I watched as the lighting lit up the sky. The storm clouds covering the earth. I felt like I had clouds in my eyes, but the rain wouldn't fall. I knew a storm was coming. Most likely a tornado, since we haven't had one this year. This was typical tornado weather for Oklahoma. Medford to be exact. I remembered Momma telling me when one comes to go into the cellar. I was currently in a field on our land. The cellar was too far away to do me any good now. I tried to fight it, but a memory unwilling flashed through my mind.
"Grace? Sweetheart?" I turned my head to where mommas sweet voice came from. I was in the same spot.
"Yes, Momma?"
"It's time for dinner, love. I made spaghetti."
I grinned, standing up. I ran to her and grabbed her hand. We walked back to the house together.
"Is Daddy there?" She nodded. "Is he mad?"
"Not at us, baby. It's his job." I nodded. We walked into the kitchen.
"Hello, Grace."
"Hi, Daddy." I sat down in my usual spot. Momma brought the food over and we said grace before we began to eat.
"Is it good, Joe?" Momma asked. I kept quiet. We both knew we had to be careful around Daddy.
"It is beautiful," he smiled and she smiled back. Well, maybe he was happy tonight. "How was your day, Grace?"
"Good, I helped Momma in the garden."
"Look at my girl. So hard working." He patted my head, "We raised her right, Faith," he told Momma. She nodded in agreement, stroking my cheek.
After dinner, I headed to bed and that was when the screaming started. I knew Daddy was angry about something. I cried myself to sleep.
The next morning, I woke up to blood everywhere.
"Daddy?" He was sitting in the living room. "Where's Momma?"
"Backyard." I headed out there. There was a hole in the ground.
"Momma?" I called out as I walked to it. I screamed. "No! Momma! Please wake up!" There was my mother, beaten to a pulp, not moving or breathing. I jumped in.
"Momma!" I screamed when she wouldn't wake up. I knew she was dead. I was yanked off of her. Daddy began to pour dirt on top of her. I sat down, watching in horror. Once it was finished, Daddy said he would go make a tomb stone. When he walked away, my body began to shake with sobs. I cried until daddy yelled to stop. He put a wooden tombstone in the ground and walked back inside. I picked up a white rose, Momma's favorite, and put it on her grave.
I snapped back to reality, realizing I was crying. I was eight when it happened. I was now thirteen. Daddy was still a mean ol' mister. Momma was an angel in the ground. Tomorrow marked the anniversary of her death.
The wind began to blow harder and I ran home. Daddy wasn't home yet. I turned on the news. The local weather guy said there was a severe tornado watch. I turned it off and began to make dinner. It was spaghetti. I always made it the night of her death.
When Daddy got home it was half past four. I had put everything on the table. He walked in and headed towards the alcohol. I sighed. Once he sat down we said grace and dug in.
"Theres a tornado watch," I said, trying to make conversation.
"I know. They were talking about it at work."
"Do you think there will be one?"
"Maybe, we haven't had one this year, which is odd."
"It is."
After supper we watched some television and he continued drinking.
"Good night, Daddy."
"No, wait."
"Yes?" I was praying it wouldn't happen. After Momma died, he began to rape me. He mumbled something before passing out. I headed outside to talk with Momma.
"I miss you. You were all I had. I need you, Momma." I cried until the wind picked up. The sky got darker. I ran inside and saw the news was on. A category five tornado had been spotted. I gulped. I sat down in my room.
I knew there wasn't enough rain in Oklahoma to wash the sins from this house. There wasn't enough wind to rip the nails from the past. I wanted the tornado to shatter everyone window till it all blew away. Every brick, every board, every slamming to just fly away. Till nothing was left standing. Nothing left of yesterday.
Every tear-soaked whiskey memory blown away.
I heard the sirens scream. I ran out into the living room. I tired to wake Daddy.
"Daddy! Come on! The sirens!" I yelled.
He was still passed out on the couch. I made a decision and ran to the cellar. I locked myself in and laid on the old bed we had in there. I listened to the wind screaming outside. I knew I could've found someway to wake him or hide his body, but I didn't.
Some people would say I left because I knew I couldn't wake him. He was too drunk. So I took shelter. But I knew that wasn't the case. It was my own sweet revenge. I had a gut feeling the tornado was headed straight for here. And I was glad.
I wanted it all to blow away. All those damn memories. My dead mother in the ground. The bruises. The tears. The screaming and yelling. The rape. But I knew even if the house and him were destroyed I would always carry the memories with me. Though I was going to sure as hell try to forget.
I woke up. Everything was still, quiet. I opened the cellar and saw it was sunny. The house was gone. I sighed in relief. I didn't know where I was going, but I knew it was far from here. I blew Momma a kiss.
"I love you, Momma."
I began walking towards civilization. I would probably be sent to my grandma in Colorado. Everyone thought Momma had left us to run away with some guy. Now that Daddy wasn't here to beat me into keeping quiet, they were gonna know the truth. All of it.
Then once it was out of my heavy heart, everything would have blown away.
There it is guys. All rights go to Carrie and the song writers. (idk there names:P) I know its not all like it but i wouldnt have wrote this if i had never heard the song. Plus i dont feel like having a chance of going to jail. Anywhom let me know whatcha thinkXD
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