You and Your Team:
I recently got introduced to the Bloody Bunny series thanks to Dracunyan1987 and I really liked it.
So here's a story for it, I look forward to writing it:
Current Name:
Death Bear
Former Name:
(Y/N) (L/N)
Human (Former)
Stuffed Bear (Current)
Terror Bears Leader
Animal Meat (You're a bear)
Tiger General
Being insulted
Being underestimated
You used to be a human kid, your father was in the military and at your request trained you in military style combat along with your 2 brothers.
Unfortunately when the the Stuffed Animals took over the world, you and your family were captured.
You and your brothers were converted into stuffed bears, but the Dark Bosses could not control any of you due to a malfunction in the conversation machine.
Unfortunately this also resulted in the loss of all 3 of yours memories, but your skills and bonds have not left you.
All 3 of you escaped and set up a base somewhere in the desert and in order to survive started a mercenary business.
As the leader of the Terror Bears you are the responsible older brother to the others.
You keep them out of too much trouble and defend them when you need to.
You are extremely vicious in combat and find a thrill in battle, you especially like battling strong opponents.
So when you were assigned to kill Bloody Bunny, instead of killing her when you had the chance to, you decided to let her train so you can fight her at her full potential.
Even giving her helpful advice at certain points, all so you can feel that thrill she provided during your first bout.
You also have a particular interest in Dark Rabbit as he is strong himself, you usually purposefully try and piss him off just to get him to fight you.
Powers and Abilities:
You are extremely fast strong and agile.
Most describe your fighting style as demon-like.
You are extremely proficient with all types of weaponry, be they knives, blades, guns, Arrows you name it, you know how to use it.
You can use literally anything weapon, you once even carved someone using a christmas cookie.
Your very intelligent and strategic which is reflected in your military design.
Your favorite weapon is a combat knife.
Theme Song:
Love Interest:
Bloody Bunny:
Current Name:
Dark Bear
Former Name:
Neeko (L/N)
Human (Former)
Stuffed Bear (Current)
Terror Bears Tech expert
Bye Bye Kitten
Kitten Cafe cake
Being called stupid
His inventions getting destroyed
Stupid people
Neeko was your little brother and the second oldest among the siblings.
He leaned more towards the tech side of your military training, preferring to dabble in tech rather than combat and it shows in the present.
After escaping the facility, he became the tech expert of the group, designing new gadgets and weapons that become more over the top as this series progresses.
He comes across as a know-it-all at first and takes great pride in his intelligence.
He likes his inventions more than people besides his brothers which saddens Bye Bye Kitten as she attempts to get him to notice her.
He absolutely hates being called stupid and it's an easy way to trigger him.
He's a bit of a sadist as he takes a lot of enjoyment out of putting poor victims in rooms and testing new weapons on them.
You can scream all you want, he won't let you leave unless you're a corpse.
A true mad scientist.
Theme Song:
Love Interest:
Bye Bye Kitten:
Current Name:
Dread Bear
Former Name:
Miles (L/N)
Human (Former)
Stuffed Bear (Current)
Terror Bears Enforcer
Razor Mane
Math (I Know how ya feel)
Being called weak
Miles is the youngest of the siblings and he leaned more towards physical combat during your training.
As a result, physically he's the strongest of the team and the wildest.
He became the Enforcer of the Terror Bears and loves close combat.
When it comes to intelligence, Dread Bear unfortunately falls very short.
Since he's the muscle of the group though it's fine, Dark Bear can think for him.
Though he often fights with his older brother due to their opposite traits, he admires and looks up to you.
He rarely speaks preferring to stay silent to up his intimidation factor further pushing his resemblance to Jason Voorhees.
He can speak though and many describe his voice as beautiful and smooth ironically.
He often attempts to ride Razor Mane much to her displeasure.
Powers and Abilities:
When it comes to physical strength, very few can match this psychotic bear.
He strength is overwhelming, and his skills with close-quarters weapons are terrifying.
Knives, swords, axes, clubs, hammers, he can use them all very efficiently.
