Hello! How's your day going?
I woke up after my nap to find the dorm all dirty.
Guess Axel had some friends over.
I groaned wondering how I didn't hear them.
I looked at my arm seeing the bandage that I put on before I went to sleep.
Peeling it off and throwing it into the trash I started cleaning the dorm.
After about an hour of cleaning the dorm was finally clean. It really wasn't that messy but there was food and drinks all over the place but Axel was no where to be found.
Probably sitting around doing nothing and lazing around with his friends.
' Miss. Raina please come to the front office imedeitly. '
I heard on the intercom.
That's strange.
I didn't do anything wrong that I know of.
Maybe mr. Trent found all the supplies he needs!
I quickly cleaned myself because I got some food on my shirt.
I ran out the dorm locking it before I continued.
Running down the hall trying not to trip I saw Berry.
"Hey raina! Where are you going?" He asks me.
I stopped running and greeted him aswell.
"Hey berry! I'm off to the main office. I think mr. Trent got all the supplies he needs!" I say excited.
"Oh, well good luck!" He says waving as I ran off again.
I finally reached the main office and reached for the door handle.
But before I could open the door it flew open before me.
I was face to face with the principle and Axel.
Both had a serious face on.
The principle had light brown hair and blue eyes. He looked to be in his late thirties but we all know that werewolves age slower than humans so he has to be atleast fifty.
I walked in slowly and sat on the chair next to Axel - unfortunately - and the principle sat at his desk.
He set his hands on the desk and looked straight at me.
"What's going on?" I asked knowing something was wrong by the way they were both looking at me. Plus Axel wasn't saying anything.
Axel and the principle shared a look and Axel groaned.
"Raina." The principle started. "There was a murder last night. I was told that a shadow type figure sneaked into the Academy and into mr. Trent room and choked him to death. Not only did they kill him but stole some of his research about the spell on you." He finish with a grim look.
I sat there in shock not knowing that a single tear managed to escape.
I quickly wiped it away and wiped the shock off my face gaining a serious one.
"What do we do now?" I ask.
"My guess is that they really don't want that spell broken and Mr. Trent was to close to breaking it." He states thinking.
"And we think it would be a good idea to physically train you more since you can't practice your magic unless that spell is broken." He says rubbing his chin.
"Now we just need someone to get the ingredients for breaking the spell." Axel says.
"What if we went to go get it?" I ask.
"We?" Axel asks.
"Yes. You and me." I answered Axel motioning to him and I.
"No way. It's to dangerous. " Axel says crossing his arms.
"But they won't expect it and plus were Umbra wolves." I said proudly.
"I am an Umbra wolf. Right now your just an abnormally strong human." He says annoyed.
"Enough! She's right. It would be a good idea for you two to go but I'd like some more people to go." Mr. Xeon - our principle - says.
"Fine. But who will go with us?" Axel asks.
"Hmm. How about Layla and Cyprus?" Mr. Xeon suggests.
"Who's Cyprus?" Axel and I say at the same time.
"Oh you'll know soon enough." Mr. Xeon says smugly.
I groan.
"Oh and try not to tell everyone about this. You may tell your friends but no more ok?" He says.
"You are dismissed." Mr. Xeon says with a wave of his hand.
Axel and I walk out.
We walk back to the dorm in silence.
We reach the dorm and walk inside.
"Y'know this means your stuck with me for awhile." I joked trying to lighten up the mood.
He just walks to his room.
"Well ok mr. Grumpy Pants ." I mumble sitting on the couch.
I think about all that had just happened.
I can't believe that they snuck into the Academy and killed him. He was such a nice teacher and was willing to help me with out even knowing me.
It's just hard to believe that someone with such a kind heart would die.
I will find that man and I will kill him for all the people he's made suffer.
I mind linked with Layla and asked if she knew someone named Cyprus and she didn't know them either.
I'm glad I can have a friend on this trip but I'm wondering what stuff we need and how long this will take.
Atleast I don't have to be with just Axel and I'll have two other people to hang out with.
But I'm still wondering who is cyprus and why are they coming with us.
They have to be a strong fighter if they are coming with us but why didn't mr. Xeon say anything about them.
I guess I'll find out soon.
Hi! Sorry I haven't posted in awhile! I hope you guys are enjoying this book sofar!
Thanks for reading!
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