[ Never Ending Arguments ]
Mishti :|
"I would prefer to die rather than going with him. I can manage everything there. You can trust me Sir! " I said the mocking words in the most polite way. I was told to go outside for the project related work, the office which was just 40 KM away from our office . My boss wanted Abir to accompany me, but no way I would allow it.
"No one is dying to go with her! Have a drastic journey .. " Abir shrugged off, my jaw hung down after hearing his words. So much hate for what? From the time he have arrived, I haven't heard a sweet word from him. Such a jerk!
"I can turn a drastic journey to a peaceful journey. Thank you for your kind wishes! "
"Happy journey Ms Agarwal. I hope you lose your path and never come back! "
"Thank you again Mr Rajvansh. But I can't loss my path, it's Darjeeling, Mishti's home town. She knows each and every corner of this place! "
I scrunched my nose and walked out of the office.. Just because my boss had a good relationship with his boss , he's still working in this office otherwise ugh - I just can't fucking tolerate him..
I took a car with me, though I didn't have any personal car, it's just our office providing us with a car whenever we have to go for outdoor work. I didn't want to work on this project, the reason being none other than the two guys, God knows what they think of themselves.
Who talks so rudely with their senior employees? The audacity!!
After an hour of driving I reached the office.. It's a hectic day.. But everything went as I was expecting. It's around 4:30 when I decided to leave . But when I stepped out of the office, I was welcomed by the horrible scenery.. It's raining cats and dogs there but rain had stopped..
Due to the heavy flow of wind a large tree had fallen above my car, even it had blocked the gate.. I took a glance of my watch and realized after five minutes there's a bus.. I quickly ran towards the bus stoppage, it's just five hundred meters away from the office..
"No no! Stoppp... Hello stop.. You deaf people stopp. I say stopppp! " I screamed my lungs out but the bus didn't stop.. I pulled my hair in frustation.. It's not safe to ask any employees for lift because I hardly know anyone and I have trust issues.. I had heard a lot of bad things about this place .
It started raining again, I took a shelter under the bus stop , but only if it's that big.. I almost got drenched even though it's not raining heavily , it's all because of the heavy wind .. I tried to book an uber but today my good luck was definitely sleeping or in a tour.. Due to rain I couldn't find a cab either.. The weather was beautiful and I would have enjoyed it to the fullest only if I would have been in home.. I have some important documents with me, with my half drenched body I took a step back and my back hit the wall.
I kept the file between the wall and my back to protect it from the rain drops..
I needed to walk for two kilometers to find a taxi but this idea seem impossible. The road was filled with mud.. I waited there for almost a hour, neither I found a bus nor an uber.. Due to slow network I couldn't contact anyone.. It's getting darker..
Just when I decided to walk under the rain to the main road to find a taxi, that's when a car popped up from the opposite direction.. I closed my eyes due to the flash of light of a car.. It stopped right in front of me, I pulled my purse to my chest being horrified, but I kept a straight face.. I didn't want to show my fearful side..
The glass rolled down..
"Get in! "
A manly voice knocked on my ear, I bent down and peeped through the window glass, it's Abir. Huh! You are the last person from whom I would take any help. But again I had no option.. I was already drenched, there's nothing to cover the seat as well so I stood there .. He came out from the other side and opened the door for me..
Hello? Gentleman?
He gestured me to sit inside, with a little bit of hesitation I sat on the passenger seat.. "It's a shocking thing that you came here to pick me! " I said breaking the icy silence.. "I was offered a good amount of money, otherwise why would I? " he said casually.. I felt relieved, because he could be anything but kind to me? Nah! No way .. I could not have digested any good side of him..
After thirty minutes of drive we entered our city.. "Take the left turn! " I insisted to him, he slowed down the pace and gave me a questioning look.. "I want to relax for sometime.. Just take the left turn as I said! "
"But I don't want-"
"Do as I said!!!! " I said pressing my teeth, he let out an angry sigh and turned the car towards left.. I guided him the route and after some fifteen minutes we reached the destination. It was the edge of the valley, we can enjoy the beauty of darjeeling from here.. I hardly get any time for myself so I didn't want to miss this opportunity.
I was about to open the door when he locked it..
"What? " I made a face..
