Chapter 30
"Okay, we really need to stop having late night meetings when we’re all operating on no sleep." Keisha complained, plopping down on the couch as my dad came walking down the stairs, looking at the congregation of high schoolers. After Braylen told us that one of Damian’s nicknames was Junior, Callum made the decision that we were having an emergency meeting and spending the night at my house since, by this point, it was one thirty in the morning after we were questioned by the guards on night shift about Gretchen escaping and had to report to an exhausted Beth.
"What in the-" Dad asked, quickly running over to the kitchen island and grabbing a dirty T-shirt that had a spaghetti stain on it since he usually didn't wear a shirt to bed, even in the middle of winter. I'm just glad that he didn't subject my friend group to his chest.
"Sorry about this Anthony." Beth said, walking into the house, fiery red hair in a messy bun, a black crop top covering her chest and white pants with unicorns on them. She was carrying four duffle bags on her shoulders, one of which (probably the one with a unicorn on it) belonged to her. Even in her half asleep state at one in the morning, Bethany Baxter was always on brand with her superhero alter ego. "After the kids got done with the interrogations, they wanted to have an emergency meeting. I’m staying to help supervise."
"Anna, what-"
"Dad, it’s an emergency." I said quickly, taking off my jacket and throwing it onto the couch.
"How big of an emergency-"
Braylen looked over at Callum and gave him an exhausted look. "I thought we all agreed that we were going to tell the group calmly?"
"I panicked, okay?" Callum said angrily. "He’s the first official guy I dated, and-"
"You don’t think I’m panicking!? Damian is my best friend."
Everyone started yelling at each other, first with Becky yelling at Callum to ask what he meant, then everything descending into chaos, Keisha crying, Trayvon yelling at everyone, Koda barking at the top of his lungs, Erika trying to be a mediator. I stood up on the couch, holding out my hands and letting the excess sparks that kept sparking after my premonition of Calvin fly into the light sockets. Everyone froze, slowly turning towards me as the light show ended. Dad gave me an exhausted look. "Anna, what did I tell you about using your powers after ten?"
"Dad, I didn’t really have a choice if I wanted to get everyone’s attention." I said, sighing heavily. "Now that I do have everyone’s attention, though, let’s talk about this like normal people and not pull an Anne Boleyn, okay?"
Trayvon tilted his head cautiously. "Who’s Anne Boleyn?"
"The second wife out of six of Henry the VIII." Braylen said exhaustedly. "The pope wouldn’t let Henry and Anne get married, so she’s the reason why England broke away from the Catholic Church and formed the Church of England. Eventually, she got accused of cheating on Henry and he gave her two options: either she lives and her daughter forfeits the throne, or she gets beheaded and her daughter gets skyrocketed to next in line despite the fact that he already had a daughter with his first wife. Anne chose the latter, and after Henry died, England got its most famous queen. Queen Elizabeth the First."
"Okay, thanks for the history lesson, but what did Anna mean by that?" Trayvon asked, giving the two of us a confused look.
"In the musical Six, which is about the six wives of Henry the VIII forming a girl band and having a contest about what queen had to deal with the most shit when it came to Henry, Anne’s song is called ‘Don’t Lose Your Head’." I explained, sighing heavily. "Let’s not follow Anne’s example and keep our heads. Let’s talk about this like normal people, okay?"
"Okay." Erika said, looking over at us nervously. "How do you know for sure that it’s Damian?"
"When I got that premonition off of him, I didn’t see him and Callum getting married." I admitted. "I got a premonition of Callum under his boot, saying something, I got kicked out before he could finish the sentence."
"What prompted you to do that?" Becky asked. "I know you've said it before, but as a refresher, please?"
"He told me that he was sorry about Mom."
Trayvon hesitated before speaking. "And?"
"I didn’t tell him about Mom cheating on Dad."
"Sure you di-"
"No, she didn’t." Becky said, taking a deep breath. "When she came to get us, she said that she and her dad were in a truce. She never went into specific details about it."
"Okay… A little suspicious..." Erika admitted. She looked over at Braylen hesitantly, as if already regretting her decision. "Braylen, did you mention it to-"
"No." Braylen said sadly. "It’s Anna’s personal business. I wouldn’t have told him about it unless I had her specific permission."
