A strange school
I had my death note in my bag
I was in a car with L,light,Yagami san,some other task members and miss
Oh and I can't forget ryuk and rem
It was our first day at this so called true cross academy
It's strange when you think about it
A shinigami going to a place called that
I put in my earbuds and listened to the world
"So what class are we going into again"miss questioned
"Your going to some special class I decided to come with you"l said
"L is that really smart kids could find you"I said
"I'll be fine I have a shinigami looking out for me"he smiled
He was like my older brother
Such a man baby
I ate some apples
The car stopped
"We're here "Watari said
We all pilled out
There was a purple haired man waiting for us
"Welcome L sir"he said
"Hello mephesto I hope everything is ready for us to stay and keep the secret of the death gods"he said
"Yes and it is a honor to meet three shinigami"he said looking at me,rem and ryuk
"I'm not really on I'm only half rem and ryuk are the real deal"I said
"But you are powerful enough to kill anyone and anything by writing a name"he said
"Yeah she is"L said
"Alright her are your keys put them in a door and the it will open a portal to get to your class and here for the shinigami watari and l are keys so you can open any one of those portals"he said
Light said by to his father as yagami San left
We walked and got to a judge dorm
"So no one else is here"l asked
"No one but two other kids"he said
"I guess that will have to do"l said
We walked in and saw two other kids fighting
One looked at me and smirked
He slid over like the pathetic womanizer slug it was with socks and leaned on the wall
"Hey there hot stuff"he said
"No"I said turning my head and walking the other way
Ryuk laughed
"Who are they"one guy that looked a lot like the first said holding a apple
Ryuk ran and ate it out of his hand
"AHH!"that guy said
I guess he can't se ryuk or rem can't believe I forgot
Makes sense
I looked to see there names
"Rin and yukio huh"I said
My eyes went back to misty black
I fiddled with the scythe key chain on my bag while mephesto and L talked
L hated it when I used my shinigami eyes seeing that he wants his name to be secret to everyone
The rin guy went closer to me
I slid away
"Hey what's your name"he said
"F*ck off"I said
"Hello F*ck off f-"he said
"Don't even dare finish that sentence "I said
"Hey toots it's not my fault if you have big t-"he said
"That's it"I did going into my bag and taking out my death note
"No Shin!"l said holding my pen back
That was what they called me shirt for shinigami
He lifted it out of my reach
Damn me being short as hell
"On day I will be tall"I said
I put it up
I smirked about to use my scythe but l confiscated it
"DANg It"I said
"No killing I'm not cleaning up your mess"he said
"Fine"I mumbled
L gave me my stuff back
"Rin leave her alone"yukio said
"thanks yukio"I said
"Wait how do you know my name"he asked
"I um lucky guess"I lied
"Hey we should introduce them to the class there in it right?"rin said
"Yes we are"l said
"Well let's go it's about to start"he said
We went
Kamiki Izumo
Shiemi moriyama
Suguro ryūji
Shima Renzō
Kirigakure Shura
Konekomaru Miwa
What a strange bunch
"Strange"L said
"I know some seem stranger than ryuk's yeah"I said
I took my earbuds out
"Hey who are the new hotties"shima said
"Shut it pinky"I said eating a apple
"Wait I know them that's Misa and Kai! There models"Izumo said
"No sh*t Sherlock"I said eating my apple
"Don't be so rude"ryuk said
"Shut up shinigami"I said but it was muffled so no one heard
"Way to de nice"light said
"Hey your one to even if your higher status"ryuk said and I laughed a little
Light straightened his tie
I did the same
"Alright class its time"shura said
"Yes miss shura"I said
"Wait I never told you my name new kid"she said
Dear god humans are dumb
"Uh lucky guess"I said
"But miss shura your a teacher she was probably told"shiemi said
"Thank you shiemi"I said
God thank goodness she wasn't dumb
"Wait how did y-"she said
"I'm just going to say lucky guess"I said
"I will be the next god THE GOD OF THE NEW WORLD "light mumbled
"What"I said
"What"he said quickly
Ryuk sat on some kids desk
Oh for the kids sake good thing he was invisible
{Time skip because learning montages are a little boring to write}
Class was over
"hey hot stuff"rin said
"what do you want"I said
"I was thinking maybe we could go get something"he said
"No and I bet your wallet is more empty than the dorm you live in before we came also I got my paycheck from the task force so I'm getting something for me and my friends and not some guy"I said packing up my things
"Aww come on please"he said
Damn it why can't I just wright down his name
"Miss s?"watari said
"Oh thank god your here watari this guy is so annoying"I said
"L told me to tell you to get along"he said
"Wait WHAT WHY!"I said
"You may be smarter than the majority seeing how your yeah but your also a teenager I'm sure your father wouldn't want you to waste your time being rude make friends"he said
"Alright Fine I'll make other friends other than ryuk and rem to go apple shopping with"I said
"So it's a yes"rin said
"No"I said
"just give him a chance and if you need me just call and I'll knock him out guardian style and you can make some friends that are girls"watari said
He was like my grampa
"Fine gramps"I said
"Yay let's go"he said pulling me to a fountain
"Come on sit Hala "he said
He opened a bento box
So I decided to have my lunch two
Have I every told You shinigami's are good cooks
Well ryuk rocks at a oven
So many sweets!
Funnel cake
Key lime pie
Strawberry shortcake
Lemon loafs two!
He was like Starbucks 2.0
But my favorite was when he made things with
"wow who made that"rin asked
"Oh a good friend of mine named ryuk he is actually really close by"I said
"Awww thanks for the compliment"ryuk said acting flattered
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