━━━ i. runaway deer.
chapter one.
"IT IS NOT A triple date." Lydia Martin insisted for the tenth time in the night, pale fingers wrapped around her rubber black stirring wheel. The moon peeks behind the towering dark trees, the road dark illuminated by lampposts. Arthur Robinson sat in the passenger concentrating on undoing the Rubik's cube he found and solve it whilst Allison Argent sat in the back complaining about their plans. "It is a group thing."
There are many other things Arthur would rather be doing like eating pie, or using the fork he was eating with to stab himself in the eye. He joined them is wrong for one fat reason ━ the girl he wants to be going on a date with sitting right besides him excited about another man she set herself with, it was stupid of him to be annoyed when she sees him as nothing more than a friend, he's used to it ━ or should at least be by now.
"Do they know it's a group thing?" Allison questioned, her elbow resting on the window. "'Cause I told you that I'm not ready to get back out there."
"You were in France and didn't do any dating for four months?" Arthur inquired in disbelief, tilting back at her. He finds it strange to be in a foreign country and not mix with the gorgeous locals there. "That's like going to fancy restaurant and ordering something you can buy in a grocery store." Lydia nods agreeing.
"Yeah, I could totally make long distance work." The strawberry blonde mumbled to herself with a smile in thought.
"I've seen them, not as great as you think." The brunet said contradicting his own point, tearing his eyes away from the rough cube in his hands contradicting what he said.
Allison's snicker behind said otherwise. "Did you?" The huntress asked spinning back to their original subject. Arthur grimaced sinking in his soft seat. "I mean, after..."
"Do not say his name." Lydia sniped, taking a breath as she tilts her head eyes glued to the dim lit road ahead.
"It's hard to miss someone when you're off partying until you can't stand." Arthur replied, grinning when he got a line of green but frowned when the rest were a mess.
"Well, misery loves company." Lydia quoted, a tight grin on her lips. "Too bad I was busy."
"That was smooth as fuck." The smoky eyed complimented, raising his fist and she bumped his side, beaming. He knows the whole Jackson situation was overwhelming for her because she well, love(d) him and he was there for her when she wanted to party, project her feelings into sad movies and even eat until they couldn't stand, it was tiring but she needed him more than ever that summer and he wasn't going to let himself not be there for Lydia.
"Is he okay? I mean, did everything work out?" The huntress inquired. Jackson was tough subject for both ━ while Lydia adored him, Arthur hated him an inch more every time he breathed near her. He can recall the times Lydia would be giggling with a bounce on her step over him then there'd also be tears, she'd always forbid him from introducing Jackson to fist and instead, he'd wipe away her tears. With the werewolf gone to London, he hopes to take away her cloudy days and leave her with sunshine.
"Well, the doctors looked like total idiots when he turned up alive, but everyone got over it." Lydia explained. "And yes, Derek taught him the werewolf 101, like how not to randomly kill people during a full moon."
"So then you've talked to him?"
"Uh, not since he left for London." Lydia replied, tiltiing her head a dimple on her cheek. He pointed her dimpled cheek and she slapped his hand away.
"You mean since he dad moved him to London." Allison corrected.
"Whatever, he left. And seriously, an American werewolf in London?" She mocked, lifting her four fingers from the stirring wheel to shoot her and Arthur a glance. "Like, that's not gonna be a disaster."
"Well, he's London's problem now." The smoky eyed chimed, a smile on his lips looking at Lydia, who couldn't help but return it.
"Does that mean you're totally over him?" Allison questioned, popping her head in between them.
"Would I be going on this date if I wasn't?" Lydia snapped. Arthur tried to stifle his laughter when he caught her exasperated expression, Allison falls back in her seat their laughter bubbling in the air. The strawberry blonde rolls her eyes. "Yes, it is a tripe date. It's not an orgy. You'll live."
The car halts at a red light. Twisting the cube, a smile crawls on his lips at the sight he has been working so hard on it. "Look, I got a wall of the color yellow, I didn't know this was possible but when you really set your mind to something you can do anything ━ "
" ━ Check the back." Lydia advised interrupting his speech, barely glimpsing at him.
He does so and finds the back a mess of colors, he honestly doesn't know why he's still trying it wrecks his head. "Oh man, this is bullshit." Arthur flipped it into Lydia's lap, from the corner of his eye a towering blue jeep pulls in besides them with two people he recognized.
"Jeez ━ Arthur I will crush this car to hit you." Lydia threatened.
"Do it I'm in the mood to be in a body cast school is in two flipping days already." He grumbled. He twist his head, eyebrows furrowing at Stiles who waves, he forced a smile and glanced behind him to Scott McCall staring at an oblivious Allison like a puppy dog ━ it was cute in a strange way.
"Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God." The huntress groaned sinking into her seat until her knees touched the ground. "I can't see him, not now."
"What are the odds we'd met them in the middle of nowhere at night?" Arthur mumbled to himself, head tilting. Stiles Stilinski's waved again and was ignored by Lydia turning to Allison.
"Lydia go! Just go!" Allison pleads, shielding her eyes from him. Arthur would hate to be either of them, who would've thought breaking up mutually would be this awkward.
"But the light." Lydia argued, pointing at the bright red daring them to disobey it.
"Ah, the second hand embarrassment is strong." The eldest Robinson muttered scrunching his nose. Noticing the boys bickering the car, Stiles reached forward against Scott's consent and starts rolling down the window. Neither Allison or Scott wanted to chit chat so what was he doing? So typical, Arthur rolled his eyes tugging his jacket to his lips even though the car heat was making it cling to his skin.
