Chapter 3 - Going to Hell... I mean school
- Amy -
_ 7:45 am, Monday, 28th September, 2016 _
The school bus came to a halt, signalling that we arrived at our destination... Hell - I MEAN School. Yea, school. Of course, Brianna the b*tch would get off the bus first. And fortunately, the bus driver didn't check if all the students were off the bus or not. He just went down for a coffee break. Time to put my plan in action.
I waited until everyone got off the bus, then grabbed my Sharpie. I took a quick look around and almost had a heart attack!! A student I've never seen before sat on a seats few rows away from mine. He wore a black hoodie and pants... But what puzzled me the most was his mask. He wore a royal blue mask with 2 eye holes. Only. Nothing but just 2 empty, black sockets. (( A/N: See what I did there? No? Nevermind )) The first thing I did was scream.
Thoughts were swimming through my head I thought that my mind was going to blow up from overdrive. Who the heck is he?! My plan is ruined! Am I going to die? Why is he here!? Who is- wait, I thought of that already. Will he tell others? Did I complete all my homework?
BUT.. I just said a very flattering " UHHH.." The stranger didn't reply... But he looks... Familiar?! Why would I know him?! But he's so familiar.. SOOOOOOOO familiar...
" Who are you? Nevermind that, why are you here? " I ranted stupidly. He just stared at me, tilting his head slightly to the side causing his auburn hair to fall into his eyes- err... Mask. An awkward silence settled.
" Ok, whatever. Just stay there-" I got cut off by a husky voice.
" You're Amy Snow.. Right? " he asked and I stared at him, dumbstruck. What the hell?!
" Yes, in fact I am. Now, why are you here? " I ask.
" Why are YOU here? " he asks and I cross my arms.
" Look, just answer the question. I am running out of time and I might be busted. Ok? Also, I asked YOU first so YOU have to answer me first!! " He chuckles at my long-windeness and I just wait.
" I can't be here? " He asks, almost mocking.
" No, but then you can't tell anybody a thing you see! Understood? " I tried to sound firm, and somehow I felt like I could trust the secrets of the world with him. A stranger. God, what's happening to me?! He meekly nods and I smile. " What's your name? " I ask and he replies with the word " Jack. But you can call me EJ ".
" Oh! " I smile, " That's the name of my boyfriend..." I trail off, not continuing because he's a stranger... AND I don't need another person thinking I am crazy.
" That's nice." He says and leans back onto the chair. I just shrug and say: " I hope you don't tell anyone.. And that you don't hate me.."
" Why would I? " He replies. " I am surprised YOU don't hate ME. "
" Who would hate you..? " I ask, giggling.
He looked down and I could sense hat he was sad. " You don't think I am a freak..? " he whispers. I burst out laughing.
" You.. You are anything but a freak..! " I start, looking at his face- err... Mask. " You are who you are... And nobody can convince you otherwise. A freak is a name given, but it isn't yours. Freaks are not freaks... They are just different in their own unique way.. And that's a good thing! If you're a freak, then I am a freak too, ok? We'll be freaks together.." I finished and just hugged him in a comforting way.
Jesus, Amy Snow, what happened to not trusting strangers!? And now you're hugging one!! But, he's nice I guess. He looked up and his mask moved a bit, as if he were smiling.
" Thanks Amy, I needed that.." he mutters and I laugh.
" Are you a new student? " I ask and he nods meekly. " Well, ever heard of a girl called Georgia? " He nods again. " Well, this girl..." I trail off, not wanting to continue. Jack looks at me, urging me to continue. " Well... She bullies me..." I whisper and I notice that Jack's hands clench into fists.
" Anyway..! " I say, trying to change the subject. " This girl has a lot of ' followers ' as I refer to them. " Jack chuckles slightly. " And her so called ' BFF ' did something insulting to me this morning.." I gesture to my seat, " And I won't let it pass. So, I am gonna get revenge.."
Jack smiled slightly, his mask shifting. " Well, let ME help.." he smirks and but I protest.
" NO! You're new and you don't need to get in trouble..." I mutter. He sighs but nods and picks up the paper of swear words.
" DON'T READ THAT!!" I shriek and grab the paper.
" Why? " he asks. I sigh.
" This is one of the things they did to insult me.." I groan. Then, I get to work.
