While Ewa's initiative was telling her to block Phillip from contacting her, at least via the phone, her body wasn't doing it. She left him to keep sending the text messages and she kept getting notifications for the calls she missed. She didn't know if she ever really did move on from him. Maybe his absence made her think she did but did she ever really move on? Or was she just confused and lonely?
She scrolled down the messages he had been sending, it was all about the child. A child he had never been responsible for. He wanted to be in his son's life after walking away for six years. Even though it wasn't logical to her, she had been thinking of allowing him to meet Timi.
"Mummy have you even been listening to me?" Her son said looking at her with obvious disgust as she snapped back to reality. "Oh y-yeah?" She stuttered, she hadn't heard a word Timi had said and the way she replied was questionable enough. "Okay what did I say?" He asked. Oh God, now she thought she was a horrible mother. "I'm so sorry Timi. Can you say it again? I'll listen this time" She replied with a sigh and real remorse hoping he'll see it and reconsider. "Okay, only this once or you won't hear from me again" He replied. She laughed feeling relieved and then replied. "Alright I promise" "Okay so there are these boys in my class that are getting taller than me and when I asked them about it they said it's because they get to go out with their fathers and they do the things that real men do" "Wait what?" Ewa said inbetween her son's lamentations. "All I really wanted to ask was when I could see dad so I can do the things that real men do too and get big like those boys". "Timi those boys are not being truthful with you. You'll grow like them too, it's just different timings I guess" She replied hoping he wouldn't ask about Phillip again. She would never consider him Timi's dad, at least not for now. "I knew you'll say something like that. I really want to meet dad, you said he travelled far away and you always tell me he'll be back soon so tell him to come back fast so I can see him" He said looking very exasperated. The fact that he knew she would say something like that wasn't something she really liked. Was she that predictable to him? Did he know she lied when she did? In her bid to avoid more lies she made a statement she prayed she wouldn't regret later. "Okay Timi, I'll talk to him. Is that okay?" He nodded excitedly throwing himself on her all smiles. She was hoping he wouldn't be disappointed.
She picked her phone dialing his number hating that she kind of needed him for her son. She had been doing her best up till now.
"Ewa, you called" Phillip said once he picked the call. "Obviously" She replied. " I'm really sorry, Ewa. I know no matter how much I say this it doesn't really count but I'm very apologetic for my actions and thanks for calling" He said all at once. Oh Phillip was what she really wanted to say. "Yeah whatever. He wants to meet you" Ewa said. "Wait it's a boy" He replied almost squealing. "Well you would have known if you didn't run away at the sound of my pregnancy" She replied subtly scolding herself for the way she was acting. "Oh right" "I'm always busy on the weekdays and I can't leave him with you so maybe next weekend. Will you be available?" She asked. "Yeah of course, I will. Thank you so much for this Ewa" He said and she thought she heard him sniff. Well that's his problem she thought to herself cutting the call. She planned to keep this information and make it a surprise for her son so he wouldn't experience disappointment.
She thought she could use her free time to visit her mum that day so she got herself and Timi dressed. She hadn't seen her mum since she broke the news of her dad's death to her. She wondered how she had been fairing. She must have been feeling alone and devastated.
"Grandmaaa" Timi said once they entered her mum's house. He nearly knocked her over. "Come here my little sweet boy" she said as he threw himself all over her. "I'm here too in case you didn't notice mum" She said in mock jealousy. "This is my favourite, Ewa. You, I don't know" Her mum replied. "Alright I'll keep that in tab" Ewa replied with a smile.
"How are you doing mum? Like really how are you fairing?" Ewa asked "You have asked how I am like ten times Ewa and I keep telling you, I'm absolutely fine. Look, truly I felt hurt when I heard about your dad's death. Surprisingly. I thought I wouldn't feel anything but it wasn't that way. I scolded myself for caring that much even but I believe I have gotten over the hurt. I really feel fine" Ewa's mum said. "I just wanted to be sure you were fine and you really don't have to scold yourself for caring, you are just being a human being. He would have felt the same way" She replied regretting the last part. "Ewa you never really knew your dad, did you?".
It was the truth, she never really knew her dad. She had seen him do bad things to her mum but she somehow always found herself having a soft spot for him. Even when he abandoned them and never cared to visit her or her mother she felt they were the problem and he was the saint.
"They sent his burial invitation. For the both of us. They said it was strictly by invitation" Ewa said. "Strictly by invitation? How important is their family?" Her mum asked doubling over in laughter. It seemed to her like it was only her mum that understood the joke.
"I'm serious mum" She said after sometime. "I know you are, Ewa. And I really don't think I'm interested in going to that burial either. He never spared us a glance after we parted ways and now they want us to honour him by coming to his burial." Ewa sighed on hearing her mum's sentiment. Her mum was definitely still hurt but she knew she would regret not going so she did what she thought was the next best thing. To try to convince her. "You might really think you don't want to go there but you'll definitely regret it if you aren't there. This is really the last thing we will ever have to do or get to do for him. Mum please we have to go" She said hoping her little speech incited any of her mum's emotions.
"Fine but I'm really only doing this for you because I know you want to go for some reason I'm yet to understand" Her mum replied. "Thanks mum" She replied scooting over to give her mum a little hug. She thought of telling her about Phillip too but decided against it. Her mum was going to be furious and she wasn't trying to spoil the mood. So she decided to keep it to herself even she knew it was definitely to her detriment.
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