Chapter 2 - Killing Spree
- Amy -
_ 3:48 am, Monday, 28th September, 2016 _
(( A/N: Just so you know, this part will be in Amy's dream ))
It's cold. So, very cold. I stand next to the lamp post, shivering. The streets were deserted and there was no sign of life... Anywhere. I look around and meet with darkness. I turn to the front again and see... A figure? Yes... A blurry figure. Even though I was standing right in front of him - or her - it seemed as though it was just a blurred shadow... An image which has not been fully loaded.
" Amy..." the figure rasped... And the voice... It was SOO familiar. Where have I heard this voice before?
" Mimi! That's right! I'll call you Mimi! Mimi Snowy!! " The voice spoke again. But this time, it sounded younger... Like a child's voice. The darkness fades away, and so does the figure. I then find myself in a meadow. I see a brown haired boy running after a little girl with black hair. They were both giggling and joking around before the girl stepped on some grass and sinked down. I walk over and notice that... The girl was me?! It can't be... It was destroyed! But, how??? The girl had fallen into a ditch, and the boy was trying to help her up.
The scene suddenly wavered and changed. I looked around to see a burning building... And the stars looked so nice... No, this couldn't be happening again!! WAKE UP! Shrieks and cries filled my ears... The stars, they looked so pretty.... The fire seemed to enlighten them even more! WAKE UP!! Firestar. That sounds like such a cool name! I wished I was called firestar... Amy, the name sounded nice. Amy Firestar Snow. Hmm... The fire continued to blaze the building, and I watched as the people - who were burnt - pluck themselves off the ground and limp towards me... Firestar...
" Amy..." the voice echoed and I sank to the ground while clutching my head.
" Amy... Don't leave... Mimi..." I shook my head and tried to block out the voice... But to no avail.
" Amy... Don't cry... Let me help you... "
" Amy... Amy... Amy.... Amy... Mimi...Mimi... "
" SHUT UP AND GO AWAY!!" I yelled.
" Amy... Let me help... I'll help you then..." The voice sighed.
" Please.. Save me..." I whimpered.
" Open your eyes then Amy.... I miss you..." The voice faded and slowly disappeared. I tried my best and...
Opened my eyes.
" AMY!! WAKE UP! "
My eyes shot open and I sat up, panting. I looked around, relieved to spot Jack in front of me, a worried expression plastered on his face.
" It's just a bad dream, Snow Angel.." he whispered and pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged him back mindlessly and thought about the dream.
That voice.... It's so familiar.. But, why? I shot a glance at my alarm clock. 04:59 , it read. Ugh, my head hurts from thinking.
" Go back to sleep, ya? I'll sleep next to you if you want? " Jack asked and I meekly nodded. He climbed into the bed and I hugged him, snuggling my head into his chest and trying to fall asleep again.
- Jeff -
_ 5:00 pm, Monday, 28th September, 2016_
I clenched my fists as I saw them snuggling together. He wasn't supposed to be here!! I growled, the bloodlust in my mind going wild as I thought of Jack's guts decorating my room... That sounds good. But I cannot. DAMMIT DEAL!! I hold my knife and sigh. Tonight will be another night of a killing spree, I thought. Swiftly, I jumped off the tree that looked into Amy's window and proceeded to have a ' walk ' around her neighbourhood.
I made a turn to the right, looking up at the house. House number 6. 6 is my lucky number! But the residence in the house won't be so lucky.. I chuckled darkly to myself before climbing up a nearby drainpipe, which led to a window. I peek in, and see a girl - most likely a teenager - sitting on her bed with the lights off, the only light coming from her phone, which she was holding.
I caught a slight glimpse of a blue bird on her phone. What was that again? Tweeter? No, was it Tweety? No... I think it was Twitter! Oh well. I watch for a while before the girl puts the phone on her bedside table and lays down on her bed.
Even better.
Slowly, and super quietly, I sneak in through her window. It was one of my Creepypasta powers, being super quiet and stealthy. It was going well until the blasted window decided to creak. Very loudly.
