A huge screen popped up there you can see who you were battling i sadly am going to fight ida he had engines in his claves so he could go sonic speed I was lost in thought trying to find ways to beat ida 'I could freeze him.. but maybe he won't be able to get out.. and he just losses I can't do that to him.. right?'
"Tamashi!" I turn around uraraka and Mina were there "who are you guys fighting!?" Mina asked uraraka stayed quiet "I'm fight blueberry" Mina eyes went big "cool! I'm fighting aoyama"
"French guy?" Mina nodded "are you going to play the mini games?" She asked seeing people running around us "nope I'm going to save my strength" I answer "how are you going to fight him?" Mina said wanting to continue to talk with me "I'm think about freezing his engines"
"Wouldn't that just make his engines supper hot! Plus he maybe able to brake the ice" Mina told me trying to help I smirk a little "who knew you were so smart pinky~" I teased Mina pretended to be hurt by my words she put one hand on her heart while the other was on her forehead "ouch! I didn't know you were so mean!" I shrugged "who knows" me and Mina continued to talk till the battles began first up was Midoriya and shinso
Apparently shinso could brain wash people and I was the only one in are group that remembers ... I kinda feel like a protagonists right now... the round started off with President mic announcing both Midoriya and shinso with the rules which were "force your opponent out of bounds or immobilized them! You can also win by making your opponent say, "I give up!""
"Who do you think is going to win"
"Probably deku"
"But can't the General study guy brain wash you?" The class started to talk among themselfs while shinso tried to make conversation with Midoriya something tipped him off he started to run at shinso then stopped..and started to walk to the line "I went through the trouble of warning him too!" Monkey said Standing up he seemed stressed 'is this shinso quirk?' Everyone in our class started to freak I wish I could hear what shinso was saying right now suddenly there was a explosion it was Midoriya quirk he walked away from the out of bound line and stared at shinso
Shinso seemed shocked by it I couldn't hear what he was saying but I know he was trying to make conversation with Midoriya but it didn't work Midoriya ran to him trying to push him out of bounds shinso fought back but in the end Midoriya won everyone cheered for him while some of the pro were saying it crappy to not let shinso in the hero course I look over at out class of course uraraka was happy same with ida, denki had a weird face bakugo probably insulted him again
"YAHOOO! That was kind of a boring first match! But we should praise them both for a bravely fought match! Clap your hands!!" President mic yelled I couldn't hear a thing but Midoriya probably had a protagonist moment with shinso most likely something about how he will be better then him in no time "do you guys know the next match?" I asked kiri replied, "todoroki and sero!" I nodded my head "thanks kiri" I mumbled and went up to use the bathroom 'let's be honest todoroki will totally win he is stronger then most of not all of us here.' I thought I sighed then
I bumped into someone which wouldn't have been bad but it was him "uh hi-"
"Give me a straight answer." My eyes widened' FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK! WHERE IS KIRI WHEN YOU NEED HIM FBSJJSIAJA!!' "Your going to be late you have a match" He didn't move he just glared at me wanted a answer I thought about it.. 'When I was at the park a long ass time ago he didn't tell on me... why do I remember that wasn't I like 5?- anyway if he tells his dad I can just say a excuse .. right? Right.' I looked up at todoroki "okay I'll tell you later but don't be a cocksucker." I said then speed walked away back to Class 1-As seats "hey you almost missed the match!" Mina called I walked to her and sat next to her then processed what just happened 'I just called todoroki.. my brother.. one of the strongest people in 1-A a cocksucker... I don't know if I'm happy or scared..' I shook my head it's probably not that bad.. hopefully
the next fight was about to start like last time president mic interduce them "hes good! but whats that plainness he just cant get rid of?" president mic yelled i cover my mouth trying not to laugh i look over at mina who was doing the same thing now that caused me to laugh "hahah- tamashi shut up" mina said friendly then cover my mouth with her other hand "stop pff- laughing your going to make me laugh!" she whispered yelled at me i took her hand and held it away from my mouth "w-well stop being you or something, your the one making me laugh!"
"how am i making you laugh im doing nothing?"
"i donna maybe its-" i started but the blueberry started to talk first "TAMASHI, MINA PLEASE STOP TALKING ITS DISRESPECTFUL!!!" me and mina both sweat drop at the tall blue man boy "yeah mina stop its disrespectful~" i mumbled joking mina rolled her eyes playfully at me. we both trun back to the battle sero trayed to trap todoroki and did it but todoroki broke through and froze sero but it was almost like a glacier. todoroki clearly won nobody really knew what to say till the crowed started to cheer "dont worry about it", i felt bad for sero he didnt get to show off his quirk at all "rip sero" i said, mina nodded "he didnt get to show or anything"
"hopefully he will get another chance~" i hummed watching todoroki melt the ice "what if we both made it to the finals?" mina asked smiling to her self "even thought your my only friend i wont hold back" i said looking down at her "well either way ill win"
"are you sure about that~?" i asked smirking "super ill totally win!" she yelled i held in a small laugh at the girls hopes "ok i your so sure then how would you beat me?" i said resting my ace on my free hand while looking at her she opens up her mouth to talk then stops her self "WAIT NO! if i tell you my amazing plan then you can block it!"
"you already made a plan? so you want to fight me??"
"i mean yeah, after all your pretty strong why would i not want to?"