"You can't just go like this! " he stated, I gave him a questioning look to which he eyed at my chest in response.. I looked down and realization hit me hard.. I was wearing a white shirt and due to rain everything was crystal clear.. I gained some confidence and sighed.. I started opening the buttons, "Hey what are you doing? " he freaked out..
"Please don't behave like you haven't seen girls in bikini! " I said, he stayed silent.. I was wearing a full coverage sports bra inside my shirt so it's not a problem, it's hardly showing my cleavage even.. I tied the sleeves of the shirt around my waist.. Now atleast it was not looking odd..
"Now can I go? "
He unlocked the car door, I didn't forget to bring my phone with myself.. The sunset came as the sweetest soul-blush. I sat there silently, closing my eyes, inhaling the freshness of nature until the sun goes down.. It's such a therapy that can't be described in words.. The place was filled with divine silence, it felt like whole world was praying. The moment was worth living.. It healed the part of my heart that it didn't break..
I opened my eyes to see the semi darkness.. It's more beautiful due to color of the sky.. After the sunset the sky was looking more pleasant more beautiful.. The ending can be beautiful too, until it comes to me lol .. I clicked some pictures of the sunset, I always do it for memories.. Memories last long.. I sat down more comfortably then I realized that I had come here with a person.. I looked back and found himself sitting above the car trunk and watching phone..
"Seriously? Did you just miss the sunset? "
"What's so big in that? It happens everyday! " he said casually, I stared at him with an open mouth.. "But the beauty is different.. The moment is different.. It's different.. How can I explain you? "
"You don't have to! I am not interested at all.. "
Only if I could smack his face....
I walked to him. "Wasn't it really beautiful? " I repeated, he kind of came out of his zone.. "Umm what? "
I let out a sigh. "What could you see from here? " I asked in frustation, he thinned his eyebrows.. "Your back? " he replied cockily, my jaw fell down.. I opened my mouth to say anything but he just made me speechless.. "Well that's beautiful! Umm I mean your back! " he said casually and then shifted his gaze to the phone...
"Let's just not talk about my back! " I said..
"Well then umm what will we talk about? Your front? "
Now my mouth has become wider, I quickly kept my palm on my chest and stared at him in disbelief.. "I am talking about the beautiful sight ! " I stated. "Even I am talking about the beautiful sight you know ! " he smirked.. I understood that he had zero, literally zero interest in the surroundings and will keep flirting with me .. "We should get back! " I said in defeat.. He happily got in the car, taking a last glance of the beautiful view I too followed him..
Throughout the drive I noticed his fingers, my God those were so long , thin, those slender fairy fingers were giving me a treat to eyes.. The way he was tapping it against the wheel got me butterflies in my tummy . His hands were damn attractive..
He stopped the car hundred meters away from my home.. I was about to leave the car but he locked the car again.. "Now what? " I gritted my teeth.. "There are so many people around here! " he reminded.. Huh? So protective for me?
"You know I can't burrow your jacket.. I really don't want to.. I don't want to have a kind image of yours, which is not real. And then also I don't want to give you a chance where you will say in future 'remember once I have given you a jacket and helped you ' so thank you very much for your fake concern,but I don't want it... " I mentioned , he stared at me like he just saw an alien. I might sound stupid. That's how he stared at me.. I came out of the car and this type he didn't stop me..
It's just I really don't like him.. Or maybe I just want to dislike him. That day, in the evening, when I bumped with him, when I first saw him, I felt a connection, a raw connection, a spark, something that's not ordinary. That's why I am just avoiding him. Because I felt connected to a stranger.. And even yesterday, when we both were standing together and arguing of course, Drish told me that she saw chemistry, like we both look good together... Huh? So I don't want to have any connection with him. I am sounding mad.
His car was still there.. I was walking towards my house, I was glad that nobody were interested on me. Everyone were just minding their own business , or maybe my clothes were looking normal..
The ground beneath me slipped away when I saw my mom, my dearest mom.. "Fuck fuck fuck! " I murmured and started walking backwards in a fast pace. She would kill me if she will see me like this? like this? in just a sports bra? I would be dead..
"Open the fucking door! " I barked at him, he rolled down the glass window.. "Give me your jacket! It's urgent.. " I said, he sat back comfortably and stared at me..
