Wilted Rose
(Sonic's POV)
My back was killing me painfully and I had to drink blood from my horse without draining him completely. HIs neck sure is strong and thick which won't make him feel weak from the bite. After my back is healed from the blood I drank from the horse, I put a cloth bandage on him so he won't bleed alot.
"Thanks, Achak." I said my horse's name and got on his back as we rode to the field that has other remaining Transylvanian vampires around. My bow is destroyed but I can throw my arrows like a speeding bullet.
"Bite these assholes!" I threw multiple arrows at the vampires without missing.
They all got impaled through their hearts. Some stayed hidden in the shadows from being burned in sunlight but used my sonic bat scream to blow away the bushes and trees for sunlight to touch them.
"Ready for our hometown." Shadow said while wearing a cloak to cover himself from sunlight and threw a ring to get us home.
"Yeah. Amy and my little baby angel are probably worried about me now." I said.
An hour later I arrived at Amy's apartment, I have to keep away that Dracula forcibly fed Dexter his victims, it would shatter her sanity. The ring is proof that she would ask what has happened to him.
I knocked on the door and Amy opened; she gasps at what a mess I am.
"Sonic, what happened?" She asked.
"It's a long story." I came in and explained the whole story for 5 minutes and her reaction was very priceless. I even showed her the marriage ring as proof and handed it to her.
"No, Dracula tortured my Dexter?!" Amy gasps.
"Yes, I had to put him out of his misery." I said sadly, hiding that he was forced into cannibalism.
"He was trying to keep me and Iris safe. That's why he couldn't tell me." Amy sobbed on my chest.
"Relax Amy. There was nothing I could do to save him. I'm so sorry. I didn't want to end him but the torture and misery was killing him inside. I couldn't bear to have him in pain, so I set his soul free." I hugged her.
"It should've been me to save him and Iris, not him." Amy cried hard.
"Don't say that, Amy. He wanted you to live, there was nothing you could do. He knew that Iris needed a mother to watch over her. He told me that he loved you and Iris before he died. Dracula was the cause of this to separate you from him but I killed Dracula to avenge my parents and your husband." I held her close to me to comfort her.
"Oh Sonic!" Amy kept crying.
"Shhh....breathe, Amy." I hushed her softly.
"What am I going to do now?" Amy looked up, her eyes all puffy from the crying.
"Continue being a mother to Iris. She needs you and she also need me as her new father. Dexter would want you to live a good life as a mother, watching Iris grow up." I held her chin up to look at me.
"Sonic, I need you in my life." Amy said, wiping her tears.
"I don't fit in your world but I would be happy to help you raise Iris. Every child needs a mother and a father." I said.
"Oh, thank you Sonic." Amy hugged me.
We heard a loud wail coming from Iris' room, I guess she needs her mother and new daddy to come to her. We went into her bedroom and saw her wailing out loud for attention.
"Iris! Mommy and daddy's here!" Amy picked up Iris.
"Waaaaaaah!! Ehh ehhh eeeeeh!" Iris wailed.
"Shhhh my sweet flower. Look who's here." Amy spoke softly to Iris.
"DADA!" Iris squealed in excitement.
"Yes, come to daddy." I held Iris close to me; she really feels like a daughter to me now.
She chewed on my cloaked cape. "Hehehe.... our sweet angel." I chuckled.
"Heh, you love dada, Iris? Is he a good daddy?" Amy teased her.
Iris turns around and nodded happily. "She's saying yes." I replied.
"You love me as a new daddy?" I teased my little angel.
"Bwa?" Iris tilts her head at what I just said.
"You love dada?" I stroked her quills.
"Me luv you dada." Iris spoke out happily.
"Just as I thought." I chuckled.
"Heh, I told you she would love you as her new daddy." Amy giggled.
"Yeah. And Amy, I've grown to really like you and your daughter." I said.
"You really think so?" Amy asked.
"I know so because you remind me of my mother." I said.
"Thanks. You do remind me of Dexter." Amy said.
"Looks like we have something in common." I chuckled and handed Iris back to her.
"Indeed." Amy then kissed me on the cheek.
"But you gotta know that my vampire side can be a little dangerous when it comes to blood lust. So I gotta watch out for it." I said.
