Road Trip Turned Deadly
Your POV
My friends and I were traveling through Texas when we came across an old barn. I was curious and wanted to investigate but there were reports of a chainsaw wielding maniac and his family of cannibals living nearby... How nice...
We got out of the car and went to the barn. Inside there was a pig but the poor thing had been brutally slaughtered. "Overkill much?" My friend (f/n) said. Then I heard a buzzing sound and looked behind us to see a guy charging at us with a chainsaw. "Run!" I yelled and immediately we ran into the forest.
While running we got separated and I heard several screams along with the buzz of the chainsaw. That psycho killed all my friends... Now he was hunting me down to cut me up too... I was then hit over the head with something and everything went black.
Leatherface's POV
I went out to check on the pig to see if any wild animals had eaten it when I saw a bunch of people. One of them got my attention. She was a girl with (h/c) hair. She was pretty. I wanted her to be mine but her friends stood in the way.
I revved up my chainsaw and charged at them. They ran into the woods so I killed all of them. I think I did anyway. All that was left was left was to go get my new girlfriend. I snuck up behind her and hit her over the head with my mallet.
I grunted out an apology, I didn't want to hurt her but I also didn't want her to run away from me. I picked her up and slung her over my shoulder and carried her to my house and into my room. I tied her to a chair just so she couldn't escape before I told my family she was mine and mine alone.
I left her and told my family she was my girlfriend and I didn't want her to get hurt. I was a bit surprised when they were okay with it. I smiled and went back to her and untied her. She was still knocked out but very much alive. I was so happy she was mine now!
She woke up with a small groan. I gently stroked her hair. She looked up at me with an expression of pure terror. I grinned at her making her whimper. I gently kissed her forehead but she flinched and tensed up, expecting pain.
I hugged her as gently as I could, just to reassure her I meant her no harm.
Your POV
I woke up being held by the lunatic who killed my friends. Shockingly he was being gentle with me and wasn't trying to hurt me. "W- where are we? Why am I here? Who are you?" I asked timidly.
He grabbed a notepad and pencil and began writing. He then showed me what he had wrote but his handwriting was sloppy and hard to decipher but it read.
'My name is Thomas Hewitt but I'm called Leatherface. You're in my family's house, no worries they won't hurt you. You're here because I love you.' Once I finished reading he pulled out a face and held it out to me.
"Is that for me?" I asked. He nodded so I accepted his gift which made him grin happily. I smiled back, still afraid of him. I mean, he cut off someone's face and his mask is made from people's faces. How is that not horrifying?!
Still he didn't seem to want to hurt me or kill me so I was grateful for that much. "Thomas, dinner's ready." Someone called. He smiled at me and picked me up bridal style and carried me to the table where he let me sit next to him.
He gave me a bowl of what looked like chili. "Thank you." I said politely to which he grunted in response. We had light conversation while eating the chili, which was surprisingly good. I had heard of the Hewitt family before, I knew they were a family of cannibals. I knew Thomas, or Leatherface, was the chainsaw wielding maniac they talked about on the news.
His family asked me various questions like what my name was, where I was from, how old I was, questions like that. After dinner his mother pulled me aside "Thomas is a very sweet boy, he don't mean you no harm. However, if you break his heart then you'll be an ingredient in the chili. Do we understand each other?" I nodded "Y- yes ma'am." I said timidly.
Thomas then walked in and hugged me so I hugged him back. He then picked me up bridal style and carried me to an unknown location "Thomas, where are you taking me...?" I asked. He grunted an answer, I took it as he couldn't talk very well so grunts were all the voiced answers I could get.
He carried me to his room and gently set me down on his bed. He got the paper and pencil from before and began writing again. His handwriting was still sloppy but he tried to make it as legible as he could for me.
'(Y/N), I think you're a very pretty girl. Will you be my girlfriend?' I smiled, his mom was right. He's sweet. I was about to answer when a loud scream came from outside. Thomas went out to investigate with his chainsaw should he need it. I followed behind him.
We came across a bloodied (bmf/n) who looked at Thomas in horror and fury. "S- stay away from (Y- Y/N) you sick f- f**k! S- she's mine!" Thomas gave me a 'Is that true' look. "Thomas, I was never with anyone. He's my best friend. I only like him as a friend and nothing more." I said to reassure him.
Thomas smiled then growled in (bmf/n)'s face threateningly. "Sh*t!" He said before grabbing me and running into an old building to try and hide from Thomas. "Did that sick f**k hurt you babe?!" I glared at him "Thomas would never hurt me and don't call me 'babe' when we aren't a couple." I said.
"You're mine and that sick b*****d can't change that!" He growled. He pressed me against the wall and started kissing my neck. I tried to push him off but he only bit my neck making me yelp in pain. "T- THOMAS! H- HELP! PLEASE!" I yelled out in the hopes that Thomas heard me.
I heard the familiar buzz of a chainsaw and immediately knew who it was. (Bmf/n) growled and threw me down some stairs then he went to fight Thomas. Thomas would only kill him, probably slowly and brutally.
Once I landed at the bottom of the stairs I found dismembered corpses of... Women?! One was still alive but badly wounded. Her arms and legs had been cut off. She looked up at me with an expression of pure agony.
"D- did L- Leatherface kidnap y- you?" I nodded. She gave me a look of pity and sympathy "D- did h- he say h- he loves y- you?" I nodded again. "T- this is w- what will h- happen t- to you... O- once he gets t- tired of y- you... H- he dis- dismembers y- you a- alive. T- then y- you're used f- for dinner..." Her eyes went wide and tears made their way down her face.
I heard the familiar buzz of the chainsaw and looked away as he finally killed her. Blood sprayed all over me, a little got on my lips. I slowly backed away from Thomas in fear that he was going to kill me. He looked at me then put the chainsaw on a nearby work table.
I gulped, was he going to strangle me?! I kept backing away until I backed myself into a corner. No way out except death. He gently caressed my face then kissed me. It was rough and a bit sloppy but he was trying to be gentle at least.
I timidly kissed him back and wrapped my arms around his neck. He slowly wrapped his arms around my waist and bit my bottom lip. It hurt but he was trying to be gentle. I granted him entrance so he explored his new territory and bit my tongue making it bleed. He licked the blood then pulled away, smiling lovingly at me.
He wrote in blood 'I only killed them because they weren't nice like you are. I love you very much (Y/N), will you be mine?"
Voting time! Decide in the comments
A: I'd love to be yours
B: Can we stay friends?
Pick an answer and comment it. Whichever answer is more popular is the one I'll go with. Also, plz give me ideas for the next chapter cos I has writer's block a lot ;-; quick question: How was this for someone who has never actually seen the movie?
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