" You know I can't burrow your jacket.. I really don't want to.. I don't want to have a kind image of yours, which is not real. And then also I don't want to give you a chance where you will say in future 'remember once I have given you a jacket and helped you ' so thank you very much for your fake concern,but I don't want it..." he said the exact thing I had said him before..
"Can you forget it and give me the damn jacket! " I said and looked at my home, mom was walking towards this direction.. "You have to do something for me in return then! " he stated, I was helpless.. "I will do everything you say, but give me the jacket.. Mom will see me.. " I freaked out, he was getting on my nerves..
"Say politely.. Abir Sir, can you please give me your jacket? Just like this.. "
I glared at him, but I had no option left.. "Abir Sirrrr! Can you please give me your jacket.. Please sir! " I said making my tone sweeter than ever, he smirked then removed the jacket and handed me.. Throwing a last glare at him I wore the jacket and walked away..
Mom's eyes sparked in happiness as her gaze met mine, "Mummyyy I missed you so muchh! " I took her in a bone crushing hug.. Actually she went to Chaturdham with her friends, the oldies trip it was.. "I was just about to call you, but you reached before it.. Come with me, I have brought prasad for you! " she dragged me to inside..
As my clothes were wet, I went to my room and freshened up.. Wearing one of my comfortable pyjama pair I went outside.. Through the window I saw Abir, he was still there.. "Mom, one of my friend is outside.. Give me some prasad, I will give it to him.. " mom packed prasad in a bag, though I don't consider him as my friend but I am not an ungrateful person.. He helped me when I was in problem ..
My pace became slower when I spot Sara in front of him.. Sara's my co-worker in our office, I don't share a good bond with her.. He's talking with her so casually, like they're friends from childhood.. "Abir, can you come here? " I asked in a low tone, both of them looked at me.. "What happened? " he asked, I stared at Sara then at him again..
"Oh common, just because he's your junior employee doesn't mean you owe him, always ordering him like a minister huh! " she taunted , I didn't feel bad because we keep mocking each other. But Abir laughed at her statement which made me feel bad.. "Senior ego huh! " he added and came to me..
I handed him the prasad bag. "It's prasad, for you and your friend! " I said..
"Oho! Thank you.. I thought you came to order me for something else! "
"I will see you tomorrow in office! " I glared at him, "As expected! " he muttered, his expression were dull.. He kept the bag in the car, then they both again started talking..
Mishti you don't owe him.. But who is she to talk to me in this manner? And why the hell did he laugh?
Sitting in my living room I was taking my prasad while my eyes were on both of them.. What's so funny even? Huh..
I had a meeting with Abir today at 8:00 AM, even I waited for him for one hour but he didn't show up.. So I started working.. At 10:00 am he came to my cabin, he was looking like sleep deprived.. "So soon, Mr Rajvansh! " I commented.. "Actually I am not well! " he replied, his tone was sleepy..
Last night he must have gone to room late night because he's talking with Sara. And now he was giving me excuses.. "Well sit down. We have so many things to do.. You can give your excuses later! " I didn't want to sound rude but he never left a choice to make me annoyed . And when the thing is about Sara I can't have a grip on my anger..
I discussed about the projects, he was not fully attentive. In last one hour his phone was constantly buzzing in every ten minutes which was making me more furious.. "You can go to your cabin. But I want you to complete this work today only.." He remained quiet and left. What made him so silent? Till yesterday he was all good..
It's around 3:00 PM. I decided to roam around to check if he's doing his work or not.. I stopped near his desk, frustation would be an understatement.. Sara was sitting next to him and doing his work while he's sleeping, keeping his head on the desk . I noticed his palm, which was over her palm .
"Sara! I hope you are not appointed to do his work here.. " I muttered, "Calm down Mishti-"
I threw half glass of water on his face, he woke up in a jerk.. "Abir are you okay? " she asked in concern.. "First leave this place, Sara.. " I ordered her, "But Mishti listen to me-"
"I SAID LEAVE THIS PLACE! " I shouted, I didn't realize my tone .. She left the cabin.. "Bro are you okay? " Nikhil came rushing and started checking his temperature.. Abir put his head on the headrest and took a sigh.. "How can someone be so cruel! " he barked at me, I went near Abir and checked his temperature ..
Guilt started tripping over me.. I took out my handkerchief to wipe the water from his face but Nikhil stopped me. "Thank you for your concern! " I stayed silent.. He took Abir with him , I hit my head.. I was actually feeling guilt, I never loose my control over my anger like this.. I didn't feel like to stay there anymore so I decided to go home..
