Chapter Four: Slayers
(Y/N) checked off a day on the Butterfly Estate's calendar. It had now been six months since he and Kanao had been adopted by the Kocho's and taken in.
As of now, (Y/N) was assisting Aoi in the medical wards of the estate.
Since about a month ago, an influx of slayers had been flowing into the Butterfly Estate's medical wards, and all hands were needed.
Right now, (Y/N) was wrapping a bandage around a young slayer's leg. The wound there was especially nasty: a deep cut into his thigh.
Aoi, after finishing tending to a patient, walked up behind (Y/N). She placed a hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder, and said, "When you've finished here, go take a break. I can handle the rest." Aoi's tone was tough and uncompromising.
(Y/N) began to protest, but Aoi cut him off. "I mean it. You've done well this past month." Her tone softened. "Go take a break. Don't forget who I am, I've been handling this myself for a while!"
(Y/N) looked unconvinced. After all, Aoi was only as old as he, and she couldn't have been tending to patients any younger than herself now; not even Kanao was helping in the medical wards yet.
Aoi sighed, before saying, "Suit yourself. But if you don't take a break, then I will. Are you sure that you want to handle this all by yourself, (Y/N)-san?"
(Y/N) paled slightly, then nodded, saying, "If you say so, Aoi-san."
Aoi smiled, then returned to setting up an IV drip for one of the injured slayers near the corner of the room.
(Y/N) returned the smile to her retreating figure, then stood. He crossed the distance to the sliding door, opened it in one smooth movement, then walked out, sliding it closed behind him.
For his break, (Y/N) decided to take a small walk, hoping to find someone, preferably Kanao or Shinobu, and steal some of their food. (Y/N) was hungry, torturously so, and he would never admit it, but he was too scared to cook for himself, and a bit too prideful to ask for help.
The last time that he was in the kitchen was when he was helping Aoi and Shinobu cook onigiri.
Long story short, there was quite a bit of burned rice.
Anyhow, (Y/N) quickly found a potential target: Kanao, who was in the garden behind the estate, tending to the dying flowers.
The first snow of this year hadn't yet come, but the cold temperatures that came with this time of year definitely had.
Still, (Y/N) had a chance to get some food from Kanao's bowl of food that sat on the engawa.
Before he could even try to reach for the food in the bowl, Kanao had already turned and spotted him.
"Nii-san," she called, "I'm not hungry anymore, would you like my food?" (Y/N)'s mind went blank when he heard Kanao say that. He sat next to the bowl and began picking pieces of rice from the bowl with a pair of chopsticks that he had.
Kanao placed her gardening tools down, and met (Y/N) at the engawa.
Now that he was no longer focused on food, (Y/N) took time to really look at Kanao. The girl had grown from their time in the poverty-struck village that (Y/N) had found her in. She had put on weight, and her ribs were no longer visible.
But there was one oddity about the girl. She never complained, whether it was about her hunger, lack of sleep, or even the recently cold nights. She was the same way before she came to the Butterfly Mansion. Even when she was sick to the bone, she would only ask about her recovery, and never complain about aches or pain.
"Say, imouto," (Y/N) began. Kanao turned to face him. "Aren't you cold? It's freezing, and you're only in your kimono."
Kanao looked puzzled for a moment, before her gaze turned downwards. "It doesn't matter. It's not important to me. You're the only thing that's truly important to me, nii-san." (Y/N) wanted to cut in, but Kanao continued.
"You found me, you saved me, you protected me, and you cared for me. Nothing else matters. Not the cold, not hunger, not pain. As long as I have you, nii-san, I know that I'll be fine." (Y/N) was at a loss for words. He knew that Kanao held him dear, but he couldn't even imagine it being to this extent.
"I... I'm not quite sure what to say to that,"
(Y/N) began, "but I do know that share the same sentiment. You are one of the few things that matter to me in life."
In moments, Kanao closed the distance to (Y/N), and had wrapped her arms around his waist. (Y/N) reciprocated, bringing his sister into a warm embrace.
The pair were sat on the engawa for minutes before anyone found them. Kanao was already asleep, ignoring the cold air, and (Y/N) wasn't too far off, either.
The one who found them, Kanae, smiled down at the two. They reminded her of herself and Shinobu when they were younger.
Kanae sighed, then knelt down next to the siblings, lightly shaking them.
"(Y/N)-kun, Kanao-chan," she whispered, "I want to show you two something." It took the siblings a few seconds to fully wake, but they nodded and stood to follow Kanae.
The wing of the Butterfly Mansion that the trio walked through was unfamiliar to both (Y/N) and Kanao.
As they walked, (Y/N) was able to point out larger rooms on one side of the hallway, and smaller closets on the other.
Suddenly, Kanae stopped in front of a door near the end of the hallway. (Y/N) nearly bumped into Kanae's back, and Kanao him.
Kanae slid the door open, and a room floored with tatami mats was revealed.
"Is this..." (Y/N) trailed off.
"Yes, this is a training room. This is one of the five that we have in the estate." Kanae gestured to the interior, saying, "If you two would accept, I would like to train you."
"Train," (Y/N) gestured to himself and Kanao, "us?" The thought of training wasn't unfamiliar, and now that (Y/N) thought about it, he could vaguely recall attending some kind of training in his past.
Kanae gave a closed eyed smile. "Yes, (Y/N)-kun. I would like to train you and Kanao-chan." As a bright light appeared in (Y/N)'s, and to a lesser degree, Kanao's eyes, Kanae amended her words. "Not to become Demon Slayers, no, just to protect yourselves."
(Y/N) visibly deflated, while Kanao's expression remained unchanged.
"The world is a dangerous place, kids. I simply wish to give you the ability to protect yourselves and each other." Kanae's voice was full of sincerity as she spoke.
"Then, I accept," (Y/N) spoke. He turned to Kanao, asking, "What about you?" The girl only smiled.
Kanae's smile grew larger. "Perfect! But since you both were curious about the Demon Slayer Corps, and the fact that we have a hundred of them here a month, I should probably teach you a bit about them, shouldn't I?"
More school learning? Oh no... (Y/N) thought to himself. The thought of more torturous classrooms in the estate formed a pit in (Y/N)'s stomach.
"Now, this training room isn't commonly used by anyone else in the estate, so feel free to come here without hesitation." Kanae had just finished explaining the Demon Slayer Corps' history and purpose to the Tsuyuri siblings, and had returned to the training room.
"Can we start training now?" (Y/N) asked excitedly. Kanae sighed deeply. It was as if the boy hadn't taken in any of the information that she'd imparted on him.
"No, (Y/N)-kun," said Kanae as she turned away. "As a member of the Demon Slayers, I get regular missions to find demons. I have one now." Kanae stepped out the door, and said one thing before she slid it closed, "Stay here, I'll ask Shinobu to start training today."
(Y/N) paled at the thought of Shinobu's training. He hadn't had many interactions with the older girl, but she had a reputation for her stubborn attitude and harsh comments.
Aww man......
Taisho Secrets:
- Shinobu was very excited to train the Tsuyuri siblings, and for all of the wrong reasons... (not for the reasons that you think, dirty minded people)
- The training wasn't as bad as (Y/N) thought that it would be.
- Kanao was excited to start training so that she could someday be as strong as (Y/N).
- (Y/N) didn't feel like he had much of a purpose until he met Kanao and "learned" about Demon Slayers.
Sorry about how late that this chapter is, I was busy studying for an exam that I took yesterday. But on a happier note, my spring break starts today, so I should be updating more frequently. Anyhow, thanks for reading, you wonderful people, and feel free to tell me what you think of this chapter!
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