Ch.1 Spirits and Demons?
(Hey so new book and ya another strange crossover~ All I can say is... Satan has an adorable son named Rin Okumura who is way to good for anyones heart to handle~ Enjoy)
Priests Nagatomo
Come on Rin don't feel down your dad will be back in no time
B-But it's all my fault!
I shouted as I layed in my bed, face wet with tears running down my face I hugged my pillow and curled up further into myself as I faced away from the door and towards the wall. Dad was brought to the hospital having 3 broken ribs from taking care of my little tantrum at school and I was brought back home… I hurt him. Standing at the doorway of both my and Yukio's room was one of the priests of the monastery with Yukio holding onto his leg, the two trying to make me feel the slightest bit better and come down for dinner.
Priests Nagatomo
Come down to have something to eat soon ok
Were having sukiyaki and… everyone is waiting for you to come down so we can all eat together
Without Dad
Dad will… he'll be back soon he just can't come home yet and I'm sure he's not mad at you, no I'm… I'm sure!
Curling in more after a good 10 more minutes Yukio gave me a small smile before following downstairs leaving me alone in there room as they said they would wait for me. Sitting up and whipping at my face my mind drifted back to the kids in class calling me a monster and how I lashed out at the teacher's and class. Hurting Dad was the worst though. Monster, not human, demon, what's wrong with him, freak, dangerous! Everyone looking at me in fear and annoyance, it isn't my fault! But.......I hurt Shiro, the one person who didn't look at me like everyone else. 3 broken ribs and probably more and it's all because me. If I wasn't like this maybe Yukio wouldn't be bullied so much, if I wasn't like this maybe I'd have friends… no more. I'm not going to burden Dad or Yukio anymore, climbing out of bed and pushing the blankets aside off me I felt dread bubble up inside me but pushed forward and began tying my bedsheets and blankets together then looped it around my beds leg before throwing it out and over the windowsill. Grabbing my school bag I shoved an armful of clothes into my bag, all my saved up money which was $10.25 then put my shoes and socks on along with jacket before looking out the window, the sky was almost pitch black but still had a slight sunset and with all the city lights no stars could be seen at all. The city's lights lit up the streets and as I took a breath before placing my bag over my shoulder and heaving myself down the makeshift rope I tried my best to be silent as to not draw attention from the others or any people on the street then reached the ground letting my feet land on the grass. This is a lot scarier than I thought but… it's for the best, giving a shaky breath before looking around I snuck over to the fence around the monastery then pushed myself through a broken part in the fence. Exiting out to the other side finding myself in the alley feeling like my entire body was sleep walking I felt a small thing brush past my face and soon took notice of a small black floating puff ball with a tail maybe and two wide eyes floating by that I'd never seen before. Reaching forward to touch it it floated out of reach at the last second and began floating away down the dark alley along with a few other of its kind. Giving home one more glance as I could hear everyone laughing from the kitchen window I forced myself forward and gave chase after the strange things running down alley after alley. I don't know why I'm following the little floating things but getting away from home was something I had to do right now. Turning left, right left right right left, each turn barely being able to catch a glimpse of the black thing disappearing behind the next corner I eventually found myself at the edge of the city where a forest spread out and a small dirt path opened up. Seeing the small creature floating down the path I hurried to catch up run over branches and rocks breathing heavily as the path began to get more overrun with nature while passing small stone block looking house. Where are these things even going! Pushing a branch out of the way then yelling in shock as a small rock statue around my height stood in front of me covered in moss I stumbled back and feel on my butt.
(The statue and strange building behind it)
This just got kinda cool, creepy but cool, like a secret adventure. Looking to the side a really large red building stood behind the creepy statue and the strange floating black thing seemed to have disappeared. The statue after getting myself up and examining it had two faces, one on each side looking exactly the same while little patches of moss grew all over it. It already being almost dark out and starting to rain to my luck I gave a shiver as I chose to take shelter within the structure, kinda seems like I hit that point in the movie were the main characters life falls apart and it starts to rain. Walking inside a tunnel like hall as to get out of the rain I held my backpack straps tighter, it was dark and scary while the wind seemed to howl from behind me at the entrance. My small white shoes dragged against the ground each step I took echoing through the tunnel and my clothes dripping with small droplets onto the stone ground with each movement forward I held my breath until I finally reaching the inside part of the building. There were a lot of benches for sitting kinda like a small train station, ticket booths were near the walls but they were closed, and the entire place looked old and run down but it was the best I would be getting right now. Going over to a bench in the middle of the room I heaved myself up and took a seat then removed my back and placed it beside me. I should've bought food with me, maybe a toothbrush, my books, how am I going to live on my own and not ruin Yukio and Dads life if I'm always never thinking ahead better. Pulling my knees up to my chest on the bench I buried my face trying to think positive about my new life. I'm going to miss Yukio but he'll do better without always having to worry about me. Dad will focus more on Yukio and maybe help him become super smart so he can become a doctor! And Dad will have more time to do things around the church without me being a pest all the time.......... Yukio can have a room all to himself and have his favorite meal a lot more than sukiyaki. Thinking of food again my stomach began to rumble but I tried to push it away trying not to think of the sukiyaki everyone at home was eating. Things will be better for everyone now and I can take care of myself and not be a bother to anyone else- hearing heavy footsteps stop in front of me I glanced up looking over my knees to see two large legs and tummy along with a red loincloth. Bringing my eyes to look up at the rest of the figure in front of me I froze as I was now staring at a tall creature that had white skin and was naked except for his red loincloth around his front side and a red bowl or hat thing over his green lettuce hair?