Drish and Ahan were present in my bakery. I dropped myself in the corner couch.. Mom was doing her work, so she didn't notice me.. But my friends came running to me.. "What happened? You came back so early? " Drish asked, I explained them the whole scenario..
"It's okay yarr.. Don't feel guilty about it.. It's not your fault, you didn't know.. But yes.. You should not have behaved like that.. It's rude! " Drish said, I pouted..
"Yarr! I don't know but whenever I come around Sara I just lose my control, this time I really did a blunder. What he must be doing? " I whispered in helplessness..
"He must be sleeping? " Ahan said sarcastically, we both friends glared at him, he kept his mouth shut.. "You should go to him and seek an apology. But today it's not the perfect time, go in the morning! " Drish advised, Ahan agreed to her.. I went home and changed my clothes. Mom asked to eat something but I didn't feel like eating anything.. From the evening to the whole night I stayed in my room and didn't speak with anyone..
As usual Mom was handling the bakery, so she didn't get the time to visit me.. I couldn't accompany her today, I felt more guilty..
Mom's in laws are very rich, but my dad was an alcoholic person, he used to beat my mom every other day. So once mom decided to divorce him, she had every single proof against him. She won the custody too as she's a college lecture.. We shifted here, I completed my college and degree here only.. Her in laws never tried to contact us, all were snake anyway..
After coming here, Mom opened a bakery in loan.. We open it from the evening to next morning because it's the time when most of the customer visits here. Mostly doctor and the workers who are on night duty.. She had named this cafe as ITHSIM Cookies , it's the reverse of my name.. There's no particular reason behind it, she just found it cute and beautiful..
I woke up early in the morning , I just decided to visit Abir.. As usual after doing my morning chores I made my way towards his hotel.. I could have brought my bicycle with me, but I never bring it to my office. Mom would have asked thousands of questions, my mood was already off yesterday, so I chose to go by walk .. I was totally nervous because this time it's my fault.. I was wrong yesterday.. But he could have told me right?
The receptionist allowed me after seeing my id card, I knocked his room door for a few times. Someone twisted the knob, I was nervous.. It's Nikhil, his face turned bad just after seeing me.. "Umm is Abir there? " I asked politely, he crossed his arms and stood in front of me like a wall. His expression were conveying that he didn't want me to visit Abir..
"First tell me do you think it's your fault yesterday? " he questioned.
"Yes! " I wanted to add not completely but then who want to fight with this man so early? I would be traumatized. So I decided to give up..
"So you are sorry for it? "
I nodded my head in approval..
"So where is the flower bucket? " he asked, I opened my mouth then closed it.. "Sorry? " I didn't come here to anyone's marriage so?
"Yes you should be sorry but don't you know when you visit a patient you should go with a flower bucket? Don't you have manners? "
I was speechless. Patient ? He just had fever! Ok he came under the category of patient but flower bucket? Isn't it too much to ask for? I came here keeping my ego aside but he's saying shit..
"I don't have any bucket umm! " I murmured, he took a step back and held the knob..
"Okay so come later with a flower bucket, sorry isn't enough! " saying he closed the door on my face..
"Hello hello listen-"
I shut my mouth and glared at the door.. I wish I get a chance to punch him. On his face!!!! Duffer.. Taking small steps I went outside, the gardener was doing his work..
It's written over there, on a big board.
I roamed around the garden, just when I found the gardener busy I ploughed one rose flower and quickly hid it behind me.. He gave me a suspicious look, I smiled in embarrassment and left for his room.
I knocked on the door, just when the door got opened, I took a step and marched inside.. "Listen I got-" my words stuck in my throat when I spot Abir only on towel.. Ohhh Myyy Gooddddnesss? "Auuummmii I -"
He raised his eyebrows, being shameless I stared at him in completely awe. "I am sorry! " I muttered, he closed the door behind me and leaned against it.. Nikhil was there as well.. I was locked in a room with two complete strangers .. "You are sorry for what? For throwing water at me or ogling at me? "
His question made me flushed, I looked down and took a deep breath.. " I didn't know you had fever and I don't like if someone let other do their work and choose to sleep in office. But I am sorry for not letting you say anything and did whatever came to my mind. It's very unprofessional of me. " I apologized politely and accepted my fault..
