I Love You
(This has at most one chapter left.
Remember how I said if I tagged Plotline Princess, the chapter was gonna be sad...
Yeah I'm not tagging her cuz I hate this chapter.
And, namikitty11, This is the monkeys paw I was talking about-)
Her mother was there, ready to bust down the door. Shoto smiled at her and assured her everything was going to be ok. She didn't know what he meant by that. Were they running away together, or was he giving her back to her mom?
Either way, she was fine with either option. She sounded insane, talking like that.
"Momo!" He shouted. She had been dazing off.
"I want you to stay quiet and avoid Dabi and Shigaraki. I need you to find your mother and then leave. I'll be in far more danger but your safety is my priority at the moment." He said, calmly.
"N-no!" She shouted. His face transformed from a smile to a frown. He grabbed her wrist and walked away. Momo tried to fight back. She didn't want to lose him! He was a good person with bad luck! Nothing more! He lived a harsh life that he couldn't fix! He didn't deserve to go to prison!
She hit his hand but the more he did that, the worse the grip on her wrist was. His knuckles went white and she struggled to be freed. He opened the window out of the room and he dragged her out back.
She couldn't feel her wrist and because of how fast she was moving, she got dizzy. He had dragged her out of the warehouse and he was going to let her go back home. He loved her enough to let her go.
(... I'm sorry I'm smiling like a fricken clown rn-)
Walking out, a large blast of orange came soaring at the two. By reflex, he used his ice quirk to defend both of them. He made sure he was in front of her at all times.
"Oh my! It's Endeavor!" She gasped.
"What the hell?!" He groaned as Momo heard something.
Oh dear lord, it was her mother.
Her mom held her staff and told Endeavor to stop. The ice had melted entirely by the time Endeavor was told to stop. Shoto put his hands up and moved out of the way.
Momo was holding her bruised wrist and she was panicking. What was he really going to do? Did he plan on giving her to her mother without consequences? No, he was far smarter than that. Momo stared at him and looked at her mom.
To avoid any confrontation, Murielle put her staff down. The balance was awkwardly weighing down on one side, the innocent side.
"I do not wish to start a fight. Return my da-" Murielle was interrupted by Shoto.
"I'm not risking my life to relocate her. Go home before they find out you're gone. Hurry up and go." He hissed at Momo and Princess Justice. "You..." he pointed at Endeavor as Murielle held her arms out for Momo.
Endeavor scanned the teenager's body and noticed his hair and eyes. His eyes dilated and he breathed in. Murielle wanted to walk away but Endeavor stopped her.
"I know you're part of the rescue team but I need your help." He said calmly. Murielle told Momo to leave but she refused. Momo was bound on staying and not leaving Shoto's side. She unsheathed her sword and spun it.
"Wait that's not a walking stick?" Momo asked.
"This blindfold does not impair me of my vision! I can see through this!" She shouted and obviously glared at Momo.
Shoto aimed a hand at Endeavor, as the father of two aimed his hand as well. Momo shook her head and reached out for Shoto. He looked at her and her mother, they'd definitely be caught in the flames if he burned Endeavor. He decided to stop. Endeavor was confused for a slight second as he stomped on the ground, forming a large block of ice protecting Momo.
Murielle turned around and saw Momo was safe.
As Endeavor was distracted, trying to figure out what just happened. He just used his 'dead' sons quirks. That was quite traumatizing.
"What, surprised at what years of abuse can do?" Shoto said, "yeah, I'm a monster arent I?" He asked with the same sincere tone he always spoke in.
Momo's eyes widened. Shoto continued with the fire, Endeavor retaliating with the same attack.
"Now would be a good time to interfere Justice!" Endeavor shouted as Murielle stood there. She was actually horrified. She had fighting experience but whenever she was forced to fight a villain with a long range attack, things got messy. She'd get injured and there was always an issue.
Momo, stuck behind the ice, reached out for her mom. "Please don't!" She shouted. Murielle was definitely afraid but she was brave enough to do it.
Murielle pulled a gun from the thigh bracelet she had. Her lips were quivering as she pulled the trigger. It was a teenage boy which was what she felt the worst about. She didn't want to do this but he was trying to kill Endeavor and all...
Momo had gotten up and moved her mother's hand. The bullet hit the wall and stopped Murielle from making a bad decision. (:/ I don't like lying. It was a good decision.)
There was so much family drama going on. Shoto was just watching and getting ready to go.
He had stopped using his fire and just decided to switch it up and use his ice.
A large path of spiky ice erupted from the ground and pierced Endeavor through the kidney. (You can tell how lazy I am-)
Murielle shoved Momo to the ground as she fired several shots, one hitting Shoto in the arm. He groaned and raised his other arm. She took off her white coat as he lit up the area around them. Endeavor was unconscious and Murielle was holding a sword.
She had never had the entire sword covered in blood but she planned on it today.
(I'm fricken lazy and I'll rewrite this chapter one day. I'm still not good at fight scenes ;-;👌🏾)
Shoto stood still and lowered his hands. He looked at Momo with a small smile that became bigger. Murielle was in his face with a pissed off look.
Her sword had pierced him straight through the chest. As he smiled at her, blood trickled out of his mouth and Momo was mortified. He wasn't even looking at Murielle as he was dying.
"Hey Momo, I love you." He said, putting his index finger and thumb together. It made a tiny heart.
Murielle removed her sword, Shoto falling to the ground. He wasn't dead yet, just dying.
A disgusting grey goop came out of his mouth and Shoto disappeared.
As he did, it seemed the rest of the league did as well.
Momo was too stunned to move anymore. Murielle ran up to her, dropping the sword. She hugged her and removed her blindfold.
"I'm so sorry you had to see that." She whispered. She left Endeavor to die as She walked Momo to the ambulance. Momo was stunned and unable to talk.
They wrapped her in a blanket and she was still shivering. She had watched her mother commit murder. Endeavor was obviously placed in another ambulance.
Then it finally hit her.
Shoto was dead.
But yeah I'm gonna rewrite this later. I hated this chapter. I think there's gonna be a time skip next chapter but idk.
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