(Yo my friend got to watch heroes rising and we were talking for fifteen minutes about it, laughing. It was hilarious because I'm so ugly compared to her- :)
Random_Dev52007 ur my critic because I'm tryna see how well I'm doing. It's short because I'm doing this in twenty minutes before I have to start homework :). )
The man in the room sounded like he smiled 24/7. Momo blinked and looked at the man. He had short black hair and his eyes were the same as Shoto's. Momo gulped and heavily breathed.
He removed his mask and revealed the deep purple scars. They were held onto his face by thousands of piercings. Some on his chin, some on his ear.
"They let me in because I got black hair like your daddy. I'm your 'cousin'." He laughed. Momo was trying to think of every person she's seen on tv. He's been on tv before, she knew that. What she didn't know was why he was there.
"You're Dabi..." Finally putting a name to the face in front of her, Momo's jaw dropped. "Are you going to kill me?" She asked extremely scared.
"That would be stupid. I may have a complete idiot as a boss, but I'm not stupid. It would be better if you don't resist." Dabi stood still as Momo felt someone jump on her back.
They were light, she could feel a pair of breasts push into her spine, and she could see a few strands of blonde hair fly past her and land on her shoulder.
"I wanna Stab you but that's not my job today."
The blonde woman was the petite teenager, Toga Himiko. Oh dear Lord.
Momo paused as the sleeved arm wrapped around her neck like a snake. Her hand reached up to her mouth and she was holding a towel covered in a moist substance. ( :) )
When it made contact to her nose and mouth, Momo knew exactly what was going on. It wasn't like the movies where the simplest breathe would knock someone out, more of a five minute span, then she would lose consciousness. Momo panicked slightly, trying to break free.
Dabi opened the window. Toga would evacuate through there and Compress would come in to turn her into a marble. Then he would be able to walk out without any suspicion.
Then everyone had time to figure out their Princess wasn't returning.
"Night night!" Toga giggled as Momo's eyes became heavy. Her eyes fluttered and Toga let her go. She hit her head on the cold concrete. Toga skipped over to the window, giggling. She slid one leg over the window, then the other.
(How cruel would I be if I just made Murielle's thingy straight line-)
Toga evacuated and Compress entered. He looked at the girl on the ground and laughed. He easily made her disappear into the tiny marble as he took the same exit as Toga.
(Guess who just came back-)
Though they were on the fifth floor, the two villains were able to get out without a single scratch.
Falling into the warp Kurogiri had made, the two villains were inside the hideout again, preparing the restraint chair. Twice began making weird comments and asking questions. Wendi kicked her legs as Twice braided her hair.
Back at the hospital, Dabi picked up the marble Compress left behind. The only reason compress didn't take it was because he was being extra and didn't want to. Dabi picked it up and looked at Murielle.
"Heh, enjoy life Auntie."
(they aren't related dont worry.
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