Mistletoe Pt. 2 bc im unoriginal-
(Lol, Momo's parents stans and HB stans finna kill me for this one.)
Momo was transported to a hospital nearby. Since her injuries weren't that bad Recovery girl was able to kiss her better. She still had large bruises.
The media had already made a large deal out of it. They were interviewing her and asking so many questions.
By the time they left, it was past midnight. They interviewed everyone in the hospital that was a victim of the League's attack. Momo was ready to sleep but the panic in her head was worrying. Her uncle and classmates must be so worried since she hadn't gone back to the dorms.
We're her parents going to make it? What was going to happen? What happened to Hollybelle?
A doctor walked in. She had a small smile on her face and reassured Momo that everything was going to be alright.
"We've got the best doctors in our hospital doing surgery on you parents. They weren't shot in a fatal area. Your mother will be ok."
"What about my father?"
"It's not looking to good for him."
Momo's heart sank.
The police interrogated Marionette. She admitted to one of the attackers being her children. The little white haired one. The doctor continued to talk to her.
"What happened to Hollybelle Shindou? Is she safe?"
"Who?" The doctor asked.
"She's a little girl! She wore a pink dress, held a stuffed animal, her hair was light brown, her eyes are a beautiful green. Where is she?"
"I'm sorry, I dont know anyone of that name or appearance. I can check with the front office."
"Please? I couldn't protect her." She cried. The doctor nodded and left. All Momo could do was pray that nothing had happened to Hollybelle. She should've been a better hero and grabbed her and let someone else get to Mana.
Momo was filled with regret, thinking she was at fault for Hollybelle's disappearance. What if Shindou was still looking for her? Momo was worried for HB.
The next morning at UA, Aizawa was surprised when Momo didn't go to school. Punctuality was a big thing for his niece so that was pretty new. Everyone in 1-A was talking about Momo's absence.
Then at lunch, everyone found out. It was breaking news of the city and no one was able to think straight in UA. Someone had pulled out their phone and started recording the incident.
It was a graphic scene and they could hear the two gunshots that shot Murielle and August. Then Momo's scream for her parents.
Mina had to put her phone away so she didn't cry.
Aizawa watched the news in the teachers lounge. Midnight was truly surprised that such a thing happened. Aizawa was stuck watching his brother get shot. He was in so much shock that he didn't even think about how they were keeping the secret of Momo being his neice. He got up and took the rest of the day off.
Rushing to the hospital, Aizawa demanded to see Momo. His sister-in-law and brother were most likely still in surgery.
They gave him directions to the room and the elevator ride up was scary. What do something bad had happened? The video stopped playing at the part where Momo screamed out her parents names.
Rushing into her room, he opened the door dramatically and breathed heavily. She looked like she had no injuries any longer.
"Momo!" He walked to her and hugged her. "I've been so worried about you. You didn't come back this morning and then you didn't message me."
"I'm sorry Mr.Aizawa." She laughed.
"It's not funny."
"I know. I've been waiting for several hours to find out if someone is even alive and I'm so worried." Momo started to cry herself. She wrapped her arms around her uncle and cried.
Momo didn't usually cry in front of people. She would hide it if she did cry in public. Right now, Momo was crying so much that she could fill the ocean with her tears.
"Why're you even in the hospital? You look fine." He asked.
"I broke my legs. They want to run tests on me to make sure nothing else is wrong."
"Oh god don't make this a regular thing. You'll be like Midoriya."
"I'm never leaving the dorms again." She said.
(Hey so I've had this planned since I did last chappie- HB stans finna kill me.)
Last night
Momo had made the decision to save Mana. Hollybelle was left with the false hope that she was gonna be saved. She put her hands up in defense. She was too young to know it wouldn't do anything but she could just hope.
"Holly!" Another little girl yelled. She used her quirk to cast a large breathe of ice against the collapsing pillar.
Yuki Onna:
Quirk: Blizzard Breathe
When she wants to, her breathe becomes gusts of wind or ice. Sometimes large blizzard can come through if it's cold enough. Her body temperature is always below freezing and her quirk works better in fall and winter.
The blind hero heard the two little girls and swooped down to grab them. Flying out of the party room, Hollybelle collapsed to the ground. She lost her bear in the fire. (She didn't die but she lost her bear because angst-)
She tried to go back in but Yuki grabbed her by the hand.
"Its too dangerous!"
"I don't care!" She tried to break away from Yuki's hands but was stopped by an EMT picking them up and putting them in an ambulance.
"Mistletoe is gone..." Hollybelle's lip quivered before she dropped to the ground, her chest heaving and her body trembling. (Yo why am I tearing up-) the ambulance she was in was filled with I injured people. They just needed to receive a checkup and they could be cleared to go.
Hollybelle, the only person crying, had begun to scream.
"Mami's dead! Mistletoe is dead! Where's my brother?! I want my big brother!" She sobbed.
All Yuki could do was hug and comfort her.
HB stans please dont hurt me. I'm talking to Herooji but I don't know who else adores her so- HB ain't dead but she ain't happy rn.)
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