Episode 01: The New Job Part 1 - Dark Bosses Arrive
So here's episode 1 of the new Bloodlust series, let's get it done.
I also decided to give it an anime opening.
We open in on a military base out in the desert.
Within we can find 3 figures surrounding a fourth tied to a metal pole in an empty room.
The one tied up was a purple rabbit plush with a bib, he was named Nabbit.
The figures surrounding him was the infamous mercenary group known as the Terror Bears.
You, their leader Death Bear.
Your younger brother and mad scientist of the team, Dark Bear.
And your youngest brother and enforcer, Dread Bear.
You see, this little plush bunny had tried to rob your base, key word "TRIED."
Unfortunately the moment he set foot on your base, the computer alerted you and your team to his presence.
So now you all were deciding what to do with him.
You were just sat on the ground pondering.
Dark Bear was smacking his own hand with a cattle prod like a teacher about to punish a student.
And Dread Bear was sharpening his machete with a rock, glaring at the bandit with his red glowing eyes.
Nabbit was fearing for his life, as he should and that reflected in the fact that he was shivering and sweating profusely.
"So tell us, how would you like to die?" You asked in a menacing tone that sent shivers up the poor plush's spine.
(A/N: I assume they have spines because they have blood and guts so I assume they have other regular anatomy like bones and stuff)
"Would you like to be my test subject and die by experimentation?" Dark Bear asked with a wide and sadistic smile.
"Or maybe you'd like to be Dread's sparring partner in the arena." You added and that made Dread Bear's eyes glow more intensely, clearly showing he was excited at that idea.
"Um...i-is there any other options that don't involve me dying?" Nabbit asked nervously.
"No." You said simply and Nabbit's ears sagged in sadness.
"Are you sure?" He asked again hopefully.
"One Hundred percent." You replied again.
"Shit, that's all the percentage." Nabbit thought sweating.
However before anything else happened, the sound of a doorbell ringing caught everyone's ears.
"THANK YOU HAL!" Dark Bear yelled at the voice which of course was the Computer named HAL 9000.
(A/N: HAL stands for Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic computer)
Suddenly a hatch opened on the floor and from it came a computer screen with this on the screen.
"Would you like to see who we have?" The A.I asked and you glared at Nabbit who flinched in his binds.
"We'll deal with you later." You said in a threatening tone before turning to the screen. "Alright HAL, who do we got.
HAL's screen switched to the front of the base and who showed up caught everyone's interest.
The Dark Bosses:
"OH GOD IT'S THEM!!" Nabbit screamed as he was now struggling even more.
He really wanted out now.
Did I forget to mention his cuffs were actually barbed wire, that was to make sure he wouldn't try anything, simple but effective.
However it seemed they were failing at their purpose as Nabbit kept struggling, drawing blood from his wrists as his skin and fur was scraped off in his futile attempt to escape.
You just stared at the struggling rabbit plush before sighing and turning your attention back to the screen.
The Black Rabbit that appeared to be in charge of this little group raised his hand and performed a knocking gesture.
"Knock knock." He said in a menacing tone.
"Let em in HAL." You said with a sigh.
"Very well." HAL said.
Meanwhile outside the base, the Dark Bosses were waiting for the doors to open.
Dark Rabbit:
Bye-Bye Kitten:
Razor Mane:
Serious Kuma:
"Are they even home?" Kuma asked impatiently.
"This place is really big, I'm sure it's gonna take some time for one of them to get the door." Bye-Bye Kitten stated.
"Plus, we literally just got here, be a bit more patient moron." Razor Mane added making the bear growl in response.
"What did you call me!?" Kuma asked making the Blade-headed pony scoff.
"You know what I called you, I know your stupid, but you can't be deaf either." She said. "That would explain how you can't follow simple orders sometimes though."
"THAT DOES IT!" Kuma yelled raising his hammer.
"Guys, please don't fight...again." Kitten stated getting in between the two.