- ( Eyeless ) Jack -
_ 8:15 am, Monday, 28th September, 2016 _
I watch with mild interest as Amy goes towards the seat where I saw Brianna sitting earlier. And yes, even though I have no eyes, Slender has made a spell for me to see like a human... But without the eyeballs. Slender also injected all of us with a serum so that we look normal to people, but we Creepypastas can see each other fine... Unless if we are murdering people. Then the victim would be able to see our true form.
So, this was Jeff's ' girlfriend ' huh? The girl he lost to Jack Frost... Well, I do owe him because he brought back TONS of kidneys last night, so I help him by going to the same school with his girl. She is really nice, especially when she talked to me about the freak thing... No wonder Jeff fell for her. And Georgia? Jeff murdered her last night... But wait till I tell him what Amy told me.. God he will go MAD!
I watched as Amy giggled to herself and scrawl the words ' Bitch ' across Brianna's seat and I smirked. While she was distracted, I took a look at the paper earlier and saw every. Single. Swear. Word. Oh my Gawd. I'll show this to Jeff later I thought, as I pocketed the piece of paper. Once she was done, we snuck out of the bus together. We made it into school by 8:30, luckily on time.
Amy panted next to me as she rested her hands on her knees. Suddenly, someone kicks her from the back, causing her to stumble and fall. Angrily, I swipe around to see that girl - Brianna or something - snickering with a few others. I clenched my fists, but couldn't afford to go berserk or else my cover would be blown. So instead, I rush next to fuming mad Amy and help her up. Before I get the chance to, though, she stood up by herself and punched one of Brianna's followers straight in the face.... A ' CRACK ' sounding as her fist collided with her face.
Her follower stumbled backwards while clutching her bleeding nose. She shrieked something muffled which I was almost sure was a swear word. Brianna screams and charges at Amy. Amy easily sidesteps her before throwing a roundhouse kick. I am impressed. This girl ain't messing around. As Brianna holds her face in shock, Amy easily takes down the two other girls. I watch in amusement as the three girls moan in pain on the ground and Brianna hold her face.
Slowly, Brianna got up and tackled Amy - who was walking towards me. Amy tried to block her attacks but Brianna scratched at Amy with her nails. Is no one seeing this??! I look around and realised that everyone else must have been in class. I watch as Amy is thrown against a locker and I rush to help.
" Who's this huh Amy? Your little freaky boyfriend? Hahahahah!! Look, he's so freakishly ugly he's wearing a mask! Ahhaha FREAKS LIKE YOU DON' T BELONG HERE. WHY DON'T YOU JUST GO KILL YOURSELF?! " Brianna hollered.
" FUCK YOU YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!!! " screams another voice. Amy. I look at her as she spits out some blood and runs at Brianna.
" How * punch * DARE * punch * YOU * punch * SPEAK * punch * LIKE * punch * THAT * kick * TO MY * kick * FRIEND! * punch * "
Brianna was bleeding now.. Crying too. Pfft, weakling. But Amy was still going strong. Somehow, she managed to knock Brianna out.
" Oh wow. I never knew that you had it in you.." I say, impressed.
" Are you okay? Don't listen to her - you are not a freak. " Amy muttered.
" I'm FINE. Are YOU ok? " I ask, checking for injuries. I notice a small gash at the side of her head and panicked.
" DUDE YOU ARE BLEEDING!! " I whisper-yell. Amy touches her head and winces. " I guess I am.." she mutters. I sigh and head to the nurses office, but it was locked with the ' OUT FOR LUNCH ' sign hanging on the doorknob. I curse before looking at Amy.
" You gotta pin in your hair? " I ask, holding my hand out. She smiles and takes one out from her hoodie.
" I carry it around in case of emergencies - for my hair and for my life. " I laugh at her little joke and start picking the lock. Soon enough it swung opened and I stepped inside. I took out the first aid kit and found some disinfection.
" This is going to hurt and sting a little.." I tell her truthfully. She nods and squeezes her hands together as I pour some into a piece of cotton and dab it lightly on her wound. She hisses slightly but doesn't move. After I am done cleaning it, I cover her hair over it so it won't be noticeable.
" Thanks." she states and I just nod my head. " We better get to class.."
" What class are you having? " she asked. Jeff somehow changed my schedule to be exactly like hers, so I say " Literature "
" Great! I have that class too! Let's go!! " she drags me along to the literature class. She knocks on the door and enters slowly. A skinny teacher was in front of the class, talking about poems. She stops and diverts her attention to Amy.
