His Eyes
(To be honest, I doubt this book will have a happy ending.)
"Takashi!" Toga yelled, jumping onto him. They had become 'friends' over time. She constantly declared her love towards him and Midoriya from 1-A. Shoto was constantly annoyed by this but sometimes would play along. "Did ya here? Did ya here?! We got that stuff from the black market today!" She squealed, kicking her legs a bit.
(Bruh I have flashbacks to the cringe in 'Cherry Vanilla' and I start screaming.)
"No. No one's been telling me a thing except you Himiko." He laughed, rolling his eyes.
"How long have you known Dabi?!" She asked.
He had the choice to lie or to tell her that they were related. Dabi would probably kill him without hesitation if he did though.
"A few years. He looked after me for awhile."
"Hmmm. Ok! Anyways! Look what we got you!" She said, handing him his costume. It was a dark royal blue jumpsuit and white costed boots. He had arm bands as well. "The arm bands are to help you not look like Dabi over there!" She giggled. Shoto nodded.
She put on a scarf with a bunch of needles attached. She looked more psychotic since she just wanted to wear a mask so she'd look like her idol!
He walked to the bathroom and put on the costume. Dabi got a sick jacket and that was truly it. (Dabi is my husband now.)
They were going to attack some kids! Yeah!
Shoto had never felt so excited to hurt people. It was kinda insane.
Momo and Shinsou were really close. She was very nice and encouraged him when he got sad or gave up. He'd help her get over mean comments because, not a lot of people liked her for her... ya know... Mature body.
At the moment, they were eating dinner together. Momo was crying because Sero insulted her quirk and Jirou had punched him in the face. Shinsou rubbed small circles in her back, calming her down. When she had stopped crying, Shinsou stood up and almost beat the hell out of Sero.
"Hey! She's my best friend, I should be beating him even more!" Jirou yelled. Momo watched them and laughed. They were kicking Sero for hurting her feelings. She giggled and got up.
"That's enough you two. I'm sure Sero learned his lesson."
"I'm sorry Yaoyorozu!" He whined.
"It's ok. Just never compare my quirk to poop again!" She giggled and skipped away. Sero didn't deserve that and she knew it, but she was hurt by his comment and Shinsou was quite stubborn. No point in talking to him.
Only that next day, they were back to training. Momo sat at a bench with Satou and began stuffing her face. It hurt but they made her keep going until she thought she'd vomit. The Pussycats said they'd be having fun that night but, their night was definitely not fun.
It was around nine in the evening. They had been fed and they were about to play a game! It was like a haunted house except they were using their quirks! Momo was paired up with Aoyama and Shinsou was paired up wit Bakugo. That was a recipe for immediate disaster, they had made a mistake with those two anywhere near each other.
They went out and Aoyama was being a dazzling disco ball! It was so cute!
It was pretty cool for the first ten minutes or so. Then the smell of smoke filled the air. "Mademoiselle, what's that smell?" Aoyama asked.
"I... I don't know. Bakugo probably got scared and fired off his quirk!" Momo joked. She looked up and saw a smoke cloud. It had specks of blue fire in it and Momo almost screamed. That was nothing Bakugo was capable of.
A purple gas filled the air, the second Momo got a whiff of it, she created a gas mask. She made one for Aoyama even though he had already ran off to go hide. Momo sighed. She was doing this alone...
She put on her own gas mask, made sure it was tight enough, and ran into the fog to find others. Sure she was probably gonna faint because of the lack of oxygen she was able to get through the mask, but making sure no one else got hurt because of it was far more important. They'd find her body eventually. Just her unconscious body! She hoped...
She was heavily breathing. She ran into a few 1-B students. When she continued to look for her friends, she ran into a guy from 1-B. She tried to remember his name. Yosetsu... Awase! Awase was that guy that could do what again? She hadn't even talked to this guy before!
"Here!" She threw a gas mask at him. He had been holding his breath and his face grew red. He quickly put it on and was able to breathe again. She heard the noise of a chainsaw. It was loud and blaring. Momo watched a large green 'nomu' come out of the woods.
"It's been chasing me for the past few minutes. It has multiple quirks." He explained, grabbing her arm. A guy with two colors of hair popped out of the forest as well. He had multiple scars on his body, the one that hit close to home was the large red scar on his eyes. It was stapled to keep the skin together, his jumpsuit was opened, and he had a smirk on his face.
Momo almost stopped running.
"What the hell are you doing?!" Awase shouted at her. She had to keep moving. The Nomu has actually caught up to her, raising his saw hand above his head and using it on her mask. A bit of the blade hit her forehead.
Momo had completely passed out. The fear scared her so much, she was freezing because of how cold it was and she didn't wear the correct clothes for the game. She had fainted and Awase screamed. He grabbed her by the arms and dragged her away.
"Stop it." The man commanded. The Nomu stopped in his tracks. "You can kill the guy, not the girl." He said. While the Nomu was stopped, Awase took the time to fix her body and pick her up so she would stop being scratched by the twigs and branches on the ground and wouldn't bleed anymore.
'She's freezing cold!' Awase thought. She felt like he was holding a block of ice. He had to ignore it. He could only continue to run. The man with two colored hair just laughed a bit and used his quirk. He stomped onto the ground, lighting another fire with only his foot. Awase could see it in the corner of his eyes. He tripped over a small vine and fell to the ground.
"Yaoyorozu! If you're alive it'd be a good time to wake up!" He yelled. Fear had paralyzed him and he could hardly move. She wasn't on his back anymore, except sleeping next to him as he inches away from the scarred eye man. His two colored eyes were glowing with glee. Like he had been waiting for this his entire life. Except he wasn't looking at Awase anymore.
"I'm... alive." She huffed, breathing heavily. Her chest was moving up and down as she breathed.
"If it isn't Momo Yaoyorozu. While you're up, why don't you tell me where Katsuki Bakugo is?"
"Bakugo?" She asked.
"You're lucky I can't kill you by the way. Him on the other hand... might wanna start talking or that little friend of yours that doesn't wanna leave you behind might burn to a crisp." He mocked her. Momo's head was spinning. She felt like crying.
"I don't know where he is!"
"Eh, Whatever. They already found him."
"There's other people?" She thought. The blue fire could've been him since he was fire user, that has was not him and she knew that, but there were more than two people?
"Oh and sorry about that injury of yours." He winked at her and left. The Nomu was ready to attack Awase again but the red and white haired guy whistled and the Nomu immediately turned around. She made a small tracker and handed it too a scared Awase.
"Put it on the Nomu before he sees you. Hurry!" She whispered. She began to lose consciousness as he put the tracker on the Nomu.
The only thing she could think of was that man's eyes. The same grey and turquoise that her old friend Shoto Todoroki had.
It couldn't be.
He was dead.
Or at least she thought.
'No no no no no no no no no no no'
(Sorry for a sucky fight scene. But Momo and Todoroki Met after two chapters because I said so. I'm not as invested into this book as I was All of The Lights by the way. It's ok tho. I'll be trying my best! I'll probably rewrite this chapter anyways. Kinda cringe, wasn't it?)
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