Music Box
Momo woke up the next morning and thought about Todoroki's words. She couldn't tell anyone and she was being let off of her punishment since her parents wanted to spend another day with her before leaving. Of course, her dad was still angry, her mom was livid, but they wanted another day with her.
Just one more day.
August unlocked her door and Momo was already up. She hugged her father and kissed her cheek. Momo was just trying to distract him from the frozen smoke alarm. She couldn't reach the ceiling with her hairdryer and it was wrong to make a ladder. She didn't wanna ruin the economy.
August held his hands behind his back, obviously holding something.
"Father, you've stood there for a while. Is there something you'd like to say?" She asked, startling her father.
"Right! Sorry, I'm just realizing my little girl won't be staying in this room any longer..." he almost started tearing up. No, he did start tearing up.
"Father it's ok! I'll come back when I can!" She reassured him. He looked at her and pushed her inside the room.
"Sit down. I have something to give you." He said. Momo nodded and sat down. She begged that he wouldn't notice the smoke alarm. August moved his hands in front of her and showed her a small box.
Momo looked at it. It looked nice, for sure... but then she was confused. What was it? A box of some sort for sure, but what was it? A ring? Wait, no!
Her father handed it to her. She ran her hands over the box, touching every single part of the Golden leaves design. So beautiful.
"Here." He said, handing her a key. She opened it and her eyes widened. The box had a small ballerina inside, dancing when she opened it. The music was extremely nice. She loved it.
"Thank you Father!" She threw herself into her dad's arms, hugging him tightly. She kissed his cheek.
"We're going out tonight, you'll need to dress nicely." He said with a small smile. He was free? Her mother was able to go? She couldn't miss out on this! Momo put the box on her dresser and let her father leave.
She put on a red dress and black flats. She tied her hair into a braid and skipped downstairs. The house smelt nicer and she went to go find Abalee. Murielle was holding her cat and showing it affection since Coco didn't get a lot of affection or attention.
Coco was very old. She was around when Momo was five. She wondered how the cat was even alive! Not that she was complaining!
Momo eventually found Abalee again, chasing the same Maid. She looked so scared every single time she saw the cats so when they chased her she almost started crying.
She grabbed Abalee and brought her to the living room.
Momo sometimes thought of moving. Not that she didn't like the house! She just thought it was too elegant and kind of creaky. Her last class had a Halloween party in the mansion before! It had set the perfect example of elegant but ominous. Just creepy as well. Sometimes she wanted a more modern house.
The backyard was nice though! She'd invite the girls to the house and bring them outside. There was a small waterfall that fell into a pool. There was a butterfly garden, it was for her mother. There was a lot of amazing stuff outside, making the backyard look better than the house sometimes.
Sometimes she prefer to sit out there instead of inside. If her parents would let her, she'd hang out there and sleep.
Anyways! Momo picked up her energetic cat and walked into the dining hall. They were being served an American breakfast instead of a traditional Japanese breakfast. Americans like sweet food. A lot. Especially for breakfast.
Momo finished up and stared her parents in the eye.
"I hope you didn't feel alone while you were stuck in there. We let Dogatello, Abalee, and Coco come in to try and ease that feeling. I apologize. It was the only suitable punishment I could see." Murielle apologized.
Momo nodded. Her mother took her hand. She could see the small wince when she realized how cold she was. Momo's hands and legs were freezing cold and she had to make a specific cape for her winter costume so she would be slightly warmer.
"It's ok Mother. I wasn't lonely at all." It wasn't a lie! After Todoroki visited there was no way she could feel alone. Momo sometimes thought she saw him in her room. He couldn't be there.
She enjoyed time with her mother so when her mom hugged her, she felt happy. She got shunned whenever they went in public because people wanted an autograph from her.
Murielle left the room to deal with her cat, the poor maid was crying in a corner while Abalee and Coco attacked her once again, and Momo was just laughing.
That evening Momo was wearing a black dress that fell to her knees. She wore a furry white jacket over it and a pair of earrings. The paparazzi would most likely be there.
As Momo got ready to leave, she looked around. Her room was bare by now, leaving only her clothes and a few other things. Her family had sent her bed and desk to the school so she could furnish her room.
Momo kissed Dogatello. When she returned, she had to go on one last walk with her best friend. She ran down the stairs and while she did, she was putting on her black heels. She had untied her braid and wore it out. She rarely did that.
Murielle smiled at the sight of her daughter. Momo sometimes got jealous of Murielle's beauty. It was weird because people said that she was was prettier. That was a lie. Her mom and her sister looked exactly alike, her mom looking like she was twenty when she was forty something.
"Shall we go?" August asked, holding his arm out for his wife. (Lol in All of the Lights they were cheating on each other.)
"Yes we shall." Murielle laughed, hooking her arm under his. Momo laughed a bit and walked behind of them.
Arriving at her favorite restaurant, the family was almost immediately recognized. The bodyguards didn't make them look and more casual either. They were served drinks and other stuff.
"Momo dear, why don't you wear these?" Murielle asked, handing her a pair of gloves. Momo's hands were shaking as she went to grab a glass of water.
She accepted the gloves. Momo was cold but the reason behind her shaking wasn't that. Her skin was already quite pale but seeing this made her even paler.
Raising the glass of water to her lips, she saw Todoroki wearing a waiters uniform... He was her waiter... That was very foolish of him! Her hands continued to shake, believing she had a stalker. A stalker she couldn't tell anyone about.
She closed her eyes and excused herself to the bathroom.
Momo locked herself in a stall and took a breather. Was she seriously about to let this man ruin her last night with her parents?! No. She was not! She left the stall and washed her face in the sink. She wasn't wearing any makeup so nothing was washed off, she hoped.
When she walked back out, she sat down and her mom smiled. "You took a while, I'd everything ok?"
"Yes mother! I'm fine!"
"Are you sure? Is it that time-"
"I'm fine! I promise!" She laughed and kissed her mom's cheek. August looked at them and squinted. He didn't know what they were talking about.
The waiter came over and to her surprise, it wasn't him. She was safe? That was weird. She was hallucinating or something! Ok, totally,
When she looked around, she saw Todoroki outside. He noticed her staring and waved like he was innocent. She knew it was him because of that stupid scar! She prayed he wouldn't walk in. Just hoping he didn't walk inside. She closed her eyes. Then she had realized, no one was even there...
Oh no.
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