"Oh, so you actually accept people’s privacy?" Trayvon asked, crossing his arms.
"Yes..." Braylen said hesitantly. "Why?"
"I just thought that you were so focused on keeping your own secrets that wouldn’t even bother trying to keep someone else’s." Trayvon said, almost hatefully glaring at Braylen. "Like, we know why you’re here in America, but we also don’t. We have the vague idea, but not the whole fucking story. What are you not telling us?"
"What more is there to say!?" Braylen asked angrily. "My parents are dead, my brother tried to kill me by holding a gun up to me, and I’m in a country I don’t even bloody recognize because my own brother, the one who I’ve looked up to my entire life, wants to kill me because I have superpowers and he doesn’t. If anyone should resent having powers, it’s me, I get that, but that doesn’t automatically mean that I should be the one people doubt and turn to blame because accusing the foreigner is just offensive and rude."
"Shut up, Anna! He’s known about all of your powers the longest. Who’s to say that he isn’t the spy in all of this!?"
"I’m not the spy!"
"Anna’s premonitions haven’t steered us wrong before." Callum said strongly, staring everyone dead in the eyes. "If she says that Damian is the one who’s going to betray us, then it’s Damian."
"Or maybe she’s covering up for Braylen. They are dating."
"I’m not covering up for anyone." I said strongly. "Gretchen said in the premonition that I got from Keisha’s father that some guy named Junior told them about my powers. Braylen said that Damian’s family calls him Junior because he looks like a miniature version of his father."
Beth shrugged. "I mean, they’re not wrong. I’ve heard some people in their family call Damian Junior before."
"My daughter hasn’t steered you kids wrong before." Dad said from the kitchen island, making a pot of coffee. "I’d trust her if I was you."
Braylen looked over at Trayvon cautiously. "Have I done something to offend you or something?"
"Then why did you immediately jump to the conclusion that I’m the bad guy?"
"I don’t know. Could be because I haven’t been able to sleep for the past five days because my older sister has been doing weapons sales at all early hours of the night. Could be that if Damian is bad, you’re the most likely person to also be bad because he’s your best friend. I’m not entirely sure right now, if I’m being entirely honest."
"Organize your thoughts better next time, okay?" Braylen said exhaustedly. "I am not the bad guy here. F.E.R.R.E.T. and Sewage are. They’re the people who are controlling Keisha’s father and Damian. They’re the people who leaked our personal business. They’re the people who tried to kill Erika. Not me."
"Damian being controlled by F.E.R.R.E.T. would make the fact that his secrets didn’t get spilled make sense." Erika said hesitantly. "But doesn’t that also mean-"
"That he must’ve told F.E.R.R.E.T. about my powers." I said exhaustedly. "I know. Gretchen said as much in my premonition."
"That’s just… Super." Trayvon said exhaustedly, plopping down on the couch. He looked over at us, giving everyone in the room a confused look. "Well, what are we gonna do about it?"
Callum collapsed onto the armchair near him, not meeting any of our eyes. "I have no fucking idea."
Beth looked over at Callum as she walked over to Dad as he started making a pot of coffee. "What do you mean that you have no clue? You always have some kind of plan. You’re my little planner!"
"I haven’t been recently. It was Anna and Braylen that came up with this whole interrogation thing in the first place." Callum said, looking at Braylen for a second. "I’ve never dealt with someone outright betraying me like this before. Heck, I’ve never had a boyfriend before now. Even with all the evidence, hearing that he’s bad… I can’t wrap my head around it. I’ve seen what Damian is really like. He wouldn’t do this!"
"I know how you feel." Braylen said, sitting on the arm of the chair, putting an arm around Callum. "Trust me, you are not the only one hurting here, Callum. We’ll figure it out, I promise."
"But how?" Keisha asked, plopping down next to Trayvon. "Damian knows just about everything about us. Heck, he’s one of us. Why did you tell us this? If we start treating him differently-"
"We just don’t treat him differently." Becky said, rolling her eyes. "Thought that that would be kinda obvious."
Keisha rolled her eyes. "Well no shit Rebecca."
