(Ok so we just gonna act like Tatami and Shindou aren't dating real quick. They'll date by the end of the book tho.)
A week had passed since they had moved in. Momo got to visit her parents and she brought Dogatello. (Lol) She told the school he was under training to be a guard dog, which he was, and he was kind of an emotional support dog. (Ok so there's this dog that everybody is friends with. She's an emotional support doggo and she's precious.)
Momo was just sitting in the common rooms talking with the girls. They were either petting the tiny corgi or drinking the apple juice. They had two days until they took their provisional license exams. They had one day of practice, then the next day was the exam.
Ochako was floating out of embarrassment now. They had just teased her about liking Midoriya and she got so embarrassed she began using her quirk.
Momo laughed when Dogatello began barking for her to get down. He didn't bark unless he thought someone was going to get hurt.
(Yo watch me make a Bolt au with Dogatello, Abalee, and Coco tryna save Momo from Overhaul.)
Momo quieted him down as Uraraka floated down. She calmed down and Momo stood up.
"I should get to bed. C'mon Tello!" She laughed, the Corgi jumping into her arms. She pet him until he calmed down again, walking into her own dorm room. During the day when Momo was busy at school, Recovery girl would watch over Dogatello.
"Ok, Tello, I got your dog bed and your blanket. I know you don't need a blanket but it's getting cold and I don't want you to get cold!" She smiled. She was slightly disappointed in her own quirk so Dogatello being happy made her happy.
Momo hopped into bed and shivered a bit. She was freezing cold, wrapping herself in blankets. She didn't like the fact she was constantly cold. She was wearing a long sleeved nightgown. It was kind of layered but very comfortable. It didn't keep her warm though.
As she fell asleep, she got slightly warmer. She opened her eyes a bit to see Dogatello's blanket on her own body. This dog was going to be the death of her. He was so precious.
Two days had passed and it was the day of the exam. Momo was nervous and Dogatello was comforting her. She grabbed her medicine and poured a small amount of it, mixing it into her juice. It was
They were hopping on a bus first thing in the morning. They were to eat breakfast at six, board the bus at seven. The end.
Mina noticed her drinking her juice out of a hydro flask at breakfast.
"Is that apple juice? Can I have some? Please!" She begged. Momo shook her head.
"Oh, it's Vodka? I like your style!"
"No it's Vinegar."
"It's Vinegar." She lied. Mina faked a gag.
When they arrived at the arena, Momo was sort of uncomfortable. She had to leave Dogatello behind and her nerves were jumping all over the place. Shinsou went to calm her down, rubbing her shoulder.
As Aizawa explained things to 1-A and comforted Mineta, a woman spoke up.
"Eraser?! Eraser is that you?!" She sounded very youthful. "I know that little scowl from anywhere!" She giggled. Aizawa looked mortified by her voice. Like someone had just shot him in spine.
Momo looked at the woman and saw her green hair. She wore an orange bandana, a black turtleneck, and a pair of shorts. She looked like a clown. (I cannot be the only one who finds her shorts ugly. I'm too tired to figure out a different costume idea.)
"Hello Joke." Aizawa scowled. They greeted each other and Ms.Joke's students walked up. They seemed slightly ticked off by their teacher running off, but judging from her personality, she did it often.
"Hey! I'm Yo Shindou!" A curly black haired boy said. He greeted Midoriya and Bakugo. His greeting to Bakugo was horrible. Then he looked over to her. He held his hand out and smiled. She assumed he wanted her to shake his hand.
Momo shook it and she could hear her classmates whisper things about him.
"Woah, your hands are really cold! Are you ok?" He asked. She nodded and tucked her hands under her armpits so she could at least attempt to get her hands warm.
Momo sighed as they were told to go change.
(So apparently blond is for males and blonde is for girls??? We're gonna do this part really quickly as well. I might come back and fix it but not rn.)
They got the whole speech thingy about the balls. They were handed little balls and sensors. The room they were in fell apart and the students ran off. Momo looked around and stuck with her class. Bakugo and Todoroki ran off.
Momo stuck with her teammates. Shindou ended up breaking the ground apart and Momo grumbled a curse word.
She got separated from the group and was stuck with Tsu, Shouji,'and Jirou. They wandered into a building, trying to avoid getting hit by a ball. As they walked through a corridor, they reached the exit and it was almost automatically locked and sealed shut. Momo gasped and looked around.
Jirou tried to break it down with her quirk, like
she tried to get rid of the balls earlier, before Shindou ruined literally everything for everyone, but she had been shot in both earlobes. Momo kneeled to face her. She held her friend close as the room went on some sort of lockdown mode.
Momo stood up and looked at the door. As she identified what was wrong with it, the vents let out a loud noise. The room was almost immediately freezing. Momo shivered and looked over at Tsuyu.
There was no way she was going to be able to warm up from this. Did the person behind that door know of her anemia? If so, this was a sadistic game!
Tsuyu collapsed and Momo made herself a blanket, and another one for Tsuyu. Shouji wrapped her up and held her like a baby.
Throughout the whole process, they escaped! The woman behind it was a White haired girl with blue eyes. She had no intention of losing this exam. She didn't think she would until the girl tackled her into the room.
Momo didn't have her blanket and she was almost out of lipids. She was slightly nervous about that. What if this is where her exam ended?
Making a pair of handcuffs with the last bit of fat she had, the other end attached to the girl from the other school. She held the ball up and dropped it when Tsuyu, Jirou, And Shouji came in.
(Ok I know everyone's waiting for Todomomo moments but they'll most likely be two chapters from now.)
They ended up passing that portion of the exam, Momo had to be carried by Shouji while Tsuyu was able to walk on her own feet again.
"Yaoyorouzu, are you ok?"
"I'm fine!" She reassured them.
"You're still freezing cold. Everyone's warmed up already. We've been outside for fifteen minutes now."
"It's... It's nothing. I just need food or something." She lied.
(Again, Todomomo will happen soon, but... I don't like to lie so my flower girl will be in the next chapter.)
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