public affection
Yoosung Kim
• to be honest, I see Yoosung being kinda nervous displaying affection in public at first, afraid if someone saw you and made a snide comment, but once you had been doing it for a while, he doesn't really care
• is extremely into hand holding, he needs to be holding you at all times
• doesn't let you out of his sight, and when you tease him of being overprotective, he turns into a blushing mess, but still refuses to let go of your hand
• you two are the type of couple that old people see and comment - "Remember when we were young like that?"
• you're the cutest couple, you truly look as if you're in love as you walk around together, as if there was only the two of you in the world, ignoring everything else
• honestly, he doesn't know when too much affection in public, is too much affection. He just wants to show off his princess, to let anyone and everyone know that you belong to him
• he's doing anything; hugging, kissing, touching, and all sorts. But, if you try to shrug him off, he turns kinda pouty, and then you have to give in to his kisses
• loves kissing you the most, wherever he can
• Zen tries to keep things PG-13, but most of the time, parents are shielding the suggestive view from their children - "Look at the clouds honey, look how fluffy they are!"
• you're the couple that people wish that they had a relationship like yours, that was open and free, but not so free that you were so confident to publicly display your affection for each other
Jaehee Kang
• you were often the one to make the move on her, mainly because she was too shy to do so, not that you minded, it was cute
• the most you'll get from her are some quick kisses when no one is looking, or a hug when you first see each other, other than that, Jaehee doesn't think that showing off a relationship is too purposeful
• she really appreciates when you kiss her on the cheek, it never fails to make a smile on her face
• you two are the couple that everyone aspires to have, some couples even make comments as they pass by you two - "Aren't they cute? I wonder if we look like that?"
• although she acts like she's not one for public affection, Jaehee secretly likes the attention that it grabs, even more so since it clearly states the type of relationship that you and her have
Jumin Han
• Jumin isn't big on showing off any affection in public, but I imagine the most you'll get from him is an arm around your waist or shoulder if you ask for one
• he believes that affection is best fitted for the bedroom, but will not hesitate to swoop you in for a kiss if he feels a man's gaze is lingering on you for too long
• you're the type of couple that people are secretly admiring the relationship that you have, despite its private nature - "Do you think that they're in love? Wait, you can tell by the way they look at each other."
• he wouldn't ever admit this, but he has this underlying hope that you will one day just hold his face and kiss him with such passion in front of everyone
• even though you know Jumin isn't the most affectionate lover, he has... other ways to make up for this
Luciel Choi
• as expected, since your relationship is playful, expect a lot of public affection that causes couples passing by to chuckle at the childish nature - "They act like children don't they? Perhaps that's what makes their relationship so strong!"
• Luciel is usually trying to do Eskimo kisses around you, which always work, paired with a kiss on the tip of your nose
• it becomes an unnecessary competition to see who can make the other blush the quickest from the affection - and it's usually you that loses first >.<
• spontaneous hugs are definitely his favourite, just to feel your warmth so suddenly is a pleasant surprise
• despite his nature, you know that his actions always have a meaning behind them
• affection is especially important to V in a relationship because of his worsening eyesight, and it doesn't mean much to him where it is
• his absolute favourite is when you trace his facial features with your fingertips, his senses are set aflame when his sight cannot provide. Just from your touch, he knows that you are a gentle, loving woman
• most people look at you sentimentally, wishing that they could have such a dedicated, loving relationship - "Soulmates I reckon, look at them. It's like there's simply those two in the world, that's love."
• it takes him a while to warm up to kissing in public, slightly insecure that his eyesight might suddenly become apparent and he may just embarrass you, but that's never an issue
• it's accurate to say that V just wants to express his love in the best way that he knows how
losing interest in mystic messenger to he honest... any good fanfictions out there?
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