(Lol this chapter's title was almost chloroform.
Oh yeah. Y'all gonna hate me for this.)
Momo woke up the next morning with a doctor in the room. She had police in the room. They had waited for her to wake up? Kinda creepy but ok-
"Do you have any idea why the League attacked your parents?"
If there was any time to confess, right now was that time. The threat that Shoto was gonna kill everyone she loved was practically true so she might as well.
"I've been in contact with one of the members. They're trying to turn my father into a Nomu." She admitted. The officer was shocked.
"I need you to explain to me why they would do this and which member."
"You can take my phone! I don't want to be in any sort of contact with him!" Momo said, handing her phone over.
"Why did you keep it a secret? We could've prevented all of this. You're smart, you know this." He said. Momo looked at her hands. They were trembling again. Always trembling.
"He threatened to kill my parents if I did say anything. He warned me about my parents and I listened but they didn't listen. I want to hug my mom." Her chest started heaving and she couldn't breathe because of her tears.
"Your parents will be ok."
"You've seen them?"
"Your father is still going through surgery but your mother got out earlier. Your mom is ok but she's in a medical coma." A doctor said. He was short, fat, and had goggles covering his eyes. (Hehehehehe manga readers know what's happening.)
Momo was relieved. Her father was still going through surgery but at least her mom was ok.
She could live with that for now.
When Momo was discharged from the hospital she was allowed to take time off school so that she could take time to recover from the incident. She also had to get investigated by the police. They had her phone and were trying to find the placement of the League.
Momo didn't feel safe despite being in UA. Shoto knew how to get past the security and it freaked her out. She debated on just staying with Aizawa and sleeping on his couch. He would've let her but she decided not to since he had Eri to take care of.
Eri was basically her new cousin. Hitoshi didn't like anyone touching her and almost fought Mineta for looking at her the wrong way.
Momo was lying in her bed. She had Dogatello to cry to and that was it. Momo kissed his forehead and told him not to worry.
Momo shot up and Dogatello borked. He tried to calm her down by licking her face and trying to make her feel better.
Abalee and Coco were dead weren't they?
The next day, Momo didn't feel like getting up. That night was more of a depression nap than going to bed. She had nightmares that Dogatello was there for. She cuddled him until she felt better. The second time, she screamed and Dogatello scratched at the door because he wanted to get help.
She loved her dog so much.
She had another interrogation that day. Momo also had to go see her mom for the first time. She hoped she was at least able to wake up.
As she was getting dressed, she remembered Hollybelle. She still hadn't been notified about the girl and now she was freaking out again.
"Mina! I need you to walk Tello! Thanks bye!" She shouted and sprinted off. Dogatello loved Mina so he wouldn't be pouting the entire time.
She texted Shindou and hoped he would respond.
"Is HB ok? The hospital didn't say anything about her."
"She's fine. She's traumatized over losing her bear but she's fine."
"Ok thanks."
It was awkward but it was all she was gonna get.
Momo made her long walk to the police station. It took twenty minutes but by the time she got there, Tsukauchi was waiting for her.
"Hello Yaoyorozu. Follow me alright? We'll just be asking a few questions but I need you to be honest."
"I am aware I need to be honest."
Momo answered every question she needed to. She was nervous but she just wanted to get it over with so she couldn't See her mom.
"Do you have any ideas where the League could be?"
"No! Of course not! If I did, I would tell you!"
"You didn't tell us about this. At least three people died that night Yaoyorozu."
Momo's eyes widened. She was the reason people died that night? Her heart pounded.
"I might as well let them kill me then. My parents have another kid, I can't believe I'm the reason they died." Momo sobbed. "Who were the victims?"
"Nure Onna, Kyo Bura, and Len Kagamine."
Nure died and Isa survived? Yuki survived but not Nure? Oh god-
"I'm sorry! I didn't want any of this to happen! I was in contact with Shoto because he snuck into my room and threatened to kill everyone! Are we done? I don't know anything else."
"Well. Well then. Thank you for your time Yaoyorozu. We'll have to work this out but you're free to go."
Two hours of her life that she would never get back...
Inside the hospital, Momo was nervous to see her mom. She had been shot in the stomach and was ok but still. The elevator is ride was so awkward. She had two other people in the elevator with her.
When it stopped at her floor, Momo walked out and slowly walked to her mom's room. She was nervous and everything but hey, her mom was alive!
She walked into her mom's room and saw Muriellle wearing a hospital gown. Her eyes were shut and her hair was displayed like a halo of navy blue. The sun leaked out through the blinds covering the window and the room was quiet.
"Well there you are? Should've known you weren't in that little girl's room. You're visiting your mom."
Momo turned around and looked for the security guards that were supposed to be in the room.
How did she not hear the sound of them getting knocked out?!
She looked at the person in the room and saw the navy blue eyes. His face was covered by a mask but it wasn't Shoto.
The sound of piercings or staples clicking was the only other sound in the room.
"Don't you remember me?"
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