It woke the girl up, and she sat up while blinking. I hid in the shadows and watched. She shrugged and went back to sleep. Stupid, stupid little mortals. I continue my way in, and successfully entered. I sneak up to her bed and raise my knife slightly. I also position myself in such a way that she cannot escape. Techniques, y'know?
" Go to sleep..! " I grinned, as the girl stirred awake and was about to yell. I immediately took the opportunity to plunge the knife into her mouth and hit part of her throat, listening to her gurgle on her own blood. Carefully, I sliced her neck open ( also earning myself a gurgled scream ) and ripped her voice box out. I learned to that when I nearly got busted the last time. The girl begin to cry and I chuckled. Yes, I am a messed up person.
" Don't cry, doll. This is just the beginning...! " I cackled and proceed to plunge my knife into her chest, careful not to hit her heart so I can watch her die a slow and agonisingly painful death. I drag the knife lower and deeper with every centimetre. Eventually, I reached her stomach, and smiled at the sight of her messed up body. I tore her body open ( causing blood to spurt out and cover a lot of things - including my dry clean only hoodie ) and took out a plastic bag from my hoodie pocket to put her kidneys into. For Jack. And I mean EYELESS Jack, not Jack Frost.
(( A/N: To avoid further confusion, I'll refer to Eyeless Jack as EJ, ok? ))
I took out most of her organs, and watched as her pathetic mortal heart tried to keep her alive. I got bored soon enough and just plunged my knife into her heart. I stuffed all of her organs ( including the voice box ) into her stomach except for the kidneys, which I kept for EJ.
Then I wrote " GO TO SLEEP " on the green wall of her bedroom - using her blood.
I casually strolled out of her room and into the next one. There was a single lump under the blanket, and I figured that there were only 2 people in this house since there were:
1. Only 2 bedrooms ( since the other one was a bathroom )
2. There were no other signs of living things in the house except for the deceased kid and the single parent.
So, I proceeded next to the lump ( that was breathing ) under the blanket and pulled the covers off, to reveal a man around his 40s and dressed in a singlet with shorts. He felt around for his blanket and groaned something that sounded like:
" Georgia this isn't funny! It's so late!! Go back to Sleep because you have school tomorrow! "
And now we know that the girl I just killed was called Georgia. Yay me!
" Georgia's gone now... And she is surely asleep..." I whispered and laughed maniacally. The guy immediately sits up and screams.
" Hush now... Just relax and GO TO SLEEP! " I plunge my knife into his eyeball, a sickening ' squalsh ' sounding as I pulled my knife out. The guy screamed... Either from the pain of loosing an eyeball, the pain of loosing his daughter or the fact that there was a murderer with a really BEAUTIFUL face standing in front of him. Maybe a mix of all.
I take a lighter from my hoodie pocket and slowly lift up his eyelid. He continues to screech loudly as I light the fire and proceed to burn off his eyelid.
" Please don' this.... I.... Have a... Daughter to take.... Care.. Of..." he wheezed and I chuckled.
" No worries, I ' took care ' of Georgia already..." I purr and do the same to his other eye. " Now you look so beautiful... Just like me! " I smile and take out my bloodied knife. Slowly, I begin to cut a smile onto his face - from ear to ear. Isn't that neat? The guy, not even screaming anymore, just whimpers and accepts death. Tsk Tsk... Pathetic humans... I then dissect him ( also taking his kidneys for EJ because I am in a good mood ) and cut out his heart. He's obviously dead by now, so I stick his heart onto the wall and write ' Go To Sleep ' in his blood. I take a moment to admire my handiwork before leaving his room and disarming all the security cameras and getting rid of the evidence such as fingerprints.
Once I am done with that, I exit through the girl's window and climb down the drainpipe... Before proceeding to the next house for another kill. House number 7.... That was Amy's favourite number! So, house number seven it is!