"Double standard at its peak. Aren't you the one who ordered me to do your work? That bakery things, forgot about it so soon? "
I glared at him. "It's your punishment! "
He took the rose from me and inhaled the fragrance from it.. "Oh you came here to propose me? " My eyes widened at his question then I glared at him. "Have you ever looked at yourself on the mirror? " I mocked, half of the time he just flirts with me..
"Ah yah! That's why I asked na.. " he replied cockily, I glared at him.. Nikhil was laughing. I can't believe it, I was the senior officer and they are Juniors..
"Okay, I am getting late for office, let me go! " I said.
"I thought you came here to apologize to me! "
"Yah of course! I said sorry na? "
"Did I forgive you? "
"You didn't? "
"When did I? "
My mouth fell agap. "Listen, I don't have enough time now, I made a mistake which was unintentional, so I came here to apologize to you. Don't play with me and let me go! " I sounded a little bit strict..
"Okay, but still I haven't forgiven you. Just give me a minute.. I will join you, because it's already late. Your assistant will take my class because I am late. It would be better if I join you! "
I nodded my head and went outside.. After a few minutes he came out of the room, Nikhil said he will join us after half an hour because he hadn't taken a bath yet. "Is it necessary to take the flower with you? " I asked him, as he was holding the rose.
"Yup! I will tell everyone that my senior gave this to me, so sweet of her! " he started flexing, I rolled my eyes.
What am I doing in my life?
When I was crossing the garden area, I saw some people arguing over the flower.. Whatever I heard, I understood it was about the rose I ploughed.. I looked at Abir, who was already staring at me like he caught me red handed..
"Hello listen-" he was about to call the gardener when I put my palm on his mouth.. Due to my sudden force he fell back on the grassy ground and I fell above him.. "Please please don't tell him anything, it's all because of your friend.. There was no flower shop near me! " I almost begged him, my hair was falling all over him, he tucked it behind my ear.
"My friend didn't tell you to steal it, did he? "
I shook my head, "Then I am going to tell him! " he said and was about to shout again when I pressed his mouth and closed my eyes tightly.. "Please don't tell him, please please! They will not ask me for money but will create an issue, I am really not in a mood to fight unnecessarily! " I whispered, he started laughing..
"I think you are always in a mood to fight! " he taunted, I glared at him.. "Listen don't test my patience, I am done with you.. I will literally kill you, just do as I said! " I whisper-yelled..
"Oh! I got scared.. By the way what will you do otherwise? What can you do? " he questioned..
"I know I can't do anything to you, but a girl is saying you so politely, can't you just listen to her? " I said angrily and sat on his lower belly, keeping my hand on his chest..
"It's a public place, stay in your manners! " a random aanty commented, I realized my position and got up quickly.. Abir stood up, that gardener was coming towards us.. "I am going bye! " I left the place quickly, he followed me while trying to control his laugh..
"Such a darpok! " he commented, I looked back at him in anger.. "It's just I don't want any drama! " I muttered..
"Oh I can see! " he laughed again..
Never have I ever been so irritated, so frustrated in my life.. God you send the wrong person to me.. I really can't tolerate him anymore..
"If you are thinking I am annoying you, then you should know that it's you who is annoying us. Just because you are our senior officer, doesn't mean you will say anything to us! " he said and stopped in the middle of the road. Now it hurt me..
"Oh that's great.. I mean there's no fault of you right? On the very first day you came without the presentation and when I asked you, you started giving excuses. So professional of you . Then you were the one who was commenting about my mole which is on my chest, was it appropriate. Okay it's just men thing. Then you were the one who always bitch about me with your friend for no reason , what about that? Does it hurt your male ego? Just because your senior is a girl? You feel insulted to work under a girl? Can you tell me one scene where I was unprofessional to you? It's always you.. We share a professional bond and you have never respected that. What you want me to do? I have really a very bad temper, If I will start saying things then there will be no end. Thank you for your sweet words and sorry if anything hurt you! " saying I left the place..
He stood there silently while I made my way to the office..
The comment section was such a disappointment in the last chapter.
Anyway now I am writing for my own happiness and giving updates according to my time table.. So whoever is reading it and waiting patiently, Thank you..
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