No Evidence
Momo left the beach and walked to her parents house. What if they didn't believe her? Questioned how she got that information? What if they were already dead?
Momo plugged in her headphones and did a casual jog. She listened to some song about heartbreak because perfect mood. She couldn't wait to see Abalee and Coco again.
(Ok so um... people who like to watch Momo suffer... Y'all gonna have a field day with this one omg-)
Walking past the park she saw Hollybelle's teddy bear. She had never looked at 'Mistletoe' closely, but she noticed what it looked like. It had been sewn all over with patches. The patches didn't match the color of its original fur. It looked so old and disgusting but Hollybelle still played with it. She picked it up and saw the name tag.
'From Mama!'
Oh. She kept it around because her mother gave it to her. Hollybelle would be crushed when she found out she had lost it.
If Momo took it then Hollybelle had a chance of never getting it back. If she left it, some random rugrat could take it and she'd really never see Mistletoe again.
Oh no.
Momo picked it up and walked in the direction of Akali's home. It was a stupid move but Momo still adored Hollybelle too much to crush her twice in one day.
(I just remembered Tenshi existed. The problem is, you guys don't want her to exist right now...)
She knocked on the door and saw Fifi. She was still crying because the cats were chasing her again. Momo didn't thank her this time and just sprinted past her. Murielle didn't seem all that happy about whatever they were doing.
August whipped his head around and saw his daughter.
"What happened?" He asked with angry eyes. He walked up to her, holding his arms out to hug her, but at the same time he looked like he was about to kill someone.
"I heard about some bad news."
"Oh. Well it shouldn't be any of your concern. I can tell the staff to take the rest of the night off and we can bake together Momo!" Murielle giggled. She took her daughter's hand and went to turn around but was stopped.
"Sit down Mother. Sit down daddy." Murielle looked at August and saw he was already sitting. She decided to sit down as well. If he was obeying her, she should too.
"Get on with it Momo."
"I heard that... the League of Villains is trying to kill you." Momo said, looking at her father. He raised an eyebrow.
"Both of us?" Murielle asked.
"Why do you say that? Who told you this? This isn't funny!" August stood up.
"Father, please believe me! I can't tell you who told me but I can tell you they weren't lying!"
August clenched his fists. "You come to my home and tell me my demise is coming! Momo, it's not the fact that I wouldn't believe you, it's the fact you don't have any proof and you claim someone has told you this."
"Who told you this?" Murielle asked.
"Mother! I can't tell you, I just want you to be safe!" She begged. Murielle put her hands on her hips and called for Abalee.
"Are you hallucinating or something?" She asked, placing Abalee into Momo's arms. (Fun fact: Abalee is the name of Momo's mom in a fanfic I read and I loved the name so much that it became her cats name.)
Momo went on a tangent, trying to explain but August kept shutting her down. Momo just tried to avoid her mom touching her hair for a while. She knew she had washed her hands and Todoroki's DNA wasn't on her body but her hair was possibly a different story.
After saying goodbye to his brother, Dabi left their apartment. He put on a mask and a sweater to hide his scars and left the room.
His job was to find new people to recruit. It was horrible because he almost always get jumped and he kills someone when he goes out. It pissed him off.
He walked through the forest. The city was filled with petty thugs with quirks like pulling their eyes out of their sockets. Utterly useless in their situation. There were insane things people in the woods.
(Ok so when they foreshadowed the villains, there was a radio in the middle of the forest and I thought that belonged to Muscular. Then Gigantomachia came to existence and I said 'wait wot-')
Dabi took off the mask he wore and walked through the forest. As he did he heard something. A bush had moved and then a tree's branch did. Dabi prepared himself to kill again.
"Is someone there?"
"You don't smell that nice." (I'm pretty sure at least twenty people just realized who this was if they read the All of the Lights.)
"You're lucky." The person jumped down from the trees. It was a little girl wearing a light pink dress, striped leggings, and she had long white hair. Her eyes were bright purple and her mouth wasn't visible.
"What're you doing all alone kid?"
"Well... I'm not alone! My mére visits me all the time!"
Dabi paused. Her mom visited her? She must've had divorced parents. "Where's your dad?" He asked the small girl.
"My pére is somewhere. I don't see him a lot. My Mére tells me he's always around." She smiled. "What's your name? Mine's Wendi!"
She giggled. She rocked on her feet waiting for his answer.
"My name's Dabi. You should go home kid. Wherever that is."
"I am home! My mére calls me a disappointment sometimes. That's why I live out her instead of at home with her and Mana." Dabi stares the little girl in the eyes. He could see her teeth through the muzzle and when he saw them he backed up.
Her teeth were razor blades. Moonfish's teeth didn't compare to these. The canines were coming out of her mouth like a tiger.
He felt bad for her. She was called a disappointment, she lived in a forest, and she didn't know where her father was. He was raised knowing he was a failure. He sighed and held his hand out so she could grab it. She giggled and grabbed his pinky finger.
"Ok kid, what's your quirk?" He asked.
"Mére says I shouldn't tell anyone about my quirk." She explained, skipping as they left the forest.
"Is she here? That's what I thought." He smirked. She obviously stuck her tongue out behind her muzzle.
"My quirk's called Wendigo! It makes me hungry for blood and humans sometimes. My mére says I got it from my pére. I don't like it very much. What's your quirk?"
"Eh it's not very special. It's just fire."
"Woah! Show me!"
"No thanks kid. That's why I got these scars on my face." He laughed nervously.
"The fire needs a fuel because my body isn't really suited for my quirk... so it burns my skin instead."
"Is that why you smell like rotting flesh?"
"How- yes."
"I still wanna see it one day!"
"Maybe one day. Right now, I have to have some people meet you. It's gonna be a long walk." He said. Wendi giggled.
"I like to walk. Gives me more options when I see people nearby."
"Shigaraki's gonna love you."
(I've had this planned for a while now. So you guys know Tenshi from 'Stars' or sm... she's gonna show up again as well. I didn't reintroduce Wendi after seven or sm chapters for no reason either lol.
Momo tryna get her family to leave isn't going to well btw.)
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