When emotions influence decision making, there is a high probability that the decision made will be problematic because it's based on sentiment. Ewa let emotions influence her decision on whether Phillip should meet their son or not and now she was sure that she had made the wrong decision.
Looking at her bruised arm, she was gutted. Gutted at the fact that she had a soft spot for him and that she let him see Timi. She wasn't supposed to be this weak. She wasn't supposed to allow him hurt her the second time. She winced as she touched her arm. His grip was firm. On her skin and even her stupid heart. Stupid stupid heart.
"Mum he's back"
"What do you mean by that Ewa, who is back?"
"It's P-phillip. I let him see Timi today"
"What?! You let him see Timi? How long has he been back? Why didn't you tell me? What have you done Ewa? Don't tell me you're going to do this the second time." She winced at every question her mum asked.
"I-i don't know what happened. Timi was asking about him and Phillip came back about a month ago so I just thought it would be fine to let them see each other"
"Was it?"
"I thought I could give him a chance this time, I don't know. I thought things will be good" She was already on the verge of losing her numb facade as she spoke. She wanted to cry.
"Ewa was it good?"
"It wasn't. It wasn't even close. I'm sorry, I messed things up again" She had already begun crying at this point. She didn't understand why things had to be like this for her.
"Ewa it's alright. You don't need to cry, it won't help you. All you need to do now is cut all contact with him and tell Timi's school not to allow anyone but you pick him up. It will be okay, Ewa"
"Alright, thank you mum. I'll go to bed now. I'll talk to you tomorrow". Sighing as she cut the call and dropped her phone on the bedside table, she wondered how she'll break the news of Phillip's absence to Timi again. Realising her brain was probably a mess at the moment she laid on her bed and brought her duvet up to her chin, closing her eyes and hoping to get some sleep.
Her alarm rung out loud the next day. It irked her but at least it reminded her to get up. It reminded her that it was time to face another day. A Sunday. She picked out her dress and scarf and went to her son's room to get him ready for the church service.
"Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of death. Glory Be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit."
Ewa had said these prayers before but now it was different because she meant them and she hoped for God's help. She had made mistakes that she wasn't proud of but her son had been her greatest blessing. She knew he was from God and she knew He would help her through this.
As soon as the service was over she took her son's hand and walked to her car. Unlocking his door, she helped him get in and walked over to her side. Just as she was about entering, she heard a familiar voice call her name.
"Oh my God, Phillip what do you want?"
"I wanted to apologise for the way I acted the last time. Is he there?" As if on cue, her son turned his head in their direction.
"Daddyyyyy" he exclaimed struggling to open his door. She sighed pinching the bridge of her nose.
"Hey bud" he said waving enthusiastically
"I- how did you know I would be here? Have you been stalking me because it certainly isn't coincidental"
"Will you at least let me see him?"
"Mummy please can you help me?" He asked struggling with his seat belt.
"Oh God, Timi take it easy, will you? I'm coming" She was getting so worked up with everything that was happening at the moment.
"How did you find me Phillip?"
"I just came here today and I saw you during the mass"
"You don't even go to church so give me another excuse"
"I've changed, okay?" She rolled her eyes. It was a lie and she could see right through it.
"Mummy come on". She huffed walking over to open the door for him. He was already jumping out and running to Phillip before she was done unbuckling his belt. She was annoyed but she kept a small smile on her face hoping God will give her the grace to stay sane.
After watching Phillip converse with Timi for about five minutes, she clapped her hands signifying it was time to leave.
"Alright alright, Timi tell dad bye and get in the car. We are done here" She said, not minding that her son's demeanour had changed.
"But mum-"
"No buts, do as I have said and get in the car"
"Timi I'm sorry but I have to go, I'll see you again, okay?"
"But when dad? I love seeing you" Ewa didn't know why she felt insecure after that statement. What if she hadn't been doing enough?
"I know bud and I love seeing you too. It will be very soon, I promise" Phillip said. He sighed and then spoke again after sometime. "Come on, give daddy a hug"
Phillip did as he was told already on the verge of tears. How could she even make this better? She now felt horrible for what she was doing.
"Come on don't cry, I'll see you soon" He nodded again, with his shoulders slumped and his head down he began walking to the other side of the vehicle. She opened the door for him and buckled his belt. She crouched to his level after but he just kept his head down.
"Timi I'm sorry but I really have to do this" He didn't even reply, he just kept his head down. She sighed and closed his door feeling terrible for her actions while reassuring herself it was the best thing to do.
"You have successfully ruined my day, Phillip" She said as she walked back to where he was standing.
"I didn't, you just ruined our son's day". She felt the urge to maybe slap him after that statement but through the grace of God bestowed upon her she didn't.
"You know what? I don't want to see you around. I don't want you around me and I don't need you around Timi. I'm tired of you waltzing into my life to cause irreparable damages and mistakes. This time I've had enough. I don't know why you came back and how you found me but I don't want anything to do with you and I want you out of my life for good" She said all at once. Phillip looked furious, like he was stopping himself from hitting her.
She stood there for sometime waiting for him to say something, when it seemed like he had nothing to say, she started getting in her car but just as she was about to seat he pulled her out, almost making her lose her balance. The parking lot was a little deserted so people couldn't really see them.
"Stop dragging me, you're hurting me" She said trying to free herself from his grasp.
"You don't get to make those decisions Ewa. You must let me see my son willingly or I'll just have to do it forcefully" He said not letting go of her hand as she kept struggling.
"Why do you suddenly want him so much?" She said trying to still keep her composure and stand firm.
"It's none of your business but if you don't let me see him when I want to, I'll take him away from you and I know you don't want that" He said.
"It's my business Phillip and you won't take him from me" She said hoping her voice wasn't betraying her. She was terrified.
"I will and there's nothing you can do about it" He replied her releasing his grasp and walking away from her. She looked back at Timi, hoping he hadn't seen what was going on.
"Why are you doing this?"
"Stop questioning me and do as I say"
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