they were parents
I found these cute family portraits on tumblr. These were made by moencabage
Yoosung Kim
(lets forget that Yoosung has naturally brown hair)
• Yoosung would want kids pretty soon in the relationship to prove that he wasn't a little kid, like the other members of the RFA claimed.
• Your first child was a boy. He resembled his father in so many ways, both personality and appearance. Yoosung was just as happy and hyperactive as your child.
• As a father, Yoosung would try to encourage his child to play sports, not play games as he did.
• But with enough persuasion from your son, he would give in and play LOLOL with him.
• "(child's name)! Let's go and play football, mom will come with us too!" He would say, unintentionally bringing you into playing with your son with him.
• not that you minded, it was cute to see a smile on both your son and Yoosung's face.
• he wasn't very strict, but if things went too far he would put his foot down and attempt to tell your son off.
• 'attempt' as he wasn't intimidating at all, and your son would probably just laugh, and then Yoosung would laugh.
• there were afternoons when you would commonly catch Yoosung and (child's name) napping on the sofa after playing in the sunshine for far too long.
• he wasn't one to over boast, but he would often post photos on the RFA chat rooms when your son would do something cute.
• he wanted children after a few years of being together, as he wanted to focus on his career first.
• you were blessed with a beautiful daughter who had Zen's hair colour but your eye colour. She was just as attractive as Zen, and he adored her.
• he was definitely the type of father to look after his child like they were his mini me. He would use all types of products to keep her appearance looking perfect, just like her mother.
• he wouldn't try to push the idea of singing and drama onto her as he didn't want to become the type of parent that his was. He would let her become who she wanted to become.
• he would definitely show her off to other parents ... "this is (child's name), isn't she adorable?"
• he would squeeze her cheeks and pat her head and embarrassing things like that with a proud smile on his face.
• many family selfies were taken; either posted on Zen's social media or on the RFA chatroom.
• but in the end, your daughter and Zen has an unbreakable bond, filled with compliments that boosted each other's egos.
Jaehee Kang
• she didn't even think about children until you suggested it to her. After all, naturally reproducing children wasn't an option for the two of you.
• but you decided to adopt, an adopted a young girl called (child's name).
• she was mature, just like her mother. Jaehee would often reinforce this to her child, making sure that she wasn't childish to her age.
• Jaehee was kind to her child, treating her with the greatest respect. She would never raise her voice around her as the last thing she wanted was to scare her child.
• (child's name) had a strong fear, and whenever she was showing any indication of distress, Jaehee would stop whatever she was doing and made comforting her the number one priority.
• "I'm here, we're both here. Don't be scared, you don't have to be when you've got us to protect you."
• Jaehee would be willing to give up her own spare time to spend time with (child's name) and you as a family.
Jumin Han
• you and Jumin didn't think about having children until your parents brought it up, and after a long talk, you decided to have a family.
• soon enough, a beautiful daughter was born called (child's name).
• Jumin was definitely strict with his child, but not to the point where she couldn't have fun. He just wanted to have the best for her.
• he would make sure that she was on top with her schoolwork and academics, which definitely earned with a few groans from your daughter, but he had her best intentions at heart.
• Jumin would also spoil his daughter by constantly buying her clothes and accessories.
• if (child's name) even had the common cold, Jumin would take the day off [poor Assistant Kang] and look after her until she was feeling good again.
• every school break was spent with the three of you going on holiday together to tropical locations, which always put a smile on your daughters face.
• "(child's name), I'll only read you a bedtime story if you've finished your homework, okay?"
Luciel Choi
• Luciel was cool to have kids whenever you wanted them to be honest. It happened sooner than you thought when you fell pregnant.
• A daughter called (child's name) was born, she had her father's bright red hair and her mother's facial features.
• Luciel was an embarrassing father to say the least. He was the kind of father to call over his kid from they other side of the car park and say an embarrassing nickname.
• "(child's nick name)!! We're over here!!"
• he would let loose around his daughter, always having a dorky grin on his face and playing imagination with her.
• honestly he was just as much as a child as your daughter.
• it was a miracle to see him hacking less and pulling all nighters, as he wanted to be as energetic as possible to spend time with his daughter.
• he would play pranks with his daughter on you, much against your disapproval. But it was mostly alright as your daughter was happy, and so was Luciel.
• V didn't really mind if you wanted to have kids or not, and of course you wanted some.
• you were blessed with twins, one of each gender names (child's name) and (child's name).
• V was a gentle father, who never lost his cool with his children, no matter what they had done.
• he would always make an effort to take them out on the weekends to their favourite places, as he treasured memories.
• of course he would take numerous pictures the twins together. Again, he wanted to document his children's life through photos and memories.
• he was secretly very proud of his children, but didn't want to boast about it. He would often reward his children with sweets, even if you warned him not to.
• his children are his soft spot to be honest.
• "(child's name), (child's name), your mother and I love you more than anything, you know that right?"
Jaehee and Seven would be the best parents oh my goodness
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