Waking Up Next To Him
My eyes stir open, I squint as a bright light flashes in my eyes. Damn thin curtains. I sit up on my bed, but feel arms around my waist. I look down and see my sleeping boyfriend hugging at my waist. I giggle softly and touch his hair. Sometimes I don't even think he's real, but when he holds me hugs me and holds me in his arms, or just drapes his arms over my shoulder, I know he's there and I know he's real. "Eden, come back to sleep." He pulls me down next to him. "Okay." I kiss his forehead.
Renzo Shima
"Mmmmm." I groan, gosh. I look to my side and see my pinked haired boyfriend sleeping and snoring lightly. Gosh he's so cute, I kiss the top of his head. I sit up and get off the bed *Plop* "Ow... Owwwww." WHY DOES MY BUTT AND BACK HURT SO MUCH!!??..... Wait last night (Flash back) He suddenly shifts himself on top of me "S-S-Shima?" his head goes towards the crook of my neck and traces its way up to my ear "Your just so irresistible right now, I can't take any longer." (End of Flash back) Oh yeah that happened. "Mmm Ughh. Hey Eden, why are you on the floor?" Great Shima's awake.
Rin Okumura
*Kick* *Plop* "Huh." I woke up on the ground..... "RIIIIINNN!!!" "Huh?" He stirs awake, then sees me "WHAT THE HELL RIN YOU KICKED ME OFF!!!" "WELL YOU DON"T HAVE TO YELL!!!" .... *Irk* *Irk* I grab a pillow and start to beat him with it "YOU STUPID, UNGRATEFUL, BED HOGGING, BLANKET STEALING BOYFRIEND!!!" I beat him continuously "EDEN STOP IT YOU'RE OVER REACTING!!!" *Irk* *Irk* "Over reacting huh?" I give him a evil death stare and grabs his wooden sword "I'll show you over reacting." *Que Pic on the side P.S. that's Rin*
Ryuji Suguro
My eyes open and I see Bon below me. Heh he's so cute sometime, but I would tell him that because he said it's "unmanly" to be called cute by his boyfriend, well he calls me cute so I don't get it, maybe I'll teach him about double-standards when he wakes up. I run my hand through his soft hair, yeah he's definitely cute. I kiss his nose and fall back asleep on him. (Bon's PoV) My god I thought he would never go back to sleep, I could still feel the heat on my face rising.
Yukio Okumura
*Shuffle* *Shuffle* *Shuffle* "Ughh." I wake up and look around "Where's Yukio?" I hoarse out "Right here." I look to where the voice was and see Yukio fully dressed for today, blushing I may add. "Yukio are you okay you're a bit red." I tease "I-I'm f-f-fine." Yukio stammers out, he turns his head away avoiding eye contact with me, bad move Yukio. I walk up to him and drape my arms on his taller frame. "Yukio it's not polite talking to some with your head turned." I whisper into his ear, he then takes a mad dash to the door rushing to the academy. My lips form into a smirk "He's gonna get it today leaving me here." *SNORE* I look to where Rin is. Hmmm. ~moments later~ "1, 2, 3!" *SPLASH* "WHO, WHAT, WHEN WHERE, WHY!" Rin jolts up and sees me with a smirk "Grrrr, EEEEEDEENN!!!!" I giggle and run out the door with my bag, ehh I'll just wear Yukio's clothes and my shorts from yesterday.
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