"I’m just saying..."
"It’s like what we did as kids." I said quickly. "It’s just a big game of make believe."
"Okay, but how are we gonna get Damian back on our side?" Erika asked."He’s kind of a threat to us until we can figure out how we can get him back with us. I like him, but I’d much rather want him on our side than on the opposing side where he’s going to be exploding our minds with useless information."
"Can we even get him back on our side?" Becky asked. "If he’s under F.E.R.R.E.T.’s control, then how can we-"
"Wait..." Keisha asked, looking over at me. "Remind me again because I’m sure you mentioned it, did you see if my dad was being controlled by some object?"
"Yeah. He was being controlled by this doll with a bracelet around it." I said, stretching my arms out. "I think Trayvon mentioned that it was the bracelet that you made him in Kindergarten."
"So am I right to assume that Damian has a doll just like my father does?"
Braylen tilted his head. "Are you suggesting that if we steal your father’s doll and we figure out how it works-"
"We can break Jill’s control on both Damian and my father." Keisha said quickly. "I know that this whole plan sounds crazy-"
"But it’s the only plan we got." Callum said uneasily.
"Okay… But that leaves one issue." I said, sighing heavily. "How do we find out where Jill keeps the dolls?"
"Don’t you know?" Dad asked cautiously.
"Just because I can see the future, that doesn’t mean that I am all knowing." I said exhaustedly. "No, I don’t know where Jill keeps the dolls. She could be keeping them anywhere!"
"But you do know where they’ll be in the future." Becky said hesitantly.
Trayvon rolled his eyes a bit. "Becky, are you seriously suggesting that we wait until The Super Awards to try and save Damian?"
"Well, what choice do we have?" Becky asked angrily.
"Anna, do you know where they’re gonna be meeting my dad?" Keisha asked, looking off in the distance as her eyes started glowing the same faint green they did when she was accessing the internet.
"Some alley."
"Anna, I think she needs-"
"I know, Trayvon, shut up." I said, holding up a hand as I started looking off into the distance, snapping my fingers as I tried to jog my memory. "Um… I couldn’t see much. I remember that there was a big blue sign outside the alley."
"Do you remember what it said?"
I kept looking off in the distance, doing my best to recall the letters on the sign. "It all looked like one big red smudge, but I think that there was a big M, a small letter, another big M, and somewhere in there were two R’s side by side."
Trayvon looked over at Keisha. "You don’t think-"
"It is." Keisha said, blinking as she turned back towards the rest of the group. "The exchange is going down at McMurry’s Soda Shop. It’s in Trayvon and I’s neighborhood."
"Since my mom works out of our house, she can watch your dad so that we can figure out when the exchange is going on."
Keisha blinked for a second, her eyes glowing green again before she looked over at us. "Sunday afternoon."
"How do you-" Beth started to ask.
"She hacked into Zelena’s phone. You got the info from there, right?" Dad explained.
"Yes sir."
"You do realize-"
"Don’t question it." Dad said exhaustedly. "It’s a long, complicated story that neither of us can handle on less than four hours of sleep. Want me to show you to a guest room?"
"Yes please." Beth said, looking at all of us happily. "Don’t stay up for too much longer kids. I’m gonna go to bed and I’m sure that Tony is gonna join me in that endeavor because it is one in the morning and he looks exhausted."
"Yeah." Dad said, slowly trudging up the stairs. "Night kids!"
"No funny business!" I yelled after them. Dad and Beth ignored me until they were up the stairs.
"What was that about?" Erika asked as everyone else gave me a confused look.
"Oh, you know," Callum said, shrugging. "Anna found out about her Mom and Dad getting a divorce because she had a premonition of my aunt and her dad kissing."
"Oh, so the usual?" Becky asked jokingly.
"The usual." I confirmed.
"It’s sad that we can talk about that so casually." Callum said sadly.
"So what are we gonna do with the info that all of these people are gonna be meeting up on Sunday?" Braylen asked.
"We can separate into teams." I suggested. "One team to watch for when it happens, another team to get the doll."
"Not a bad plan." Callum said, shrugging. "It could work."
