I remember every story
They wrote on my back
Bruises like words tattooed
Into my skin in blue and black ink
I remember every kitchen sink
Surgery where family had to
Stitch me back together
I remember every happily ever
After that never came to pass
We didn't go to school
In fairy tales
We went to school in all the gory
Details of a horror story while
Monsters made us victims
Of their comedy
We,the recipients of their punch
Lines they hung insults around
Our necks like signs in
To join in
Their words were invisible ink
That they tattooed on our skin
You looked out of the window of your father old pick up truck you stared out the window .
The world was covered in clouds and the sky threatened to shed her tears onto the earth below, A small fly caught your eye her was smashing his small face into the window pray the invisible force filed in front of him would diaper and free him.
A small smiled graced your lips 'The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result ' You thought 'Just like me moving schools '
You sat up more the smile falling from your lips , The truck came to a stop and you looked over at your father
" You ready to go Y/N ? " He asked and gave you and encouraging smile and you smiled back " Yep as ready as i'll ever be " You said looked down at your hands nervously
Your father saw the looked and pulled you close " Hey it's gonna be better this time so head up"
You only nodded and pulled your red hoodie closer to your body and got out of the car .
After your dad drove away you made your way up the steps into your new school you could feel your anxiety getting bad and you looked down at your feet you just wished you could go home and play kingdom hearts under your big soft blanket.
You sighed and walked into the building full of other kids and walked forward.
Dan's P.o.v
I woke up to the feeling of lips on mine.
I opened my eyes to see Phil smiling at me
" Wake up Danny we are going to be late " Phil said and kissed once more ,but I only rolled back over and ignored him .
When I heard him walk out I thought I had won till I felt freezing cold water pored onto my head and screamed flinging my noddle body out of the now wet bed .
" PHIL YOU DICK BUTT WHY IN THE BLOODY HELL WOULD YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT " I screamed only to have Phil lean down and give me yet another kiss on my pouted lips
" Because I tried to wake you up nice at first but you ignored my kindness " He said smirking
I sighed and stood up pulling on a fresh set of cloths and walking into the bath room , I looked at the small clock in the bathroom and cursed noticing I had no time to straighten my hair " Dammit Phil now I have to go to school with my hobbit hair !" I yelled down the hall and began to rush through my tangled mop .
When me and Phil arrived at school I looked at the window seeing a boy in a red hoodie exit an old blue truck the boy looked vary nervous and I guessed he was new .
I kissed my lover " Ready to go ?" I asked
He nodded getting out
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