"I'm not even afraid of your vampire side Sonic." Amy said.
"I know but what I mean is my hunger getting into me every time I hunt vampires to feed. Trust me, I don't want my blood lust to change my appetite to mortal blood. It's not easy to control. Hopefully your love and beauty are stronger than my big appetite." I chuckled.
"I sure hope so Sonic" Amy said.
"Dada." Iris reached out to me again.
"Dada has to go." I gave her one more hug.
"Good luck Sonic." Amy waved after I gave Iris back.
"Will you be okay from getting over your husband's death?" I asked her in concern.
"I'll be fine, I need time to grieve for him." Amy said.
"Okay, be strong for Iris. She has his looks." I said.
"I will Sonic." Amy said before I left.
I jumped out the window and landed on the bottom. I hope I find vampires with this device because I feel hungry for the need to feed. They are probably hiding in the woods, I sped there for 3 seconds and called out my horse. He came and I jumped on to hunt the vampires. My bow is destroyed but I still have my mother's dagger. Once I find a vampire to feed from, I'll ask the chief later if he has a new bow for me. Then I spotted two vampire bat mobians from afar.
"Those with wings can't fly away from me." I hit my reins for my horse to gallop.
We ran up a cliff and jumped onto one of the vampire bats and I stabbed her with my dagger. The other I sank my fangs in his neck to feed and as I drained his blood, he stopped moving. Blood still on my teeth and lips but I didn't care because vampires should fear dhampirs like me. And now with their leader deceased they will fear me more, well except Shadow and Silver.
"How dare you kill my pals!" A vampire behind me as I turn around with deadly glowing green eyes to intimidate the vampire.
"Not my fault I have a lust for vampire blood." I chuckled darkly.
"I'm out of here!" He flew away.
I threw my dagger on his back wing to stop him from escaping me. Then I pounced onto him and drained him too. Soon as I was satisfied, I got to the village to get me a new bow.
It took me five minutes with my horse galloping fast like a normal horse; I got off of him and I saw the villagers dancing around the fire camp and singing. Just like the good old times.
"Sonic, welcome back." The chief walked up to me.
"Greetings chief. Seems everyone is celebrating Dracula's demise." I said.
"Yes, the wolf spirits told us about it. And I hear that your father's bow is destroyed." He said.
"Yes and I require a new one." I showed the broken bow.
"I knew this day would come because that bow is over 300 years old. I was going to give you this when you were ready" The chief brought me to his tipi tent.
Inside, he has hundreds of bows made for his students and I like the carved details of animal carvings of the animal spirits.
"You Sonic may be half vampire but you have the wolf spirit like your father." He gave me a new wooden bow carved with a wolf pattern.
"Thanks. It's almost like a replica but with the wolf." I looked at it.
"Yes. And I'm proud that you killed Dracula." The chief said.
"Yeah, that guy was full of shit." I chuckled.
"And evil, nobody likes evil." The chief said.
"Evil never wins." I added.
"That's right. That bow is very special to you, Sonic. Maybe someday you'll be my best student in archery." The chief said.
"I might be." I said while putting the bow at my back.
"You got time for drumsticks and corn?" The chief asked.
"Sure thing." I said.
I joined the others in having some corn and drumsticks, my favorite from this tribe. I never felt this hungry because I was too focused on blood lust, I forgot to eat real food.
"Man, I'm so hungry. You got three more corn cobs?" I asked with my mouthful.
One tribe member handed me some more corn cobs. So good and delicious I need to put meat in my bones. I ate the corn by simply spinning them and also had a few drumsticks before my stomach feels full.
"Mmmmm so satisfying." I patted my belly and I let out a belch.
Then I noticed Shadow and Silver nearby. They were probably wondering what I'm doing right now.
"Hey guys. How are you?" I asked them.
"Great. How's your Rose lady and stepdaughter?" Silver asked.
"Well Amy needed some alone time mourning her husband but I was there to comfort her." I said.
"You sure she'll be alright?" Silver asked again.
"Give her time but I should check on her." I said.
"Good. Because when someone has a loss, they need all the help you can give." Shadow said.
"Just like you guys did the same for me when you told me the truth about my parents' death centuries ago" I said.
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