"Help me! Help me!!" Imade screamed in terror.
The night was as silent as a graveyard, there was nobody to help. And a wolf's howl from a distance.
Still running like a cheater amid tall trees that looked like masquerades. This horrible sight brought tightening to her guts as she cried in terror for help. The netty leaves covered the moonlight shadows, making it look as if the moon and the leaves were after her as well. Yet, Imade was still running through the thick, silent forest. The next thing she heard was the sounds of mysterious birds at night; the cricket's chirpings and wolf's howlings from a distance.
Seven huge guys were running after her. She tried looking at them but couldn't recognize any, except the one who seemed to be their leader; Dele. The seven of them were holding cutlasses, knives, and daggers. They wanted to slaughter her and probably chop off her very young body.
The seven strangers were all in deep red wrappers. They looked horrible as blood and sweat were dripping from their thick, dark-cocoa-skinned bodies. Imade kept on running without looking in front. She turned back several times to see if they were getting closer. Of course, they were; faster and stronger than her.
The night was dark and blinding. She couldn't even see where she was running to but she ran farther, deeper into the forest.
Just then, a strange figure appeared from behind. It looked so short, dark, and horrible. Its mouth was dripping in thick human blood and its eyes were all white.
Ghosty, pale white face like the moon. Although, the face was dark and invisible. The thunderbolt that was striking the dark sky made its facial features, visible.
Imade had never seen such a terrible creature in her entire life. Fear and pain stuck her whole body as she fought down the hysteria.
Her barefooted legs were buried in dust but... Who cares? She just wanted to save her life.
"Hehehehehe!!!" The figure let out a loud, evil roar at her and suddenly disappeared.
Almost freezing in death, Imade turned eastwards and the gang was still after her.
Scared for her life as if death was chasing after her, Imade's stumbled on a stone. She fell to her chest and swiftly pulled herself up. A sharp pain escapes through her breath as her heartbeat fastens like a drum of war. Imade was already weak but she didn't give up. They were getting closer. They would catch up with her and kill her. Imade was expecting the worst pain possible but she didn't want to die like this. She ran further, as fast as her legs could carry.
In front of her was the mysterious figure again.
In the dark moonlight sky were bats cawing around in circles. Imade clutched her head, trying to regain her breath but it was pointless. The ground reeled before her eyes as she fought to remain conscious.
Suddenly, her scared eyes caught a deep hole full of black, giant bugs. An invisible hand softly held Imade's shoulder and slowly turned her to face her only to find out she was actually faceless—you could imagine the shock on her face
This discovery sends jolts of scares round her nerves. In the twinkle of an eye, the figure screamed at her in terror as she let out a series of screams as she fell into a pit of disgusting bugs.
During her fall and what seemed like a never-ending fall finally ended with her forcefully waking up sweating and panting.
Dele jerked up beside her questioning if she was alright.
Having had the craziest dream, she searches for her phone only to find out it's still 2:15 a.m. With a deep saddened sigh, she stared into Dele's eyes. The only thing she remembered was how he chased her with a sharp Cutlass in his hand.
She looked at him fearfully and jolts away from him.
"What's it wifey? Are you alright?!"
"I had a nightmare." She swallowed.
"Nightmare? Come hear." He held her in a soft cuddle as Imade tried to calm down. Knowing that Dele was there,
she felt a cold chill pass through her and her body reacted to everything. Dele placed his hand on her forehead. She was running temperature and her whole body was sweaty. He turned on the table fan was stared at her, confusedly.
"Wait here, let me get you water." He muttered and went to get a cup of water for her.
She sat her water down and looked behind her shoulder cause she felt someone glaring at her. Her eyes didn’t see anyone but she felt a presence behind her. She was scared of everything in the dream but she couldn't help but picture the horrible strange figure still staring at her.
Dele came and handed her the cup. "Drink this."
She collected it and gulped it down her dried throat.
"Are you alright?" He asked but she couldn't even answer. Like she felt a lump inside her throat, Imade tried to stop thinking about what she had just seen.
"Don't worry, everything will be alright." He assured, making her lay back to rest as she gently placed her head on his chest.
The morning came; just like the coming of a hero, the darkness cleared into the day. Imade stared at the sunrise, the swirling twilight mixing with the dark purples and oranges and the red sun to make a spiraling masterpiece. It was beautiful but she didn't had sleep throughout the night. The nightmare was so horrible that its scene was still played on her head. Just like flashbacks from an old movie. But she tried not to think about it.