(Radish Spirit)
H-He kind of looks like a radish. Eyes drifting away from the huge radish in front of me to take in the rest of the station huge yellow ducks with leafs on there heads and paper face maybe clock people walked around in groups along with scary looking Onis filled the building and the place was bustling with them as they went about purchasing tickets and sitting on benches, the black things the same as the one I followed floated up above in the rafters seemed to all be chattering amongst themselves quietly away from everyone down below. Many other spirits Dad would talk about in myths and things I didn't even know the names of walked, stood, or sat around in the station that was now lit up by light, the ticket booth had a line now and a see through black spirit was handing tickets to other spirits after some kind of money was exchanged between each other, everything was alive and no longer cold and silent like it was when I first got here. Slowly looking to the radish thing in front of me again who was looking down at me I gave a shaky smile. What did this guy want?
Um hi Mr.Radish guy thing?
What even was it? A type of demon or maybe spirit? A slow blink was all I received before he nodded his head then looked to the seat beside me which didn't have much space.
Oh! Ya you can sit I'm not with anyone here or saving any spots
Quickly scooting my butt over and pulling my backpack into my lap the radish creature sat down beside me and we sat in silence as other spirits loaded into the station from the tunnel entrance I first came through. I have to be dreaming right? This can't be real I mean all that stuff Dad was always talking about to people at the monetary about demons and spirits was all just talk right? Glancing back up at the radish man who soon glanced my way I diverted my eyes and stared forward awkwardly till he began to get up then look to me then the ticket booth.
Tickets? Sorry I don't have any
The spirit staring at me for a long time he looked away with a sigh then raised his hand stub towards me. Maybe he's alone here to and wants me to join him on his travel? It's not like I have anywhere set in my mind to go and this place is getting kinda crowded, plus I can't stay in this building forever. Getting up slowly I grabbed his hand then followed the radish walking towards the booth together and waited in line. A lot of the spirits around us in the line seemed to look at me strangely but left me alone as we advanced in line to the front. The radish man let go of my hand as he took off his red hat bowl revealing his green leaf hair along with a change purse atop his head that he grabbed then put his hat back on before giving the transparent spirit ticket worker some weird money then handed me one of the two tickets he bought.
Ah thanks Mr.Radish guy!
Getting a nod before he started walking back over to our seats I quickly followed through the crowd of spirits before taking my seat beside the radish spirit again. Looking up at the spirit I gave a happy smile then began looking around more. Everyone seemed to be chatting and as I listened I could hear small whispers of what they were saying that began to become clearer as I focused but then my brain would hurt and I'd have to stop. I wonder if the radish guy talks? Turning to the spirit that was kind enough to buy me a ticket I gave a smile.
I'm Rin Okumura by the way, thanks for buying me a ticket!
Waiting for him to speak while focusing hardly to possibly hear what he says clearly all I got was him raising his hand and shaking mine before turning back to closing his eyes and waiting for I guess boarding time. Maybe he can't talk or just doesn't like to? Calling them Mr.Radish guy seemed ok with them so I guess that's what I'll call them. Just then a horn went off outside the building and soon everyone was getting up and moving towards a tunnel opposite of the one I entered from and hearing a sigh to my left I turned to see the radish spirits eyes open then slowly get up to which I quickly got up and put my bag on before hold his hand as we began following everyone else into the tunnel. I wonder where we're going? Maybe a new place Dad and Yukio along with myself never had the chance to visit? Maybe we were going on a train or plane? Walking to outside it was almost pitch black out but lights from small village like houses lit the land to the right of us and in the distance to the left, in front of us though after walking a small distance a boat seemed to be docked at a wooden deck with a ramp leading up to it and people all boarding. Oh a boat! Holding the radish spirits hand tightly feeling kinda nervous as I got fidgety we approached someone who looked like the ticket booth worker but was a woman and was taking tickets while ripping off apart of them before handing them back. Looking at us as our turn soon arrived I watched as the radish spirit handed over his dark blue ticket and it was ripped in half before being handed back then the spirit girl looked to me and I scrambled to hand mine over and removed mine from my pocket.
Here you go!
The woman taking my ticket ripped it in half before handing it back and patting my head then we began walking up the ramp and across the boats deck into a small booth passenger cabinet that was empty before we both took a seat. The room had red benches of couches of sorts while the walls were a cream yellow. Our door was slide shut and the boat gave a honk before I could slightly feel it start to move and I gave a sigh. Today is strange and scary and I don't even know what's really happening all around me but I hope everyone at homes doing better without me. And I hope I can find a place where a monster like me won't be harmful or hated for what I am. I also had no idea where we were going but at least Mr.Radish was traveling with me and he was nice. Smiling their way as I swung my legs back and forth while hugging my bag I couldn't help the feeling of both fear and excitement bubbling up inside me, this was a lot like an adventure in a book.
(End of chapter. So that's the beginning of Rins journey into a world unlike anything he's ever seen. This is a Blue Exorcist Rin crossover into Spirited Away and maybe more but the storyline will be kinda wild. I hope you enjoyed and will stick around!)
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