"Can we figure out the finer details in the morning?" Becky asked. "I just wanna watch a movie and sleep."
"Any preference on movie?" I asked excitedly.
Erika smiled happily. "Anna, are you thinking what I’m thinking?"
"I don’t know." I said, hesitating for a second before smiling to myself. "I’ll remain forever royal."
"I’ll repay my family’s debt!" Erika sang back happily. We were, fortunately, on the same page.
"Duty means doing the thing your heart may well regret!" We both sang, happy that we were gonna finish the song.
"But I’ll never stop believing."
"She can never stop my schemes."
"There’s more to living than gloves and gowns and threads and seams, in my dreams, I’ll be free!"
"No singing past one in the morning!" Dad groaned from upstairs.
"What just happened?" Koda asked gently.
"I have the movie upstairs!" I said excitedly. "Everyone, get in your jammies! We’re gonna watch a kids movie!"
"Oh boy..." Trayvon said exhaustedly. "Is it long?"
"Just an hour and twenty minutes, not including the animated bloopers." Erika said happily.
"There’s animated bloopers?" Callum asked.
"Best part of the movie!"
As soon as I got to my bedroom, I saw Zelena sitting on my bed. I started to stagger back. "What are you doing here?"
"Those were some real risky moves you pulled tonight, Anna." Zelena said venomously. "I honestly didn’t know that you had that in you."
"You’re not answering my question."
"I just came to check in on my best friend."
"We’re not friends anymore. You made that very clear when we had that fight months ago." I said angrily. "Now get the fuck out of my room, Zelena. The rest of Y.A.K.S. is downstairs and I won’t hesitate to call for them."
"Then why haven’t you done that already?"
"Because I want to give you the option to make the right choice." I said quickly. "Now please leave."
"I honestly didn’t think you’d have it in you to get Jill down that quickly. Color me impressed."
"Zelena, I swear to God-"
"Well, it just so happens that I’m here to give you a choice too." Zelena said as calmly as she could muster. "Either you back down, or-"
"You’re going to make my life a living hell?" I asked, rolling my eyes. "If you’re gonna try and be a villain, you’re gonna have to try and get more creative with your threats."
"Or I’m going to destroy everything you care about." Zelena continued. "How’s that for a threat?"
I felt my body froze. "What do you mean?"
"Your friends. Your father. That little boyfriend you got. We will hurt each and every one of them if you don’t back out of Y.A.K.S."
"You wouldn’t."
"I would."
"My father has been nothing but good to you. Why would you drag him into this!?" I asked angrily, feeling my body shake through my fists.
"You were the one who brought him into this. If you had just not told him anything about your powers or any of this, then maybe he wouldn’t be in danger because of you." Zelena said, crossing her arms. "I am doing this so that we can use our powers freely. We shouldn’t get in trouble for having our powers when others can use their powers freely."
"And threatening innocent people is?" I asked just as angrily as Zelena was becoming. "Zelena, there are better ways to deal with this than hurting innocent people!"
"Are they really so innocent if they’re having an awards show celebrating their accomplishments?"
"I’m not saying that this is right-"
"I’m not going to be having this conversation with you." Zelena said, climbing over to the window. "You have two options. You better make the right one."
I stood at the window, staring outside for who knows how long. Eventually, someone gently knocked on the door. I took a deep breath, grabbing a giant T-shirt and quickly slipping it on. "Come in!"
"Anna, are you okay?" Erika asked, walking into my bedroom wearing a frilly pink nightgown. She gave me a concerned look. "You’ve been up here for a long time."
"Yeah. I’m fine." I lied, shaking my head, bending down and grabbing my copy of Princess and the Pauper. "How long have I-"
"About twenty minutes."
I tried to calm down my surprise. Have I really been staring at my bedroom window for that long? "Sorry. I was having trouble finding my copy of the movie."
"But you seemed to find it so quickly..."
"Um… I just had to make sure it was the right movie. I tended to put the movie in the wrong DVD case when I was younger." I lied.
"Anna, are you sure you’re okay?"
"I’m fine, Erika. Let’s just go watch the movie." I said quickly, my mind wandering somewhere else as I tried to figure out what to do about the new situation that Zelena put me into.
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