The Meeting
*Drip* *Drop* "ghh" I remove my glasses and rub my eye. I look into the sky... Great it's raining. "Ugh really why now." I whisper to myself. I run to the nearest shelter I could find. An abandoned building, strange, but it'll work for now. I set myself down and lean against the wall, the rain doesn't look like it'll let up anytime soon, maybe I should stay here for awhile then get back. *Shuffle* *Shuffle* I can hear something moving, probably just rats. *CRASH* I jump up, OKAY DEFIANTLY NOT RATS, NOT RATS AT ALL. I see something resembling a monkey... Shit it's a demon, man and the one time I didn't bring my gun. I was getting ready to fight, but then I see a man in green pop out of the dark. Who is he? I lower my guard, bad idea. The man gets in my face and places my arms against the wall with one hand the the other one touching my face. My face heats up at this. "You're cute." and he disappears, there's no sign of the demon either...... what the hell just happened?
Renzo Shima
"Mmmm, Ughhh" I stretch myself out and walk out of the store. Lets see milk? Check, Eggs? Check, Cereal? Check, Trash Bags? Check.(I could go on forever, but nah) Okay everything is in check. Now let head back. I walk back happily to my small apartment, but a sweet scent caught my attention. I look back and my eyes sparkles, ICE CREAM, THANK YOU SWEET JESUS!!! I run up to the stand "Hi!" I gave the man a warm smile. He grinned "Hello there, what flavor?" I scan through and see my sweet, heavenly, lovely ice cream, Cookies and Cream. "That one" I point to the Cookies and Cream, the man smiled and gave me my order and I gave him the money. As I walk and lick my delicious ice cream, I think about school. *Sighhh* I look up in the sky, I'm going to True Cross Academy, but also I'm getting into Cram school. I smile to myself. "WATCH OUT!" huh, I look to where that voice called. *Bonk* A can hit me square in the face and I fall backwards "Ow" I rub my head. "YOU IDIOT WATCH WHERE YOU THROW THINGS!!" I hear a girl yell "Yeah, yeah" I hear this time a guy say. "Are you okay?" I see a guy with pink hair reaching his hand out towards me. I was about to speak, but then I saw my ice cream (Que the gif) "Whaa, H-Hey don't cry." I hear him say, but I don't look up I continue to cry "H-Hey l-l-look I'll buy you another one 'kay?" I look up to see the pink hair guy looking all nervous with his friends behind him trying not to laugh. *sniffle* "Okay" *sniffle* he smiles and buys me a new ice cream "Well I got to go, later oh and sorry about earlier." He runs off to his friends. Such a weirdo, I turn my back and walk to my apartment, when suddenly "WHERE'S MY BAG!!!"
Rin Okumura
"Don't let go Jack" "I'll never let go." They let go, what the heck. American movies are so complicated sometimes. *Sighhh* gosh lunchtime is so boring, there's nothing to do. Well maybe there would be if I made some friends, but everyone here is so... strange or I'm just a weird loner who talks to them self and is obsessed with anime... nah it's them. Let's see, let's see Black Butler? Ugh If only there were sexy demons like that in real life, but nooo they had to be all ugly with their sharp teeth, deformed bodies, and ugly faces. "UGHH STUPID YUKIO!!!" I hear some guy yell "SHHHHHHHH!!!!!" the whole library tells him. "Whatever" he grumbles. He pulls up a seat next to me and slams his head on the desk *irk* great I remember seeing this guy in Cram. I see him pull out different types of books out of his bag. After awhile he lets out a frustrated groan "I don't get this." I glance to see what he was working on.. Math, wow this is like Algebra 1 no wait Pre-Algebra, is he really that dumb? "Hey do you know how to do this?" I look at the guy, guess he saw me peeking. *Sigh* "Yeah I do." He smiles at me and his eyes sparkle "Can you help me?" I gave him a questioning look, but he was still sparkling so I gave in "Fine I'll help." "Yaa Hoo, thanks" he grins, I can't help, but smile too, "No problem."
Ryuji Suguro
*Sip* *Sip* *Sip* The drink is still abit hot, but its fine to drink. The singer here is really good her voice is soft yet loud if that makes any sense. This cafe is really nice and cozy, best part it's really unknown to alot of people so it's quite and you can enjoy the music, everything is just so blissful. I smile and drink my hot chocolate. *Ding* The door opens and some man walks in the Cafe. He has this rough expression on his face, probably something happen to him. A waitress comes up to him and ask him for his order, he looks so confused, this is probably his first time here. I walk to where the man was "Excuse me ma'am he's new here." I tell the lady. "Oh I see, I'm terribly sorry I'll get you a menu." "Oh uhh alright, thank you." The waitress walks off to get a menu. "Uh hey thanks dude." He scratches the back of his head, I stifle a small laugh "No problem, I assumed this was your first time here since I haven't seen you here before." "Yeah it is, I never noticed this place before so I thought I should check it out." I smile, I check the clock I should get going "Sorry the cut the conversation short, but I got go." "No it's alright, it was nice meeting you." I gave him another warm smile "It was nice meeting you too." I exited the building with the blonde man still on my mind, realizing, I didn't get his name.
Yukio Okumura
"AHHHH" A group of girls scream as they run out of the bathroom. "He he Idiots." I walk away from my work planting that mouse in there was the easy part, but getting in was the tricky one, so I just threw the mouse in from a window. ~awhile later~ Ughh I'm bored what shou- Oufff "Hey watch where you're going idiot." I snarled at the people in front of me. "What you said pipsqueak." The man who bumped into me grunts. "I said watch it retard or can you not hear me?" "You lookin for a fight kid?" "Bring it fat ass." He swings a sloppy left hook, honestly no formation at all, it was easy to dodge and I bring my knee to his stomach bringing him down easy. "What the hell?" "Boss you okay?" Their "Boss" yells to them "Don't just stand there GET HIM." The two charge at me, I chuckle a little. As they charge I jump off of the guy's back and I do a spinning back kick to the guy on the left then a butterfly kick to the one next to me. I look back to the the first guy as he trys to get back up, but fails as I deliver an axe kick to the back of his head. Seeing them in pain I let out a huge laugh "You're all pathetic." I walk away snickering. "Now that wasn't very nice was it." I look to the side of me and see a guy with three moles on his face wearing glasses "What's it to you?" "Nothing, just saying it was rude." "Well then maybe they shouldn't have bumped into me in the first place." "Well did violence had be your answer?" Okay he is really getting on my nerves "OI DO WANNA FIGHT TOO?!?!" He laughs, I'm getting REALLY tempted to shove that smirk up his ass. "I'm fine, just talent like that shouldn't be wasted fighting people like him." and he left.... WHAT THE HELL, I'M GOING TO KILL HIM!!!!
Well guys this is the beginning of something I might continuously do, unlike my other stories. And speaking of my other stories I'm sorry for not updating them for the longest of time ;-; forgive me, but I don't know I just lost interest, I don't think I'll continue them unless some burst of inspiration come from me and less school comes along, but other than that I hope you guys enjoy this. Stay crazy and stay weird.
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