" Hello Amy. Do you plan on telling me why you are late? " her tone was soft, but strict. VERY strict.
" Oh, I was just helping a new student, as he got lost- "
" EXCUSES!! EXCUSES!! " roars the teacher, until she notices me. Her face darkens as she was proven wrong. " Boy, take off the mask. You are not allowed to wear it, unless you want a demerit."
" No. " I answer simply.
" NO?! HOW DARE YOU DEFY ME!! DEMERIT!! " she shrieked. God, this woman has issues. Bipolar much?! I take a seat behind Amy, next to a window. The teacher then continued talking about poems. I sighed and rested my head on the desk. It's going to be a looooooonggggg day.
⚡ Time Skip to Break Time ⚡
I slumped out of class, with an excited Amy beside me.
" This is sooo cool. I can't believe that I actually have a legit friend from school now..! " she squeals and I laugh. She heads towards the direction of the canteen, but something catches my eye. A... Dog?! Yes, a Red and Black husky.
" Go ahead Amy. I'll catch up with you later." I told her and she happily skipped off to the canteen. After she is out of sight, I check to make sure that no one is around before leaning down to the dog and hissing " Smile! Why are you here?! "
Smile lets out a bark before growling a low, " Jeff is waiting for you outside the campus..."
" Oh you have GOT to be kidding me..! " I sigh and proceed to sneak off campus. Outside, I see a familiar white hoodie and a smiling face. A group of girls walk by and one of them flirtatiously winks at Jeff, who they are currently viewing in his human ( non-creepypasta ) form. I also look like a human, but I prefer to keep my mask on.
" Dude! What the hell man?! " I hiss, trying not to draw attention.
" Just checking up on you. Thanks for this bro." he states simply.
" You're welcome-"
" But I was thinking that I join her school as well... So y'know I can watch her as well? " he suggested, looking over to me for a reaction.
" I don't know," I shrug. " She's your gal, not mine. Though I have to admit she's one of the nicest humans I have ever met.."
" Isn't she the best..? " Jeff sighs and I can literally picture the floating hearts above his head. I held back a chuckle. Dreamy Jeff and Drunk Jeff were the two most amusing. Like that time when Jeff got his hands on the alcohol shelf... He was dancing on the table while singing a hilarious mashup of ' All About That Bass ' and ' Timber ' while trying to swing off the fan ( which somehow ended up on the ground ) dressed in a Mexican poncho ( completed with a fake moustache, an oversized hat and maracas..! ). After that, he had attempted to kill himself, shrieking about how the martians would be back one day. In the end of A LOT of crazy, dramatically humorous stuff, he ended up falling asleep while hanging from the ceiling fan and hugging an inflatable dolphin. That wasn't the worse one, too.
Anyways, as Jeff continued to daydream about Amy, I thought of a strategy to inform him what Amy told me without him going berserk.
" Ugh, Jeff." I start, " So, y'know that Amy is being bullied.. Right..? " I stop and hesitate for a moment as I watch Jeff's facial expression change from dreamy to angry. " By this girl called Georgia... "
" THAT BLOODY MOT- wait, didn't I kill her last night? " He growled and I swear to the almighty name of Zalgo his voice sounded demonic.
" Uh.. I think so..? That means her kidneys are currently in my stomach! " I grin cockily, but he probably couldn't see it because of my mask.
" Ugh, bloody idiots in this world.." Jeff muttered, along with some... COLOURFUL words. After explaining to Jeff about the fight, the vandalism and the rest, I passed him the note ( which I took from the bus earlier ).
" Thanks EJ. You just won yourself more free kidneys! " he laughs before running away, smile dog going with him. I sigh and walk back into our school compound.
⚡ Time Skip to Lunch Time ⚡
- Amy -
_ 12:00 pm, Monday, 28th September, 2016 _
I get in queue for today's lunch, spaghetti. I grab 2 cartons of juice as well - one for Jack and one for me. I head to the table in the far corner of the canteen and sit down before starting to feast on my lunch.
" Hiya Amy! " a husky voice says and I look up from my food to see Jack staring at me before plopping down in front of me.
" Hey! " I greet. " I got you a drink, but I am not sure what food you want. "
" Oh, I have packed lunch. " he states and reaches into a paper bag, pulling out a... Bean?
