team we were vs todoroki and arm guy which made me think if I had a quirk like the arm dude that could gather info I would stay outside which means todoroki is our only threat I sighed was I look back at my team invisible girl took off her clothes and monkey boy blush I laugh at the odd couple but it was ruined quickly everything froze I looked at my team there feet were stuck I put my hand to the ground making a ice path to them that will hopefully unfreeze them in a little soon the famous todoroki came i glare at me he returned the favor he started walking closer to the weapon I bit my lip I put my hand up in the air he looked at me weirdly my hand shoot out daggers made from flaming ice lucky it caught him off guard I smile proudly then place ice around him soon everyone was free I put more ice around todoroki and a little bit of fire out side of it I turn back to my team "ok let's split up! Most likely todoroki partner in going to come in trying to win or save him ok?" I asked both of them nodded along "ok someone come with me I will go find him and some on stay here" invisible girl said she would stay monkey boy didn't seemed to like that decision but she made it i smile at what I think was her "ok! Good luck let's go" I said taking monkey boy out the door with me
We continue to walk around I found him 'what if I freeze him with my ice that would be easy but it might hurt him.' I sighed I was deep in thought not knowing what to do "tama-" soon the safety tape got wraped around me and somehow got on my eyes I couldn't tell who was winning but I hope it's monkey boy
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