xix. approval
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"You like to look?" Hæsten questioned Bloodhair once he caught him looking at the blonde seer. Revna scoffed at them while Sihtric shot her a warning look.
She would rather be asleep and holding Finan, but now she is a traitor in the eyes of Uhtred.
"Why is the witch eating with us?" Brida deadpanned and glanced at the siblings in suspicion.
"Because Bloodhair likes to look and that is all he can do."
"She's trouble." Brida said.
"You wish me dead," Skade spoke with a knowing look. "That would benefit whom?"
"Each of us, all of us." Brida answered.
"Including Uhtred? Did he ride you so well that you now speak for him?" Skade taunted as Hæsten laughed.
"You bore me, witch."
"Sihtric, Revna answer me this: does Uhtred wish me dead?" Skade asked the siblings. Revna refused to answer and she only relaxed when Sihtric slipped his pinkie around her own, she glared at the blonde as her brother spoke.
"He is undecided. He does not know if he should hump you or kill you," Cnut chuckled softly. "He's afraid of you." Sihtric looked back over at Revna with a sad frown, she hadn't spoken a word to him since they arrived and he feared for their bond.
"Because she's poison. She has you all by the balls. Believe it." Brida leaves soon after.
"Is Brida your woman or not?" Bloodhair snapped with a harsh glare. He was eyeing up Revna who was unusually quiet, it unsettled him.
"Soon. I'm the reason she has returned." Cnut said smugly.
"Her men will be my men." Cnut says to them.
"You should tell her to hold her tongue." Bloodhair says instead.
"You should tell her about your wife, across the sea," Hæsten says as he and Dagfinn laugh.
"You have betrayed Uhtred, why?" Cnut asked Sihtric and Revna once his allies grew silent.
"Because he is losing men and losing his mind." Sihtric answered.
"And what about you, Lady Death?" She fought back a snarl and looked at Cnut with a cold stare.
"I go where my brother goes." She answered plainly and felt Sihtric flinch softly, she knew he felt guilty and a cruel part of her hoped it ate away at his conscious for a moment.
"Will he come for my woman?" Bloodhair glared at Hæsten, she narrowed her eyes at Hæsten.
"He is afraid of the curse, lord. He wants it gone. Yes, he will come, I'm certain. But he is not the warrior he once was." Sihtric tells them and Revna cannot figure out why her life had to go to shit right after her and Finan's kiss.
"Maybe he is more dangerous now." Cnut speaks as he stands up.
"More reckless, lord. Unable to plan, that is why I am here." Sihtric adds and Skade looks at him in understanding as she knows her escape will be soon. Revna and Sihtric branch off alone, Sihtric wasn't sure how to broach the subject of Finan.
"We are both grown, Rev. You can go back to Finan. Uhtred only wanted me gone." Revna scoffed and shoved his hand away that was placed on her arm.
"My whole life I have searched for you, why would I not follow you? Why would I let you go without me? I am not abandoning you, Sihtric. Not now and not later. And as for Finan," She paused briefly with a small frown. "I am a traitor now. He will not want me, I betrayed his trust." Sihtric felt his heart shatter seeing her sad expression and so badly wanted to reveal the plan, to tell her Finan would still love her but he couldn't without putting them in unnecessary danger.
"Finan is not the type to give up, you know that. He loves you, Rev. And as much as I would prefer not to think of you with someone romantically, he is the only one I would trust and approve of." Sihtric pulled her into a hug and she sighed in defeat, he stroked her hair gently as he spoke.
"I hate that little shit." She mumbled.
"Finan?" She nodded. "Why?"
"He is all I can think about. He is a distraction that I cannot shake." She felt Sihtric pull away and look at her with a frown.
"Loving someone isn't a bad thing, sister. It could have been worse," She looked at him in confusion when he began to smile. "It could have been Uhtred." She didn't hesitate to punch him in the arm as he laughed at her horrified expression.
"All his women die. I enjoy the land of the living." She spoke and gave him a small smile.
"Because of Finan? Or to murder men?" Sihtric asked teasingly and she huffed in annoyance.
"Both." She mumbled and ignored the smug smile he had sent her way.
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