She sighed with contentment, propping herself up with the heels of her hands. Trying to divert her attention from the hunting thought, Imade turned her head to scratch an itch when caught Dele staring at me. She almost froze with hypertension, God! She wasn't expecting that.
"Ba-mi-de-le!" She called in name with fear lacing her voice.
"Yes, my love." He answered her with a cat look and a wide smile across his face.
"How long have you been watching over me like this, ehn? Don't you know you scared me?"
"I'm being concerned about you, Imade. And I've been watching over you for an hour now. I know you didn't sleep throughout the night. Well, I couldn't catch a sleep as well. That nightmare must be terrible. What did you dream about?"
Thinking about it sent shivers down her spine but she replied...
"It was fearful indeed. And so real too. Seven mysterious guys were chasing after me into a very deep forest... And an evil spirit. I ended up falling into a pit of bugs."
"Ah!" Dele cried. "I can't imagine what you might be feeling right now but I know, dreams would always be dreams. Try to forget about it, eh? Nothing bad would happen to you, my love." He placed his hand on her head and held her closer.
"Amen." Imade's lips shoved her mind still on the thoughts.
She didn't tell him he was the leader of the gang chasing after her, not to break his heart and not to make him worry over her. Dele gently kissed her forehead as she held his ar. Then, he cupped her face into his hands and smiled.
"Don't worry my love. I'm going to take you out today and we're going to explore the whole of Iloka."
Imade couldn't help but to smile at him. She felt relieved a bit. He always finds a way to make her happy no matter what. She wondered what she would have done without him.
"What about my market? I'm going to open a shop today right?"
"You don't have to, Imade. You're not even strong, but you want to go and work today again."
"Don't blame me, honey. I'm so used to working. I've never skipped my working days.
"Hmmm?" He muttered, lady-like and she burst into laughter.
"So you can't skip work for me? I mean... For us if I ask you to."
"Hmmm? I don't think so." Imade joked.
"I'll see to that." He replied her and tickled her gently. She falls on the bed choking in laughter as she tries grabbing his hands to avoid more of his ticklings.
Just then, Dele settled on Imade's body. Staring intensely into each other's eyes, he tucked part of her hair to the back of her ear, admiring her beauty. Imade has a unique kind of beauty. She was spectacular.
Getting drowned in her Titanic beauty, the quiet face of Imade was blurred and drowned to nothingness. Bamidele bent back her head across his arm and kissed her, softly at first, and then with a swift gradation of intensity that made her cling to him as the only solid thing in a dizzy swaying world. His insistent mouth was parting her soft, sloppy lips, sending wild tremors along her nerves, evoking from her sensations she had never known she was capable of feeling. And before a swimming giddiness spun her round and round, she knew that she was kissing him back.
Later that day, Imade and Dele prepared to visit the market. Imade only spent a couple of hours at the shops, making three customer's hair and closing the shop. The both of them were so happy so, they boarded an 'akoto' to the market. The people of Iloka usually called it, 'Oja Alaromi'. The market was just 10 10-minute ride from Imade's house. The couple were dressed in a red shirt and black trousers to match. Well, Dele never changed his outfits. Imade noticed and asked him why but he told her he wasn't expecting to stay long so he didn't bring his clothes.
"But I would go before the weekend." He says to her.
After reaching the market, the Akoto stopped at the market's entrance and all the passengers came down. Just then, the bus conductor asked for his Payment. Bamidele searched all his pockets but nothing was there.
"Omg! I must have forgotten my wallet!" He cried and explained to Imade. "Please help me with some cash. I'll give you when we get home."
"Okay..." She gladly accepted and handed the conductor their money for transportation.
"Thanks a lot, baby boo. I'm truly grateful." He thanked her and smiled but she grabbed him by his arm...
"C'mon! I can't wait to show you all the fun places to visit!" She chuckled excitedly as they walked through the gates.
the prices of the items are not fixed, the hawkers as well as the buyers do bargain. Dele watches these people who feel greatly satisfied after purchasing a thing at a minimum price from the hawkers.