" Is that a... BEAN? " I ask, looking at the oversized bean he was holding. What the heck is that?!
" Yea. It's... A special bean which I eat cause my doctor says I need to eat it because I have a rare condition. It's supposed to make my eyesight better! " He babbles and I laugh.
" Ok. I see. " I smile. " Take the milk, though. It's good for your health AND your eyesight..! "
" I can't... Allergies! " he quickly mutters.
" Aww, then at least take this. " I say and put a meatball on his plate. He pokes it and then mutters something I can't hear.
" Uh, no thanks.." he denies.
" Come on! You need some meat in your diet to be strong! " I plead. Finally he sighs and takes a tiny bite out of it. " That's it! " I smile. He just groans and proceeds to eat the bean.
ANDDDDD.. Not a moment later I am being held by my neck in a death grip by some ass I don't even know.
" You little * bleep * you mother * bleep * how dare you hurt Brianna?! You are going to die you little * bleep * " (( A/N: All * cough * COLOURFUL words are censored for the sake of the rating of this story, sincerely Tulips77 )) he yells and I groan.
" Jesus, I didn't know she had more than 1 clone. Why? Are you saving her sorry little ass-" A hand lands across my face and I growl.
" Shut the * bleep * up you * bleep bleep bleep BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP * " He roars and I see Jack disappear around the corner. Bastard. I trusted him and he is leaving me. Anyways, back to the fatass at hand.
" Gee, overprotective much? Why? All you jocks are good at is having a ' playboy ' reputation. You guys are nothing but a bunch of weaklings- " Another slap. My head is tilted to the side, but I laugh. Stupid little asshats.
" I AM NOT A WEAKLING YOU LITTLE * bleeeeeeeep * YOU ARE GOING TO DIE!! " As he tightens his grip on my neck. Everyone in the canteen is yelling about fighting- and they are OBVIOUSLY not rooting for me.
" Can you not?! At least let me finish my DAMN sentences first before slapping me! " I hiss, " Listen up you mother* BLEEEP * you better put me the f*ck down before I make sure you never reproduce again. "
" Why? Is little Ms. Badass angry? Hmm? Who has a reputation NOW?! " He laughs along with the rest of the people in the canteen. Ugh, some idiots are just asking for it.
" C'mon Brad! Let's go! " yells one of his ' buddies ' and of course I am dragged to god-knows-where. In a death grip. From my neck. Fantastic! Just dandy! I thought bitterly. Where the hell are the damn teachers anyway?! My thoughts are interrupted when Brad comes to an abrupt stop. I crane my neck and see EJ standing in front of us with a guy in a white hoodie. Yay! He didn't leave me after all! He left for back up! Great!
" Uh, little help please EJ? " I say, dangling like a rag doll from that dudes grip. God I am going to suffocate all because I just merely injured Bitchanna their fellow queen. Ugh.
" Put. Her. Down." The guy with the white hoodie growls. His voice is so familiar.. SOOO familiar. And that hoodie! THAT HOODIE IS SO FAMILIAR WHAT EVEN?!
" Out of the way, kid. Unless you wanna get hurt. " snarls Brad. The white hoodie guy growls before producing a knife from the pocket of his hoodie. Brad's grip tightens on my neck.
" Woah dude! " I wheeze, " Don't kill him! I wanna get the pleasure of killing him... AND I don't exactly want to end up in jail just yet. Maybe a few years from now when I kill him. "
" Shut the hell up you bloody * bleep *. First you insult Georgia, then you hurt Brianna and now your freaky friends are here to save you from your doom. You disgust me you * bleep *. You're just asking for it. " Brad snarls.
" Well, I guess you look in the mirror too much. Maybe the image of your own face has burned into your memory, cause now you're going around calling everyone disgusting. Being vain has its side affects, huh? Also, I would never ask anything from you. " I sass.
Mr. White hoodie stares at me in shock. I just smirk in his direction before using as much strength as I could to kick Brad where the sun don't shine. He immediately falters and his hands flew to his ' area '. There you have it kids, always aim for the nuts.
" Oh, and you are the one who is ' asking for it ' cause I warned you earlier.. Now you can never reproduce again! " I mock. His friends run at me and I duck an oncoming shoe. I roundhouse kick the first one in the face ( which I am positive left him with a broken nose ) and knee the second one in the stomach. The third one tackles me, but I remove my hoodie and use it to tie around his neck, squeezing until he passes out. I proceed to punch the fourth one repeatedly and the fifth one got his arm broken.