"ouch i thought you loved me but your just a fan who wants to fight me"
"haha who said i loved you?" mina asked smiling trying not to turn it into a smirk i pretend it offended me by copying what she did earlier that day i put one hand on my heart "mina, you have wounded me" she held in a giggle "wow are you like this with everyone?" she asked Todoroki was almost done with the ice "only people i like soooo mostly you" i felt a tug on my hand i look over at mina she was having a mini party i looked down at my hand "oh crap sorry" i said letting go of her hand i forgot i was holding it because of earlier i felt the warmth of her hand fade away as the cold air hit my hand "oh i forgot about that i just thought i was holding a cooler or something"
"are my hands really that cold?"
"there hella cold" i was about to say something but the world interrupt me again "SORRY!, for the long wait! the stage was frozen in the seconded match. is finally dry! so on to the next match!" he yelled then told everybody about the new battlers to be honest i was getting bored so i started to zone out "TAMASHI!!"
"huh- what time is it??" i asked rubbing my eyes "its your turn" once i heard that i jumped up i look over to see blueberry gone i take a deep breath "good luck!" mina, mushroom and momo said kiri high fived me "you got this!" he yelled "thanks that was super manly of you" i asnwer back his smiled seemed to get bigger i went over to where im supposed to come out of anxiety creped into every fiber of my being 'shut up body you got this! your a bad bitch!' i thought trying to pump my self up soon they well president mic called us out
"NOW! its time for the fourth match!"
me walk out and into the area lida too i took a another deep breath and did a friendly glare before even telling the crowed who we were they cheered for us which made me feel better "its like hes the epitome of the middle of the pack! from the hero course, its tenya lida!" the crow cheered more for the sonic boy "versus! hyper competitive half n half also from the hero course, ai tamashi!!" he yelled the crowed cheered i sweat dropped 'maybe i was to competitive the last two rounds.. i was just really hyper..'
"well lets start the fourth match!!" president mic yelled lida being lida ran at me first before he came near me i froze the ground sadly because my quirk is the opposite of actually ice and blue fire it just made the ground hot and slippery he almost trip and is clearly slowed down a little i he goes to fast he can fly off the area because of that is was easer to see where he will go
but even with all that lida was still fast and flew to me reaching out his hand as he did i slightly moved just enough to get out of his range i took his arm and pushed him over while he was slightly out o it i froze ice on his engine then slowly all over him he almost broke through but i wasnt going to let him i but more ice on his legs he glared at him then yelled out of no where he broke out of the ice and tired to push me out he grabbed onto my sides i elbow him in the face but it didnt work i was almost at the line "SORRY!" i yelled and then kicked him in the balls his grab on me loosen i jumped out and kicked his back he fell out of bounds
"ouch! with a low blow from tamashi she is the winner!" president mic yelled there was mix feelings in the crowed "sorry, i saw how to win so i took it.." i told lida who was cuddled in a ball holding his parts "i- that was very- f- rude" he stumbled out "i know, i know in the words of kirishima it was super unmanly~ here" i said reaching out my hand for him he took it i slighty smiled worryingly at him and helped him up "by the way later you can punch me in the boob or something.. its kinda like getting kicked in the balls" i said helping him walk to the nurse "i cant do that! do did what you had to! and you won good game!" he yelled doing his weird arm thing again
"With that! we will go to the fifth match!!!" he yelled as soon as me and lida left i stayed with him till he saw the nurse who just gave him ice "dont be a baby" she said i held in a laugh before we made it mina passed us "wish me luck!"
"you dont need it, you'll beat him easily" i asnwer she smiled and high fived me then turned to lida "uh hope you feel better" she said then ran off i looked up at lida and held his arm "can you make us get to our spot super quick?"
"yes but why?"
"i wanna see mina fight after all im going to have to fight her next" lida nodded then started to run with me holding onto him lucky we made it in time but before i went to my spot i went up to kiri "you the manly man of them all im sorry what i did was super unmanly" i said trying to apologize in a Kirishima way he just chuckled at me "it was unmanly of you, but you won good job!" he said smiling brightly showing off his shark like teeth 'everybody needs a emotional support kiri' i thought i nodded at him then went to sit in my spot with momo beside me lucky we got there in time for mina to be interduce
"is there something going to come out of those horns? well? from the hero course, its Mina Ashido!!" he yelled while mina was streching ad the French guys was staring at nothing mina then giggled evilly "my first match is going to be a peace of cake!" everyone thought mina and hoped she would win but the grape yelled at him to tear mina outfit apart it took everything in me not to end him there "FIFTH MATCH START!!" mic yells French guy starts first trying to hit mina with the laser but mina dodged easily and sided around with her acid so he wasnt able to get her soon she got close and knocked him out 'told her she didnt need luck' mina was smiling brightly while French was knocked out
"hey! you did amazing" i said as she came and sat by me "ha i know!" she said crossing her arms happy with her win "i mean i knew you win your mina but that was super fast" and with that mina head got bigger
"for the seventh match! manly and passionate steal vs manly and passionate hardening!!!" sald kiris and the steal guys quirk was the same which made them even more fired up and they started to attack each other leading them both to knock out i look lover at mina she was covering her mouth trying not to laugh at her friend i didnt care as much and started to laugh mina started to laugh along with me as both boys where being carried away
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