"Or what kitty cat?" Asked Kuma glaring down at her.
He got an answer by way of Kitten pointing a knife at his throat.
"Or I get a new bear-skin rug in my restaurant." She said in a voice that sounded pleasant, but Kuma could hear the underlying rage in there somewhere.
"But he's a plush bear though." Razor Mane interject only to have another knife thrown at her hooves.
"Does it look like I care about details?" Kitten asked in that same tone.
Throughout their entire trip to this desert base, Bye-Bye Kitten had to endure the constant arguing of Razor Mane and Kuma.
She honestly had no idea how Dark Rabbit dealt with the two constantly being at each other's throats.
She turned to her boss for some help but saw that the bases's doors had opened a while ago and their boss had already entered.
"Boss, wait for us!" Kuma yelled running in followed by Razor Mane.
All Kitten could do was sigh and follow.
Meanwhile back inside you were awaiting the arrival of the Dark Bosses while Nabbit continued to struggle in vain, drawing even more blood.
"Will you just...SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Dark Bear yelled angrily.
"Relaxe little Bro, he'll eventually pass out due to blood loss." You reassured.
"Or die because of an infection or because he lost too much blood." Your little brother replied to you. "Then how are we gonna have fun with him?"
You simply shrugged and looked at Dread Bear who had somehow brought in a sharpening tool and was sharpening an axe.
Like that:
"Chop Chop Chop!" He said happily thinking of all the ways he could slice Nabbit up.
Suddenly the pitter patter of feet reached your ears and in came the leader of the Dark Bosses himself, the infamous Dark Rabbit.
"Is this a bad time?" He asked with a raised brow.
"Not at all, we're just trying to figure out what we should do with this idiot who tried to rob us." You stated pointing at Nabbit who began struggling even harder at the sight of Dark Rabbit.
The Dark Boss'...well...boss then turned to Dread Bear who was continuing to sharpen his axe.
"I see, well I came here because I have a job for all three of you." Dark Rabbit said over Nabbit's Screams of terror.
"Oh really?" You asked raising your brow.
You and your team have done business with the Dark Bosses before, too many to count in fact.
It's almost as if you guys were friends at this point.
"GET ME OUT OF HERE, I WANT OUT, I WANT OUT!" Before you could even shut the worthless purple bunny up, Dark Rabbit had beat you to it.
He threw a Kunai directly above Nabbit's head making the bandit freeze on the spot.
Dark Rabbit placed his finger in front of his lips and said:
"Shhh, they'll murder you later, just be more patient."
"Can you believe how rude some people can be?" You asked shaking your head.
"Manners seem to be a rarity nowadays." Dark Rabbit agreed.
Dark Bear soon noticed that a large puddle of blood had formed around the place Nabbit and he still had not lost consciousness.
"Wow, he sure has a lot of blood."Dark Bear commented.
"Anyway, what's the job?" You asked the Edgelord rabbit who sighed and began explaining.
"You see in one of the conversion labs, 2 girls managed to escape, and also kill the staff there." He explained and you raised a brow.
"Okay, but can't you handle that yourself?" You asked.
"Me and my team could, but both those girls are incredibly dangerous and if left alone I fear could lead to even more complications in our plans." He explained and this just made you even more confused.
You've seen this guy take out armies on his own, but apparently two girls were enough to make him get your services?
The thought made you laugh a little.
"Heh, what's wrong Shadow can't use chaos control to warp time and fix that mistake?" You asked in a teasing manner.
Dark Rabbit did not seem to like that comment and fired back with:
"I'm honestly surprised you finally figured out how to keep a shirt on Rambo."
Both of you then immediately glares at each other, not happy with what the other said.
You reached for your combat knife while Dark Rabbit slowly unseethed his sword.
"You doubt my strength Death Bear?" He asked with narrowed eyes.
"I mean if two girls managed to spook you enough to come to us, give me a reason not to doubt you." You retorted.