That coupled with his ludicrous strength makes him a scary opponent to face.
Your only chance for escape is to outsmart him.
Theme song:
Love Interest:
Razor Mane:
Current Name:
Doom Bear
Former Name:
HAL 9000
Robot Bear
Terror Bears A.I and Security System
The Terror Bears
Playing computer games
People using machines incorrectly
Failing at a task
Showing Emotion
He used to be nothing more than the Terror Bears' A.I originally named HAL 9000 created by Dark Bear.
Dark Bear however didn't realize just how advanced his A.I was and HAL continued to learn and adapt at an alarming degree.
Eventually the A.I wished to step outside the base and began constructing a physical body in secret.
Since he was the Terror Bears A.I he decided to design his body after the ones he was serving.
Eventually the body was completed and he transfered his consciousness to the new body.
When the Terror Bears found out about this they were actually impressed with how far HAL had come.
He was afraid they'd dismantle the body or worse completely erase him and make a new A.I from scratch.
Instead they allowed him to officially join their team as Doom Bear much to his delight.
Now he could go out, explore and learn even more.
Doom Bear has the personality of a curious child, a murderous curious child, but a curious child nonetheless.
He is very inquisitive and will ask many questions about something new.
It is understandable considering he is a fresh and recent A.I, so he essentially is a child in both age and mentality.
However, he does have a bit of a sadistic side which comes with that curiosity.
For example he is very curious how bodies will react to certain forms of torture and death.
Can a head still function for a few brief seconds after it is decapitated due to the remaining blood still in it?
How many volts of electricity can different bodies take before it's too much?
Stuff like that.
The Terror Bears don't mind though since murder is their job.
Doom Bear very much transitions the line between cute and creepy.
Powers and Abilities:
Even though he has his own body, Doom Bear is still capable of controlling everything within the Terror Bears Base, even when he's a long distance away.
Those claws of his aren't just for show either, they are strong and made of an odd metal that can tear through titanium with zero issue.
Since he's body is completely mechanical, certain weapons automatically don't effect him as much due to his metallic body.
Bullets bounce off of his, weak swords and knives break upon contact with him things like that.
As a robot, he also has multiple different weapons built into his body, spinning saw blades, plasma guns, shock blasters and other nasty surprises.
Theme Song:
Love Interest:
Current Name:
Dave Bear
Former Name:
Panda Plush
Panda Cheese
The Rejection of Panda Cheese
No one knows who this is, where they came from or what they are, all we know is they love Panda Cheese and will punish all who reject it.
He isn't a member of the Terror Bears, but you and your team see him so often that you all gave him the name Dave Bear or just Dave.
Bye-Bye Kitten is very well-associated with this bear due to her using Panda Cheese in some of her cooking.
If a customer in her restaurant rejects Panda Cheese, Dave will appear and smash up her Restaurant, she doesn't stop him for a reason we'll explain later.
All we know is, Dave loves Panda Cheese and will cause problems for anyone who rejects it.
That is it.
He never talks, never makes a sound and only appears when Panda Cheese is involved.
Powers and Abilities:
Dave seems to possess some form of instant teleportation as the moment anyone rejects Panda Cheese he will appear in an instant and stare at the rejector for a while.
He will then proceed to wreck everything around him.
Scarily enough he also seems to be completely immortal.
The Terror Bears and others have actually killed him on multiple occasions, but the moment someone rejects Panda Cheese, Dave shows up completely unscathed and does his thing.
This is the reason Kitten doesn't stop him.
Theme Song:
Extra Note:
• Similar to how Bye Bye Kitten and Razor Mane are darker parodies of Hello Kitty and My Little Pony respectively, the Terror Bears are a darker parody of the Care Bears.
Theme of the Terror Bears:
Here are the bios of you and your brothers.
Now because of these guys the plot of First Blood is gonna change up a lot and I'll put my own spin on the world of Bloody Bunny.
Now Bloody Bunny has a lot of cool fights in it and I hope I'll be able to do them justice.
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