Right before his mouth could open, the strawberry blonde breezed down the dark road leaving them in dust. Allison released a breath sitting back up on her seat. "You all right?" Lydia inquired softly, glancing at her.
"I mean, that whole thing was just one big yikes but I'm surviving ━ "
"Not you, Arthur." Lydia interrupted, rolling her eyes. He mocks her by rolling his eyes too. No ever cares about what Arthur's feeling.
"Lydia, stop." Allison said, her eyes flickering between them and the Jeep behind. "We need to go back and talk to them." Lydia stops, followed by the duo stopping as well. "They stopped too. Why would they stop?"
"It's Stiles and Scott." Lydia scoffed. "Do you really wanna try applying logic to those two?"
"Maybe we should go back." Allison suggests, biting her fingernails.
"And go through that awkward thing again? Haven't I been tortured enough ━ " Glass shards explode as something dived straight for the window, a shout escaped Arthur's lips staring straight into bloodied soulless eyes. Fumbling with his seatbelt, his knees smack into the concrete ignoring the sting he picks himself up and goes to the back stumbling over his own feet, Lydia was quickly behind him as he stood her arms wrapped around his waist and his fingers around her wrist, mild confused and afraid. "What the flipping fuck! We could have died, do I still have my legs cause I can't fucking feel them. What the fuck!"
"It came out of nowhere." Lydia mumbled bottom lips pouting, her grip slips to his jacket clutching his jacket and breathing in his smell to distract her from what happened. He can feel her heart pounding against his back.
His own feels like it's going to burst out of his chest, there are no deer warming signs anywhere near and they don't usually run into roads into cars, this couldn't be normal. The only words he can seem to utter is 'what the fuck' because he thought he left all this shit when Jackson went to London and Derek took a pause. Arthur's fingers rest on top of her warm trembling ones to provoke himself comfort, the heat of Stiles' eyes would've made him shoot him a smile to irk him but now wasn't the right time.
"Are you hurt?" Stiles questioned, concern clouding his brown eyes glued to the strawberry blonde.
"It ran right into us." Lydia muttered almost robotically, moving her head from Arthur's shoulder blade. Stiles and Arthur shared a worry glance unsure how to comfort her, if he touched his face he's 100 percent positive he'd find blood that wasn't his, he shivered because what the fuck just happened?
"Are you okay?" Scott asked Allison on the other side of Lydia's car.
Allison numbly nodded, offering a forced smile. "I'm okay."
Lydia sprung from Arthur's arms like the words triggered something stomping toward the ex couple waving her hands, she exclaimed. "Well, I'm not okay. I am totally freaking out! How the hell does it just run into us?" Scott departs from the group hesitantly making his way to the front, the other watching him carefully. "I saw its eyes right before it hit us. It was like it... it was like it was crazy."
Arthur knitted his eyebrows moving away from Lydia but her shaky fingers curled around his wrist preventing him from walking away.
"No, it was scared." Scott's hand hovered over the deer's throat's. His lips parted feeling its pulse, his eyebrows deepened looking back at them with wide fearful eyes. "Actually... Terrified."
Was that suppose to them feel better? Christ, Beacon Hills is a strange place with real slaves to the moons and hunters slaughtering some overlooking their innocence, he doesn't want to add animal possession to the bloody list. He wants to ponder over the reasons as to why it gallop all the way onto a road and straight into a car window on the purpose, what he did know is they need to get away from here right this moment. Cause there's something out there, probably watching them hidden in the shadows.
* * *
A SCOFF ESCAPED HIS lips trying to control the irritation bubbling underneath his skin at his insulting words, the palms of his hand bounced off his rough shoulders with force making the blond stumble backwards. Nostrils flared, he found it stupid he'd such a thing to about his friend in front of him the thought of breaking nose was so compelling right now.
"I dare you to say again." Arthur hissed, his jaw ticked balling his fists and all right before school, the thought of getting in trouble flew over his head.
"Calm your tits, Arthur." The blonde hissed, a taunting smile on his lips digging him back with one hand a little softer the other holding his bag strap, but he does not budge. "We were all thinking it. If Allison Argent can go for Scott, Scott McCall, than she can go anybody! Am I wrong ━"
He grips his right arm and twisted it behind his back forcing his head, the blonde grunts trying to break out of his grasp but Arthur was stronger. Lifting it higher, the blond's groans raise a pitch higher. Arthur inquired, "Anything else you want to add about Allison Argent?"
"I didn't mean it like ━" His grip tightens, the blond's leg wiggles. "Ow, man, just let me go!" I'm sorry!" Arthur holds on a little longer before letting go and hits the back of his leg knocking him to the ground.
"Do yourself a favor and stay away from Allison." The smoky eyed spat. The blonde clutched his arm shooting the taller boy a glare keeping his lips shit as he leaves him on the ground. He'd rather not be late on the first day back.
"There goes mad dog." A masculine voice murmured teasingly. He rolled his eyes at the voice recognizing him as a Lacrosse player.
Turns out rolling your eyes can be a death hazard when walking, a petit body joins his side and he nearly bumped in her but caught himself. "Jeez, I nearly stepped on you, Lyds." Arthur teased, a grin on his lips slinging his arm over her shoulders and leads her to school.
"Seriously, on the first day back?" Lydia inquired, a light irritation in her tone raising her an eyebrow.
"'Talk shit, you get hit', Yoda said it." He replied, offering a smile to those who acknowledged him silently.
"Oh, you're serious." Lydia grumbled, opening the double doors to school and rubs her temple glancing away from him with a grimace.
"Shut up before I actually step on you." The smoky eyed retorted, pushing her away from before walking into their first class of the day, English.
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