They way Taeyong sticks out his bum makes me die
And I haven't updated lately because I have been.... watching supernatural and reading Percy Jackson.
Before we start I just want to say that this is not edited like I use to do since I'm not home and do not have any access to a computer.
Hours after talking with Hoseok and getting to catch up with him, and at some points watching Hoseok argue with himself, or his necklace? Jungkook had collapsed on the soft bed.
Taehyung followed close after, but landed on Jungkook's back. The vampire began playing with his brown locks while he hummed to a song.
He suddenly stopped doing both and wrapped his arms around Jungkook's shoulders and laid his head down in between Jungkook's shoulder blades.
Jungkook was about to question it when he felt the vampire on his back start shaking and his back slowly get damp.
Now Jungkook started to panic about what was going on. He hurriedly tried to turn around and hug the now sobbing Taehyung.
Jungkook was sure Taehyung had woken up the whole mansion with his wails.
"Taehyng what's wrong?" Jungkook asked softly and that made Taehyung momentary stop but quickly started again.
"Tell me." Jungkook tried again.
"I don't want you to dieeeeee!" Taehyung said through tears and sobs.
Jungkook did love Taehyung, but the vampire's snot and tear covered face wasn't really something he would like to see every day. He looked like a small kid that had gotten lost.
"I won't die Taehyung." Jungkook tried reassure him.
"But one day you will and I don't want thaaaaaat!" Taehyung threw himself at Jungkook, they both went crashing down on the mattress.
Taehyung laid on top of him and Jungkook felt like his bones were about to snap in half because of the hug Taehyung was giving him.
Jungkook did not know what to do, since he kinda sucked at comforting people. So he wrapped his arms around Taehyung and kissed his forehead, and started to sing a lullaby his sister used to sing for him.
Jungkook paced back and forth, at some points he would check his pocket watch then let out a sigh.
The maids were slowly getting annoyed by his constant sighing and pacing. After minutes of discussing with each other, the youngest out of the maids got pushed forward.
She had long black hair tied up in two pigtails, she clutched the clothes in her arms and cleared her throat.
"Master Jungkook is there something bothering you?" She flinched when Jungkook spun around, nearly hitting her face.
"Yes, in fact there is quite a lot bothering me." He sat down in a chair and crossed his legs "For example, one of my favourite sisters is missing. I'm forced to marry someone I do not love. And that stupid wedding is in two months!"
The six maids all flinched when he raised his voice at the end.
Jungkook sighed and put his elbow on the armrest and rested his head in his palm.
The black haired maid glanced quickly at the others before she took one step forward.
"Everything will be alright Master Jungkook." She tried reassuring him.
"Yeah, that won't happen." He laughed dryly. With one last sigh he jumped up from his chair and stepped closer to the gang of maids.
They all gave him a curious look and took one step closer to the wall behind them.
"Say," Jungkook tilted his head to the side "What would you like to be? I mean, did you dream as a little girl to be a maid and serve a spoiled rich kid like me, or did you have other dreams?"
The maids looked at each other unsure of how they would respond to this. That was until another girl with black hair stopped up.
"I wanted to become a teacher, mostly teach music and dance. Sadly I was born into poverty and my family could not afford sending me to a school and my only option was to follow my mom as a maid."
Jungkook snapped his fingers in delight, a smile etched onto his face.
"Good good."
Soon each of the maids opened up about their childhood dreams.
After the last girl finishes talking, the maid with pigtails, also known as Irene, opened her mouth and pointed frantically at something behind Jungkook.
The rest followed her move and Jungkook turned around confused and let out a chuklr when he saw who had startled them.
Taehyung waved from the bed his was sitting on, and Hoseok sat beside him too. The demon looked quite uncomfortable there he sat with the covers draped lazily over his big black wings and having six girls just stare at him wasn't exactly his thing.
"Master Jungkook isn't that Hoseok!?" Irene shouted, her eyes were the size of dinner plates as she stared at him "If so, what's with all his markings?"
"It's nothing," Jungkook shook his head "But now, please leave us alone. I have something private I need to discuss with them."
They all nodded and scrambled out the door. After they door was shut close, Taehyung jumped off the bed and latched himself onto Jungkook and dragged him into a passionate kiss.
The kiss went on for at least five minutes until Hoseok coughed awkwardly.
"I'm still here."
Taehyung broke the kiss and gave Hoseok a sheepish smile "Oh I forgot about that."
The couple made their way over to Hoseok who had now thrown the covers off him so his wings could breathe.
"Jungkook, there is something-" Hoseok didn't have time to finish before Jungkook's bedroom door got knocked on.
"Jungkook sweety, I need to speak with you." Jungkook's mother knocked again.
Quickly Hoseok grabbed Taehyung and flew out of the window just as the door was opened.
"I have news," she smiled, her dress could barley fit through the door as she tried to walk inside "We have moved the wedding date."
Jungkook crossed his fingers that the date had been moved for 100 years.
"Instead of in October we will have it, August the fifth, exactly one month from today." Her smile got bigger "isn't that great!"
Jungkook forced a smile "Yes, it is.." now he just wanted to bang his head against something hard and hopefully knock himself out.
"So we will be meeting the Beckhams tomorrow, they will be coming here for dinner." And with that she walked out of the room.
Hoseok flew back inside with Taehyung in his hands. The vampire looked pretty pissed.
"Can I rip your soon to be wife's head off?"
"No Taehyung." Hoseok shook his head "That wouldn't solve the problem. Well it would but not in the right way, don't worry Jungkook I will figure something our that could stop the whole wedding."
"You better do it fast or else I will rip her head off myself." Jungkook grumbled.
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