" Who's next? " I hiss, looking at the sixth one. He just backs away and breaks into a run.
" Wow, Mimi. I never knew you had that in you. " Mr. White hoodie smirks, his emerald green eyes shining as he runs his hand through his brown hair. Mimi... Mimi... That name... It's so familiar..
" How in the name of * bleep * do you know my name?! Are you a stalker or something?! If you are you will end up like them!! " I gesture to them passed out or barely passed out bunch of jocks behind me. He just sighs and says:
" Chill, Mimi. Jack told me your name and I just came up with a nickname on the spot. Problem? " he states. I sigh and shake my head.
" Well, can you at least tell me who the crap you are? " I ask. As you can see, no one would be in a good mood after nearly getting killed by some asshats who worship a * bleep * and taking on 5 jocks.
" Well, SOMEONE'S on her monthly..." Mr. White Hoodie mutters and I proceed to elbow him in the ribs.
" My name is- " he begins.
" Jeff, right? " I finish, smirking as his face changes from smug to shocked.
" That's just scary.." He gasps. " How on earth..? "
" Just guessed. I didn't expect it to be right. " I grin.
" Well, as I was saying before I was RUDELY interrupted, I am a very good friend of Jacky Boy here-"
" Don't call me that, " growls Jack and I laugh.
" Good to know that I have some new friends! " I smile. " A friend of Jack's is a friend of mine! "
" And you just met him like what, today? " Jeff smirks.
" Yea, and he's proven himself worthy! " I reply. But before the conversation could go on any longer, we were all interrupted by a certain good-for-nothing fatass... I MEAN a totally humble and non-fatass person.
" Amy Snow! Just WHAT do you think you are doing?! " his low voice boomed and I see a few kids snickering nearby.
" Well, I am breathing and blinking, also currently talking. " I say sarcastically.
" There are 5 INJURED students behind you, and according to a reliable source-"
" Which is who? Bitchanna? " I snicker. His face turns as red as a tomato and in fury clenches his teeth.
" DO NOT INTERRUPT ME! " He roars before continuing. " As I was saying, I heard that you were the one who beat them up. You know that fighting is STRICTLY against the school rules, yet you cause 5 students to pass out! You are a DISGRACE to our school! Fighting is an act of violence and-"
" Ok, I get it fatass, no fighting blah blah blah, disgrace, blah blah blah, detention, blah blah blah. Just cut to the damn chase! " I snap. I wasn't a very patient person, ESPECIALLY with this * bleep * in front of me. Call me rude, call me bitchy, I don't care. I see both Jeff and Jack snickering a few feet behind the fatass.
" Wait, Mr. Lee! " calls out a different voice. Fatass turns around to see Jeff and Jack. " We saw everything that happened and Amy is not at fault-"
" So you're sticking up for this little troublemaker?! " Fatass bellows and I mutter some colourful words under my breath.
" Yes, as she has a legit reason-"
" SILENCE!! " I swear by now the whole school is gathered to see what is going on. " Aren't you 2 the new kids? You better not mix with this little tyrant-"
" BISH, EFF NO! Did you just call me a tyrant!? " I yell, showing him a ' rude ' gesture on my finger - my middle one to be exact. Of course I am ignored.
" - I am warning you 2 she's bad influence. Very bad influence."
" But we saw the whole thing, sir. " Jack states politely and I snort. The idiot's face fell from a ' get-the-crap-away-from-the-bad-influence ' expression to a ' you-are-all-asking-for-death ' expression.
" Fine, then the both of you are coming to my office.." he deadpans and stomps away.
--- Da Authorz Note ---
Hey! To whoever is reading this book, thank you SOOOOO much. I really appreciate it.
Anyways, CHAPPIE 3 IS OUT! YAYYYY!! I hope you enjoyed it, even though it was a bit ' cliche ' and stuff. Cause, hey you can totally trust a blue-masked stranger right? * awkward silence * Nevermind...
I really hope I can get more votes on this book, though. So.. Yay? Thanks again to the current readers.
Hope you guys are enjoying the plot so far, and pls comment.
Welp, don't forget to:
READ ( you've obviously just done that ) 📖
Lotz of luv,
- Tulips77
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