The market was at its peak in the evenings. There isn't a single shop where a big crowd isn't seen. Everyone seems to be in a hurry except for Imade and Jacobs. They walked majestically into the market as if they were alone. Well, around the entrance were jewelry shops that shone brightly in the evening light. Clothes shops and ready-made garment shops do that great business during a festival. It was December so, the market was crowded.
Even though it was just 5 days to Christmas, the hotels and restaurants were also crowded with people. Some people are seen with plates of ‘chat’ others are seen enjoying cold drinks. There is the flavor of all kinds in the surrounding area. It is very difficult to drive a car in a marketplace.
"Let's buy some foodstuff!" Imade suggested.
Hand in hand, they walked in the direction to pick up some stuff.
"What do you want to buy?" The grocer requested.
"Give us chili, tomatoes, spring onions, cabbage, okra, green beans, peas, peppers, and one piece of pumpkin. All for #1,000."
"Give us three bunches of bananas, three oranges, and #100 strawberries," Dele added.
Imade looked at him with a frown but he smiled instead, winking at her. She wore a whatever snark on her lips as the elderly woman (grocer) packaged everything into a black, shopping bag.
"It's all #1,600." The grocer explained.
Dele collected the shopping bag as Imade handed the woman her payment. Come on, let's explore the other side of the market. I can't wait to see what's there!" He jerked at her and he held other romantically. Anyone passing by would know they were in a deep relationship; well, every other person was busy at the market so nobody noticed.
Walking down the road, they took another path which was still grounded as well. Cars and motorcycles passed through the center of the market, making it difficult to even walk. Especially during the festive season, most of the shops tied disco lights to the signboards while others had red flowers in their shops. Although Iloka was a small town, It seems all the population of the country was on the road of Oja Alaromi. There is great hustle and bustle. In between the cars and motorcycles, they see those carrying different articles for sale. They create great problems as sometimes they bring the traffic to a halt resulting in loud horns from the car drivers.
"Imade!" An elderly woman called. She is one of Imade's favourite customers and she's also a butcher.
"It's been a while since I've seen you, hope no problem?" The woman asked.
"I'm fine Iyalode."
"Good! Em... How much meat should I sell for you or you're not buying meat today?"
Imade bought beet from her not less than 5 days ago and she's not finished the soup. She wanted to say no but she heard Dele's voice.
"Ma, give us the one of #1,000. Put goat and cow meat for #500." He ordered.
The woman was very happy. She put the meat into a black, polyethylene, carrier bag and handed it over to him.
"Hmmm... She smiled. How's this? Your boyfriend?"
"No, Iyalode. He's a friend."
"Come on, you're no longer a baby you know. You can open up to me as well. Whatever, have a good time together. Most guys gate market these days. That's why I'm running this business instead of my husband." She retorted.
"Okay, ma. Bye now." She said rather impatiently.
"Bye!" She waved at them happily.
"Bye bye, mama!" Dele bade as they left her side.
Walking together, image grabbed his left ear and drew it violently.
"Awwwww!" He exclaimed to the pain.
"Why did you order meat? Did I tell you I need meat?"
"Awwwwn! I didn't know you didn't need it but don't worry. I promise to give you double the money I owe you. Imade my wife... The love of my life!" He wrapped his arms around her shoulders but she jerked away.
"Awn... You know I love you." He muttered earnestly. His voice sounded so emotional that she had to hold up to him again.
They had a nice time together. After buying a couple more things, they boarded an Akoto back home. Imade was already feeling dizzy and her head ached as if a heavy load had been placed on it. She clutched her head in pain and staggered to the bed.
Dele dropped the baggage immediately and rushed to her. What's wrong with you honey? Are you alright?
"No...no... I'm not. She managed to say, almost in tears.
Dele helped her to the bed. He laid her flat on the bed and opened his bag. His bag-pack. The one he'd come along with. Imade felt like she was losing her breath gradually. She couldn't understand why or what was happening.
Dele swiftly unzipped his bag and took out a syringe, vial, needle, alcohol, and a cotton wool for wipes.
"W.. what re you d..doing?" Imade asked, concerned. Her voice sounded so faint and distant.
"Don't worry my love. All you have to do is close your eyes and sleep. I'll treat to you."
Words and Translations
-Akoto: A minibus.
-Oja Alaromi: The name of the market. Literally meaning 'A market where people are settled.'
-#1000: One thousand naira note. Nigerian currency.
-Iyalode- Chairlady. Also a chief title for a lady.
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