Again, I sneak in through a window - this time a bathroom window - and peek out the door. A kid, around the age of 8, was sleeping soundly in his bed. I snuck to his side and proceed to rip his voice box clear out. He lets out a gurgled cry as I whisper ' Go To Sleep ' and use my lighter to set him on fire. I enjoy the view as I watch him burn alive. After the fire dies out and the kid is dead, I skulk around the inside of his body and collect his kidneys - slightly roasted but still edible. I then leave my mark on his wall ( you know, Go To Sleep written in his blood ) and exit his room.
This house was nice, it had wooden floorboards and a high ceiling. The house though, was cozy but small. Three rooms were seen in this hallway and a bathroom down the stairs. A tidy kitchen was at the corner, where I went to get a butcher knife - since my current one is wearing out and rusting. The knife looks good, and brand new..! I smirk and go back up the stairs and into the second room.
This time, the room was pink and purple. A cute little redhead girl sat huddled on her bed, head in her hands. I noiselessly creep up to her, and ask her:
" What's wrong, girly? " She looks up, terrified, but before she can speak ( or even make a noise for the matter ) I slit her throat and stab her eyeballs out. Such a waste, a pretty child like her. Somehow, as I dissect her, her heart was still beating. So, what do I do? I rip her heart out and stick it down her throat. She is dead now, and as usual I take the kidneys and leave my mark on her wall. Then, I leave the room.
I walk down the corridor to the last room, where the light was still on. I peek in and see a woman in her 30s reading a book on her bed. I throw the door open and pounce on her, earning a scream.
" Sssh.... Relax and GO TO SLEEP!!" I cackle and plunge my knife into her neck, repeatedly until she was dead. Carefully, I carve a smile into her face and burn her eyelids. " There... Now you look so pretty! " I chuckle and take her kidneys to leave - but not before leaving my mark. Then, I exit through her window by smashing it open and land on my 2 feet outside. Like I said, stealthy. I proceed to set fire to their home and run away. Now... Who's next? I smirk.
~ The next day... Actually it's ALREADY the next day... Wait, what?! Ugh... Well, the next MORNING! 3:59 is technically considered morning already- SHUT UP AND FOLLOW THE NARRATION!! Ok, ok sheesh I am just saying!! Tsk, back to the story!! ~
- Amy -
_ 6:49 am, Monday, 28th September, 2016 _
I wake up - for real this time - and was relieved to find myself NOT standing next to a lamppost. I stir around to find Jack sleeping next to me, snoring lightly. I smile and get up, being careful not to wake Jack in the process. I groan and stretch before proceeding into the almighty bathroom.
My hair looked like a bird - wait no, a mammal - made a nest in my hair, gave birth to kids and died in it. Oh god. I tame my messy blob of black and highlighted red part of hair a top my head and brush my teeth. Do my usual routine of washing my face and showering too. After that I exit the bathroom - to find Jack still snoozing away. I sigh as I get dressed in a pair of black leggings, a checkered black and white skirt up to my knees, a black shirt and a red hoodie.
" You look stunning, Snow Angel." I heard a voice behind me and turn to see Jack.
" Thanks.." I mutter, blushing a little. " But I bet they would hate it, as usual.."
" Snowflake.." Jack sighed, " You look amazing! " I just shrugged and put my hood on, covering my head.
" Are we going now? " I ask, as I opened the door. Jack nodded and slid down the railing from the stairs. I just giggled and slid down as well, landing perfectly. He guided me outside and near the bus stop. Unfortunately, some people couldn't see Jack as they didn't believe in him... So I was bullied. That you will find out more later. Anyways, he guided me all the way to the bus stop and he kissed me ( making sure no one saw ) before leaving. Unfortunately, Jack couldn't come with me as he had Guardian duties.
" See you after school.." he whispered, pecking my cheek before flying off. I sighed and plucked my earphones into my ears before turning my iPod on and browsing through the songs. In the end, I settled with ' Drag Me Down ' from 1 Direction.
" With your love, nobody can drag me DOWN! " I sang softly. I stuck my iPod into my hoodie pocket and waited for 20 minutes or so before the bus came. I boarded the bus and made my way to the far corner of the bus. But of course, was hit with various items such as crumpled paper, stationaries and more. Gawd people go get a life.
