It had been three days since Ewa's dad had died and she hadn't thought about him or his burial that much. His other family probably had everything taken care of. One thing she knew was that she and her mother were going to be guests at the burial. She didn't really care about it but she wondered how her mum would feel. He was the only man she was ever married to.
Her mother had always told her that the 15 years that she had been with her father was a waste of time but even though she said it like she meant it she always thought she said it to convince herself that she didn't care that he had moved on a few months after their divorce. About two months after her parents divorce, a neighbour had come to show her mum the invitation card for his new marriage. She never understood the neighbours motive though, it wasn't long after that they had moved to a new place.
She always praised her mother for the fact that she had the courage to walk out of the marriage, she singlehandedly fought her battle and that bravery was something she wished she possessed. Keyword was wish because she knew she had the tendency of taking it all in and looking for coping mechanisms, coping mechanisms were easier to handle. She'll do anything to escape her reality.
As she clicked her remote to change the channel she hadn't even concentrated on all along, her mind drifted to her new client. She thought he was mysterious but due to the fact that she thought it will be better to give him time she decided to rid her mind of that thought. After she had gone through most of the channels, she realised it would be better to do something with her time. Ewa had the habit of over thinking every situation and scenario whenever she was idle.
She decided it would probably be best for her to do the laundry and clean the house. These activities could easily take her mind off things. At least for the period of time when she was busy. She also made a mental note to call her mum as soon as she was done. She plugged her earpiece and turned her music on thinking it would be too depressing to just do everything in silence.
After two hours of cleaning, she was satisfied with the outcome of what she had spent that time doing. It was good enough she thought to herself. She went ahead to take her bath and spent time to take in her appearance for the first time in a while. She looked skinnier than usual and had very pronounced bags under her eyes. Her hair was a complete mess but she just blamed it on the fact that she had been working for two hours even though she knew it wasn't true. She stepped in her bathroom and turned her shower on hoping it would wash all her thoughts away.
As soon as she stepped out of her bathroom, her phone buzzed on the bedside table. Maybe it was her son's school calling she thought to herself. Looking at her phone, she saw it wasn't a saved no. After a little contemplation, she picked the call.
"Hello, who is it?" She asked as she picked the call. "It's me, Phillip" The voice replied. Once she heard the voice and a confirmation by himself that it was truly him she felt her heart skip countless beats. Slowly finding it harder to breathe she threw her phone on the bed as though she was trying to run away from the reality of what had just happened. Saying she was shocked and in disbelief would be an understatement. Opening her bedside drawer, she shuffled every item in it to both sides looking for her inhaler.
"Oh God, oh God, Oh God" She said to herself repeatedly when her breathing had settled. This wasn't happening. It couldn't be happening. She paced around her room, walking from one end to the other. For a moment she stopped the pacing realising it was only complicating issues.
She ran downstairs after throwing a random cloth on taking her car keys and not minding if she looked good or not. Even though she knew she might not have been in the right state of mind to drive, she didn't care she just wanted to get to her son's school. Her journey to her son's school was a blur as she suddenly halted realising she had gotten there.
"Good afternoon ma" One of the gate men said as she got to the gate. "Good afternoon, please I need to see the headmistress" She replied. Without waiting for his approval or direction, she started to walk in the direction of what she thought had to be the way towards the office. "Please ma, you have to wait. I have to ask if the headmistress is available at this point in time" The gate man replied quickly walking towards her. "Do you understand how urgent the present situation is? I demand to see her immediately" She replied the gate man who seemed to be confused on the next step to take.
The gate man decided to let Ewa follow him even though he was supposed to tell her to wait. He knocked on the headmistress's office door as Ewa eagerly tapped her feet on the floor awaiting the response from the other side of the door. " Come in" The voice replied. As soon as she heard the voice, she entered alongside the gate man whom she had followed. " Good day Madam. It's good to see you" The headmistress said once she entered the office gesturing the gate man to leave. "Good day Ma. I'll like to see Timi now, we have to be on our way home" She said in a rush. "Okay, hope everything is fine?" The headmistress asked with obvious concern. "Not at all. I just have some issues we'll have to deal with right now" She said. The headmistress went ahead to call for her son and she was more than grateful when she had seen him walk into the office. He looked surprised to see her there but as far as she saw that he was safe that was all that mattered to her.
Once they were out of the school he started asking questions. "Mummy where are we going? Why are you here this early?" "I can only answer one question at a time, Timi. I'll answer when we get home, okay?" She replied, he nodded still looking like he needed the answers immediately. She kept looking at her side mirror and rear view mirror throughout the journey to be sure there was no car following them. She thought that Phillip was smarter than thinking of harming anyone of them but she could never be too sure at least in her own case.
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