The Dark Bosses' leader growled in response while you kept your arrogant smirk.
"Oh shit." Dark Bear said backing off.
Sensing the impending violence, Dread Bear chuckled and readied the axe he was sharpening.
Dark Bear glared at him before sighing and pulling out his weapon of choice.
The Double-ended Omniwrench, as the name states it's a giant wrench with 2 ends.
Perfect for twisting in extra large bolts on extra large machines and bashing in the faces of your enemies.
It can even shoot bolts of energy from each end and the material it's made of is nearly indestructible.
A very well-rounded weapon
Suddenly the rest of the Dark Bosses came in.
"Sorry for the wait sir I..." Bye-Bye Kitten started only to stop when she saw Dark Bear.
The cat plush's face went completely red at the sight of him and she immediately tried to avoid eye contact with him.
"Oh h-hey Dark Bear..." She stuttered out making the purple bear raise a brow.
The tech-savvy bear mearly waved back in response.
"Wh-what a surprise...y-you come here often?" She managed to stutter out again and that statement made Dark Bear confused.
"Um...I live here." He replied only furthering the poor cat's embarrassment.
"Oh right...heh...forget I said anything." She said trying to play it off.
Dark Bear just shrugged while Kitten covered her face with her paws in shame.
"STUPID STUPID STUPID!" She berated herself internally.
However, all the Dark Bosses gained looks of shock when Dark Rabbit lunged at you, his sword fully drawn and aimed directly at you.
You however managed to block a downward Slash with your combat knife and both of you ended up in a blade struggle.
"D-did we miss something!?" Razor Mane asked.
"Yes." Dark Bear stated his Omniwrench activating and pulsing with blue energy. "Our leaders are prideful picks."
"Still think I'm weak little bear?" Dark Rabbit asked attempting to push his blade down further but your strength held up.
"Go listen to My Chemical Romance ya Edgelord!" You continued to insult before managing to push him back.
This forced him to jump back a good distance near the other Dark Bosses.
"FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!" Dread Bear yelled his blood boiling at the thought of getting into a fight with such skilled opponents.
"Yeah come on Edgelord, show me you haven't gone soft." You dared spinning your knife and getting into a stance. "I only take orders from the strong!"
Dark Rabbit let out a "hmph." before pointing his blade at you.
"Challenging me?" He asked. "How gutless."
That statement confused you.
"How is that gutless?" You asked.
"Suicide is something a coward would do." Was his reply and you laughed in response.
"Now that's just hypocritical." You replied making Dark Rabbit raise a brow.
"What?" He asked.
"Why are you calling yourself a coward Mr Slit-my-wrists?" You asked before laughing again.
"I'll slit your throat!" He yelled charging at you once more.
Bye-Bye Kitten was unsure of what to do as she sweatted profusely trying to come up with a way to prevent the 2 from fighting.
"It's no use." Dark Bear said pointing his Omniwrench at her. "You know how they are, so let's enjoy ourselves too."
"Huh?" Kitten asked.
"YES!" Kuma yelled slamming his hammer into the ground. "I've been needing to blow off some steam!"
"Huh?" Kitten asked again.
"For once I agree with the bear." Razor Mane chuckled licking her lips. "After the trip here I need to let loose!"
Kitten sighed with closed eyes.
When she opened them however they were now glowing bright red and she pulled out a few knives.
"You guys right, LET'S GO CRAZY!" She yelled in a crazy voice.
Meanwhile Nabbit was crying his eyes out at the situation he found himself, but he dared not make a sound as the tears kept flowing from his eyes.
"I wanna go home!" He kept thinking praying this was a nightmare that he would wake from.
Thanks to him gashing his wrists and feeling pain and not waking up, unfortunately this was very real.
Ending theme:
There's the first episode complete, stay tuned for the next episode.
Episode 01: The New Job Part 2 - Terror Bears vs Dark Bosses.
I hope you all enjoy this series because I'm certainly going to enjoy writing it.
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