An even lovelier surprise was found on my usual seat. A piece of paper with so many bad words on it that it would make those grumpy old sailors go to shame. I sighed and tossed the piece of paper... To find the words ' FREAK ' scrawled at the side of the seat in gold Sharpie. Ok, I was mad.
" Who's the b*tch who did this?! " I roared.
" Oh dear, is the freak mad? " I heard the teeth-gritting- ly annoying voice mock.
" Brianna.." I gritted my teeth to keep from pulling all her stupid hair extensions out. She makes the monster in me come alive!
" I just thought that marking the seat would make it yours... Just in case if someone else decides to sit there.." she batted her eyelashes and I felt a strong urge to yank out all her eyelashes.
" Ahh... Ok, I see.." I mused, an idea hitting me. " I am surprised a lapdog like you would be able to even do a thing without your precious owner here... Georgia. Or are you just doing her dirty work? Where's your god? Huh? Where's your almighty Queen to lead you minions to do her evil bidding? "
" YOU B*TCH!! " screeched Brianna, raising her hand to slap me. I chuckled.
" Go ahead. It just proves I am right.." I smirk and watch as she trembles in rage.
" HOW DARE YOU?! HOW DARE YOU FREAK INSULT GEORGIA?! YOU LITTLE LOW LIFE B*TCH!!!!! " Most of the bus was staring at us. And majority of them were shooting me bad looks. Heh, screw them.
" You're not denying it. Let's face it. You are just Georgia's little minion- " Her hand landed across my face. A loud ' slap ' echoing. With my head tilted to the side from the slap, I chuckled. Then I begin to laugh. Soon enough I was roaring with laughter.
" You're funny, you know Brianna? Really funny. You just couldn't face the truth. And you couldn't stand me saying it... That slap proved so.." I said in between laughter.
" YOU-"
" Tut, tut..." I say, holding up my hand in front of her face. " You don't need to say a thing... I know what you mean. You just cannot face the truth, and when I say it, you get angry... Because you just can't face it.." I smirk and sit back down. Brianna looks like she is about to cuss out, but the bus brakes and she flies forward. I snicker as she falls on her face. Of course her fellow followers rush and help her. I roll my eyes and pluck my earphones back in, this time listening to ' Mean ' by Taylor Swift.
'You, with your words like knives
And swords and weapons that you use against me
You have knocked me off my feet again
Got me feeling like a nothing
You, with your voice like nails on a chalkboard
Calling me out when I'm wounded
You, picking on the weaker man
Well you can take me down with just one single blow
But you don't know, what you don't know...
Someday I'll be living in a big ole city
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Someday I'll be big enough so you can't hit me
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Why you gotta be so mean?
You, with your switching sides
And your wildfire lies and your humiliation
You have pointed out my flaws again
As if I don't already see them
I walk with my head down
Trying to block you out 'cause I'll never impress you
I just wanna feel okay again
I bet you got pushed around
Somebody made you cold
But the cycle ends right now
'Cause you can't lead me down that road
And you don't know, what you don't know...
Someday I'll be living in a big ole city
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Someday I'll be big enough so you can't hit me
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Why you gotta be so mean?
And I can see you years from now in a bar
Talking over a football game
With that same big loud opinion
But nobody's listening
Washed up and ranting about the same old bitter things
Drunk and grumbling on about how I can't sing
But all you are is mean
All you are is mean
And a liar, and pathetic, and alone in life
And mean, and mean, and mean, and mean
But someday I'll be living in a big ole city
And all you're ever gonna be is mean, yeah
Someday I'll be big enough so you can't hit me
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Why you gotta be so?...
Someday I'll be living in a big ole city (Why you gotta be so?...)
And all you're ever gonna be is mean (Why you gotta be so?...)
Someday I'll be big enough so you can't hit me (Why you gotta be so?...)
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Why you gotta be so mean? '
----- Author's note -------
Yay!! The second chappie!!! Yay! The third one is coming soon and I hope you guys like the story so far!
💋 Again please don't forget to:
READ ( you've obviously just done that ) 📖
- Tulips77
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